“Privatization of social security is a road to government abdication,
the cause of failed statehood.” – Henry C.K. Liu, “The Business
of Private Security,” AsiaTimes.
Too often lately in Black America, political discourse has become
so parochial – so steeped in petty assessments of marginal advantages
that might accrue to some portion of “The Race” through tactical slickness
or posturing – that it sounds like a discussion of what to wear to
the beach when the tsunami hits. The very fact that the question of
Black alignment with Republicans is entertained under any circumstances at
this historical juncture, is proof that much of the Black leadership
class has lost its moorings. While African Americans are diverted by
actuarial tables (falsely) purporting to show the merits of privatized
Social Security, the Pirates at the helm of the GOP relentlessly pursue
their larger agenda: to destroy every structure of government that
has usefulness to the public – especially, Black people – in order
to clear the way for corporate governance.
If this process is allowed to advance much further, the sea will have
truly changed, smashing every mechanism for Black progress and redress
of historical grievance, swamping every ancestor-cleared pathway to
effective exercise of our collective political will, and rendering
our vaunted solidarity a disconnected impulse with no means of expression.
Of what use is a congressional or state Black political caucus, or
Black mayors and city councils, if the state is so enfeebled that it
cannot deliver the goods? That’s precisely the strategic objective
of those who would “Starve
the Beast” – poison the fiscal well
with deficits and tax cuts until the federal government cannot deliver
popularly desired political goods such as health care, much less help
the states and cities provide basic services. Corporations then step
into the void – or as much of the needs-market as is profitable – to
sell vital services. Elected officials are made superfluous. Black
power – or the dream of it – becomes a dead letter.
Social Security – a public prize too fabulously rich to destroy, outright – is
to be milked dry by Wall Street under one or another of the privatizing
proposals floating around Republican and Democratic Leadership Council
circles. “All these proposals have one thing in common,” writes Henry
C.K. Liu, Asia Times contributor and chairman of the New York-based
Liu Investment Group, in his series, “World Order, Failed States
and Terrorism.” “They all try to change Social Security into social
risk. The only party to benefit will be the financial-services industry
that provides the investment advice and trades.”
Printer friendly King Dubya
Privatization Plan cartoon.
Once entrenched in the system, it will be near-impossible to disentanglement
corporations from Social Security without trillions of dollars in indemnification
by the federal treasury against corporate “losses.” This is part of
what “social risk” – as opposed to private, corporate risk – is all
about, and how the public sphere is swallowed whole and irrevocably.
Don’t write your congressperson, after-the-fact. She won’t be able
to do a damn thing about it.
No goods to deliver
We are witnessing the domestic version of a phenomenon well known
in the Third World: the deliberate creation of “failed states,” national
governments that have been maneuvered or coerced into impotence by
the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, trade agreements with
the United States – any combination of capital and military coercion.
These states have become irrelevant to the needs of their own people
and, therefore, in a very real sense, illegitimate. As Henry C..K.
Liu explains, such states cannot deliver the goods:
The Bush regime has summoned the failed state chicken home to roost,
with a vengeance, as it attempts to strip away every social obligation
of the state to the people. However, the legitimacy of American governments
at all levels has long been eroding, as defined by their capacity
to provide political goods to the citizenry. For decades, heavily
Black cities have busily sold off their “prerogatives” – their assets,
tax bases and sovereign powers – to corporations or regional authorities.
(See the five-part
series, “A Plan for the Cities to Save Themselves,” beginning
August 14, 2003.) Forty years after passage of the Voting Rights
Act, the act of voting becomes ever more irrelevant to people’s everyday
Even the coercive organs of the state – prisons, policing, the military – pass
rapidly into private hands, evidence of advanced state failure.
And no one should doubt that the American Gulag, comprising one quarter
of the world’s prison inmates, half of them Black, is prima facie
proof of massive state failure – a government that delivers incarceration,
rather than liberty, to a huge portion of its citizens.
“Another political good,” writes Liu, “is the provision of universal
health care and education, the maintenance of a vibrant economy of
full employment at living wages that will allow workers to afford
decent housing and secure retirement, and a clean environment, without
which all rhetoric about liberty becomes irrelevant.” These are,
in fact, fundamental attributes and aspirations of civilization as
it has evolved in modern times. Add a heavy emphasis on justice and
the right to self-determination, and one arrives at a general description
of the historical Black Political Agenda, now under massive assault
by the Bush regime.
The Black Agenda has always required state (federal) intervention
to redress the harms inflicted on African Americans by both public
and private tormentors. It is through the public sphere – our ceaseless
struggle to forge a more just society – that African Americans have
developed a unique world view and political consensus. Ours was the
vision that brought two revolutions in the national life – post-Civil
War Reconstruction and the reluctant 1960s leap into modern civilization.
Arrayed against us, were the forces of private power: first, the
private power of the slave master, which almost caused the United
States to fail, then white supremacist “states’ rights,” which severed
African Americans from the protections of the federal government
and Constitution, exposing southern Blacks to every exploitive and
terrorist whim of any white man.
Projects of Black “self-help” were inevitably circumscribed – penned
in and shrunken – in the absence of state enforced norms of justice
and equality. When the state is caused to fail we are left naked
to the Beast. American history teaches us that.
African Americans have always strived for “a more perfect union” – a
national state that achieves legitimacy by exercising its “prerogatives” and
powers in service of the populace. Our gift to the southern states
was enormous. “For both races, Reconstruction laid the foundation
for public schooling in the South,” says the Digital
History site. “Before the Civil War, only North Carolina among Southern states
had established a comprehensive system of education for white children.
During Reconstruction, public education came to the South.”
Today, corrupt and mercenary Black voucher advocates assist in the
final failure of public education, an indispensable pillar of state
legitimacy. Their guru is rightwing economist Milton Friedman, who
plots a different kind of Reconstruction. “Such a reconstruction
can be achieved only by privatizing a major segment of the educational
system – i.e., by enabling a private, for-profit industry to develop
that will provide a wide variety of learning opportunities and offer
effective competition to public schools.”
Friedman’s (and Bush’s) “failed state” intentions are clear: “Vouchers
are not an end in themselves; they are a means to make a transition
from a government to a market system,” he wrote in 1995, the period
when corporate money made the strategic decision to intervene massively
in internal Black politics. The current GOP offensive among African
Americans – attacking public education with vouchers, bribing preachers
with faith-based funding, and undermining Social Security with the
specter of prematurely dead Black men – is a product of that historical
moment. Republicans seek Black recruits in their project to “fail” the
American state.
BET founder Bob Johnson, the first African American billionaire,
is an eager propagandist for his class interest, which is totally
inimical to the historical Black Political Agenda. After all,
what’s a billionaire need a state for, other than to lock up those
who might try to rob him? “I take my money, I take my chances,” Johnson
told a Capitol Hill hearing on Social Security, urging other
Blacks to do the same by endorsing privatized Social Security accounts. “If
I hit big over a 30-year period…it’s my money, I get to deal with
it… My advocacy is, let there be risk, let there be a reward opportunity.”
Why is the billionaire even in this conversation? What stake does
he have in maintaining the bare minimums of a national social contract
among citizens, now that he has negotiated his own contract with
his corporate fellows – “my money.”
Bob Johnson will be on high ground when the tsunami bears down on
us. We don’t have time to waste. The American state is failing.