Armstrong Williams is “the premiere Black political whore in America,” wrote
Black Commentator Co-Publishers Glen Ford and Peter Gamble in our December
12, 2002 issue. In the interest of full disclosure, we revealed our
particular grievance: that Williams had hopelessly polluted America’s
Black Forum (ABF), the first nationally syndicated Black news interview
program on commercial television, created by Ford and Gamble in 1977. “Since
the mid-Nineties,” we wrote, “ABF has devolved into a menagerie of
professional Black propagandists in service of the most vicious elements
of the Republican Party. It is a bizarre experience.” ABF had become
“America’s Black Right-wing Forum” – the title of our Cover Story.
For a time, white rightwing columnist Pat Buchanan was a regular guest
on ABF. So it came as little surprise that the program, which once
generated weekly, worldwide headlines on the scale of Meet the Press, Issues
and Answers, and Face the Nation, finally became just another
brothel in Armstrong Williams’ political red light district – a quickies
venue for paying customers like Bush Education Secretary, Rod Paige.
Armstrong Williams’ services were procured by written contract – an
innovation in the political payola trade – which stipulated that "Mr. Williams shall utilize his long-term
working relationships with 'America's Black Forum'…to encourage the
producers to periodically address the No Child Left Behind Act [NCLB]," according
to the New York Times. In return for $240,000 in public funds,
laundered as “advertising” fees, the contract required Williams to “regularly
comment on NCLB during the course of his broadcasts" on his own
TV show, The Right Side, and that "Secretary Paige and
other department officials shall have the option of appearing from
time to time as studio guests." Williams had no trouble arranging
for Paige to appear on America’s Black Forum, as well – a freebie
for the big-spending Bush crew.
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Williams’ public promiscuity cost him dearly, causing Tribune Media
Services to terminate syndication of his column to 50 newspapers, including USA
Today, which broke the
story on January 7. The
watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington
charges that the Department of Education contract with Williams “is
in violation of the Publicity and Propaganda clause included in annual
appropriations bills for decades.” Congressional Democrats wrote a
letter to President Bush. “Covert propaganda to influence public opinion is unethical
and dangerous," they said.
The National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) called
on the White House to “rebuke those in the Department of Education
who used taxpayer dollars to pay off conservative commentator Armstrong
Williams in an attempt to influence public opinion on administration
“He’s tainted fruit,” said NABJ vice president
for broadcast, Barbara Ciara. “And he’s unfairly indicted all commentators
who have their own independent opinion, don’t need a script from
the administration and don’t need to be paid off.”
But of course, Armstrong Williams has never
been a journalist, nor has he ever uttered or written a word that
could qualify as straightforward political commentary. Since 1979,
when the 20-year-old signed on with his “mentor,” South Carolina
Sen. Strom Thurmond and, later, as an aide to Clarence Thomas, then
chairman of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Williams
has been a rightwing political operative for hire – a specialty he
turned into a lucrative business. As we reported back in 2002: “Williams'
public relations firm, the Graham Williams Group, co-founded with
Oprah boyfriend Stedman Graham, specializes in serving ‘public policy
organizations’ – the institutional Right. He is the Hardest Working
Man in Ho' Business.”
Although the white Right is Williams’ principal client, powerful Blacks
are also to blame for inflicting him on the citizenry. Cathy Hughes,
owner of 69-station-strong Radio One, gave Williams his first broadcast
commentator slot in the mid-Eighties, back when her holdings consisted
of just two stations, in Washington and Baltimore. In effect, Hughes
credentialized Williams as a broadcast “journalist” two decades ago.
Until last week’s furor, Hughes’ TV One cable operation carried Williams’ program, On
Point, where Rod Paige appeared, last year. TV One CEO Johnathon
Rodgers told the Washington Post he’s pulled the show pending
an “investigation,” and that he knew nothing about Williams’ contract
with Paige’s department. Williams claims he informed TV One about the
To be of value to the white Right, Black mercenaries must appear to
have some standing in the African American community. The Uniworld
Group, the current producers of America’s Black Forum, gave
Williams such a weekly platform. It is clear that Uniworld made a “strategic” decision
in 1996 to position the program on the right. Armstrong Williams’ presence
on the show is a product – not the cause – of ABF’s rightward turn.
In the ABF environment created by Uniworld, Williams had no difficulty
fulfilling his “contract.”
A much larger crime
Although Williams richly deserves public excoriation, self-righteous
journalists of all ethnicities and persuasions are missing the big
story. Rod Paige’s $240,000 propaganda payment to Williams is puny
compared to the tons of cash the Department of Education lavishes on
organizations pushing school vouchers and privatization – more than
$75 million by the end of 2003, according to a report by
People for the American Way. (See
, “Bush’s Phony ‘Grassroots’ Voucher ‘Movement,’”
December 4, 2003.)
More than a year later, that figure has almost certainly passed the
$100 million mark in grants and “contracts” to groups whose
mission is “to discredit the very concept of public education.” Much
of the work is pure propaganda, euphemistically dubbed “public education” on
the “school choice” aspects of No Child Left Behind – the same mission
Williams was contracted to perform. Among the multi-million dollar
recipients is the Black Alliance for Educational Options (BAEO), the
voucher front group created by the arch-reactionary Bradley and Walton
Family Foundations and now feeding at the public trough. Williams was
a founding director of BAEO, as
reported in our inaugural issue
Cover Story, “Fruit of the Poisoned Tree,” April
5, 2002. Williams’ $240,000
contract was his cut from the Bush voucher bagman, Rod Paige. No
wonder he has no intention of giving the money back.
In pillorying Williams, corporate media ignore their own culpability.
Our colleagues at the NorthStar
Network get it mostly right:
We differ with NorthStar only on the matter of ratings. Any focus
group could inform corporate media that Armstrong Williams is among
the most despised personalities in Black America – right up there
with his old friend and boss, Clarence Thomas. That couldn’t be good
for ratings among the important Black demographic – and Williams
is so generally obnoxious we doubt that he’s a big draw among whites,
either. No, corporate media boosted Williams because he reflects
the worldview of corporate executives, the people who really run
the show. USA Today broke the Armstrong Williams scandal,
but they previously ran his journalistically worthless column, week
after week. He was speaking their language.
In broadcasting especially, “journalism” is rapidly ceasing to exist.
The Williams affair presents us with the spectacle of irate “journalists” who
daily package propaganda in service to the powerful, bristling with
indignation over a propagandist who gets paid directly by those same
“News” has devolved to a corporate product. Armstrong Williams is
also a corporate product. He may still have some shelf life left.