Issue 109 - October 14 2004



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Yes, we know we said No Fools Allowed was going to be a weekly column. Yes, we know we did not deliver. Yes, we have a valid excuse. No, we are not going to explain any further. However, we will do our best to produce as often as possible.

The November 3rd Movement

Moving right along, Margaret Kimberley's Freedom Rider Column of September 30, 2004 entitled "The November 3rd Movement", resonated with a number of readers.

Wayne Owens of Middletown, California believes Margaret has a precise and honorable voice.

Your well-spoken thoughts have the clarity and integrity which alone can bring the Democratic party back from the brink of its self-inflicted degradation.

Congratulations to you for the courage and the candor you so clearly and eloquently express. I well remember when I first became aware of Terry McAullife, Bill Clinton, Ron Brown, et al. One needn't have done more than simply look and listen. The smug sheen of money-lust was all over them, wishing as they clearly were to be in with the corporate chieftans who were even then well on their way to corrupting the political process.

At the heart of Fascism lies the lust for control of all the wealth a country can create. When the Democratic Party, led by these weak and short-sighted men, tried to emulate the new Wall Street Radicals in the Republican Party,
they started all of us on the road to hell.

I sincerely hope that your voice will be heard by an ever-widening audience, and that you will continue to fight for the very survival of all that we hold dear.

From Bethesda, Maryland, Margaret Iovino asks to be signed up in Margaret's corner on November 3rd.

I agree it has to start w/ the media. We expect politicians to betray us, but the media needs to be reformed in order for democracy to survive.

It is no different from the Nazi-controlled media in Germany which I studied.

Imagine inflating the image of a dangerous psychopath like Bush.

I think that they should be investigated and tried for war crimes, like Julius Streicher.

African Town

Reverend Reynard N. Blake, Jr., President/CEO of Community Development Associates in East Lansing, Michigan thanks Sister Kimberly for her "African Town: Motor City Melodrama" column of October 7, 2004.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Your African Town article is an important piece in terms of using Detroit as example of urban desperation to revitalize an area. Although I live in East Lansing, I serve as a a minister of community development at Tried Stone Baptist Church in Detroit. Let me tell you, it has been the hardest job of my life!

Churches, which are the only viable institutions in some neighborhoods, cannot work together for any length of time to address community economic development issues, not unless there is a direct economic benefit to the institution or some egregious act of racism in the area. Having stated this, one would question how the secular world of Detroit could work together.

Common goals are never established in Detroit, much less united action. Meanwhile, some neighborhoods and the downtown area become wastelands. To be honest, I really do not know what to do, sometimes. Even the state and area universities have limited commitment to improving Detroit, not unless there is large amounts of grant money. Now, THAT'S BAD!!!!

We have had Dr. Anderson [author of the African Town plan] to speak at a couple of our community economic development conferences. I was never impressed and after reading his book I became more disillusioned because his ideas are outdated (even nostalgic) and almost unachievable.

Hopefully, things will change for the better in Detroit however, things may have to get worse (which, in some areas, has already reached that level) before it gets better. But then, there will be an even stronger movement
to the suburbs. Pray for us!

Again, thank you for your important and timely article.

Be at peace.

The Governator

A reader going by the name DPEASEHEAD reacted to Margaret's September 23, 2004 column entitled: "President Arnold Schwarzenegger."

The best thing that can be said about both the recent recall election in California, and the 2000 Presidential election, is that each event puts one more nail in the coffin of the myth of American meritocracy. Unqualified White men continue to be installed in positions of great power to the detriment of the nation and of the world.

Leutisha Stills of Oakland, California does not take the blame for the election of the Governator.

As a resident of Northern California, I know the embarrassment one feels when they go out of state and get hit with the question:


First of all, I need to remind people that the majority of votes the Terminator received came largely from Southern California - with Los Angeles being the only county to join all nine Northern California counties in not voting for him and not supporting the recall. Those of us in Los Angeles County and Northern California were definitely not drinking the Kool-Aid regarding Ah-nold.

Second, since he's become Governor, Ah-nold has flip-flopped on more legislation and political stances than Bush and Kerry COMBINED. Ah-nold's tactic is to attempt to bully the Legislature into giving him what he wants, and if that fails, then he attempts to place the issue on ballot initiatives and let those in rural California decide legislation that affects us all. He also mocks the Legislature by calling them "Girlie-Men" (which was code speak for him calling the men and women who serve in the Assembly or Senate the homophobic slur of "fags") and the amazing thing is, no one called him on it.

He has yet to set foot in Oakland, cause he knows he's going to have to deal with us and the budget cuts he's imposing, which lessens the quality of life for the lower-income masses, the elderly and children (the state didn't put Randolph Ward over the Oakland Unified School District to save it - but to destroy it and sending it into privatization and facilitate the promotion of school vouchers). He won't come to Oakland because he knows we will hold him accountable for the way he displaced a democratically elected governor (Gray Davis) by campaigning on the promise that he could do the job better than Gray. All he has done is implement what Gray Davis was going to do, anyway, and he's managed to really screw it up. At least Davis was competent enough to do what was beneficial for all of Californians, and not just those with fat bank accounts (that are probably off-shored in the Caymans).

This whole recall thing was embarrassing and made California a laughing stock in the eyes of the Nation. However, don't be surprised if other states (especially those with Democratic governors) try it to advance their personal political agendas. But then again, this is the land where five fools on the Supreme Court acted in concert to give the White House to George W. Bush, despite his being the most unqualified individual that has ever occupied 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Your article, as always, was insightful reporting. I just wanted to share the experience as a Californian, the pain and embarrassment behind it.

Race Pride

On September 16, 2004, The Freedom Rider Column, "Race Pride - Weapon of Mass Distraction" caused Gary Harding to thank Margaret for advice on dealing with Black traitors.

Thank you very much for your very frank advice in how to deal with persons with black faces who continue to betray the African American community and the worlds' black community.

We do need a wake up call to help us deal with the facts, reality rather than emotional charged wishes. All groups have traitors, and more of these traitors need to be identified, and exposed for the good of the whole community.

Again, I thank you and Black commentator for your leadership in this very important area. Enemies need to be identified no matter what color they might be.

Painful Voting

's Cover Story: "Kerry - A Painful Vote" on September 9, 2004 brought this comment from William Bowles.

Yes, very painful indeed. Having read both the "Painful Vote" piece and Ms Kimberley's "The Unthinkable" it's hard not to come to the conclusion that in urging people to (painfully) vote for Kerry they will have to pretend it's the Democratic Party they're really voting for, not Kerry and that once elected, the DP grassroots will, through some process exert some kind of influence over the State Department and the Pentagon. But is this a realistic position given that it'll be Kerry who's prez not the DP?

After all, Bush is only widening the path already carved by Clinton (and tested to destruction in the now former Yugoslavia). Is it realistic to assume that Kerry will move "backwards" as your piece put it? And backwards to what? Kosovo?

On the key issues, Iraq (and other points East), Israel, the Security State, Kerry is in lockstep with Bush. You say that on domestic issues he may save what's left of social benefits but how will he pay for it if he is to pursue the key elements of a US imperialist foreign policy? He may well not have evangelical (fascist) judeo-christians on his side but he doesn't really need them to pursue the policies. In fact, he may well be better positioned to enact Bush policies than Bush is. I think the mistake is to view it as a Bush versus Kerry fight when the events unfolding are intrinsic to the system.

It strikes me that there's a lot of wishful thinking involved in rationalizing a vote for Kerry for it assumes that this time, the grassroots and the Left will mobilize. We live in hope.

Go well

Negro Miseducation

Joseph Adefope writes to thank Dr. Rhymes for his "EXCELLENT" commentary on Desegregation. ("The Continuing Miseducation of the Negro" by Edward Rhymes Ph.D., September 2, 2004).

I've shared the same feelings regarding African American children in the public school system! My wife and I are currently struggling with our second child in PISD (Plano Independent School District, Texas). ALL of your commentary provides perspective and answers! I sent it out my distribution list and encourage those to send it on to family, friends and school administrators!

My wife and I belong to a group called Club Generations Success (, a non profit group that champions the interest, concerns and advancement of African American children in the Dallas, TX metroplex.

Haiti in Chains

Marguerite Laurent of the Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network posted Kevin Pina's article of Sept 16, 2004, "One Man’s Democracy is Another Man’s Chains: The Untold Story of Aristide’s Departure from Haiti", to her list. Her introduction was the following.

"One Man's democracy is another man's chains..." is one of the best and most thorough accounts of the OAS/US/EU machinations that led to the overthrow of Haiti's democracy I've yet to read. I too was present at that hotel lobby in Port-au-Prince when Luigi Einaudi of the OAS made his infamous remark, before the necessity for a Coup d'etat, about how horrible it was that "Haitians were running Haiti." This article is required reading for all Haitian men, women and children. It should be in all our textbooks and translated in every language for all interested in unraveling the Latortue/Haitian army noose being secured around Haiti's Liberty and how the 2004 Coup d'etat, the insane bloodletting Haitians have suffered this year, was orchestrated and implemented by the Western powers.

Ethnic Warfare

Cheryl Hutchinson appreciated our September 23, 2004 Cover Story: "Ethnic Warfare as Policy: Sudan and the U.S. are Guilty."

Your article published today regarding Sudan is the best, most edifying article I have seen on the subject. It is a difficult conflict to understand because so many are using it to advance their own agenda.

The ADL for example wants to further incite Christians against Muslims. Therefore, they want to portray it purely as a clash between the two religions, in spite of the fact many victims are also Muslims, or even animists. They, along with others, also seem to like to throw in the race issue, portraying it as Arabs vs. Blacks, though racially, many on both sides are racially indistinguishable.

Other nations (France and China come to mind, among others) want to downplay the situation because of their own greed and avarice (oil resources!). All of the posturing is tragic, particularly since there seems to be so little concern for the actual victims and the daily hell they are living!

Thank you for not only clarifying what is going on, but putting it in context. I hope your article enjoys the widest possible readership.

Faith-Based Economics

The Black Commentator's core audience is African Americans and their allies in the struggle for social and economic justice. Therefore, the truth about jobs in the U.S. is extremely important to us. It was with great interest we read "Faith-Based Economics" in Counterpunch written by Paul Craig Roberts. Here are some excerpts.

The US economy has ceased to create jobs in tradable goods and services. The disastrous September payroll jobs data are a repeat of the monthly trend that has held for the nearly four years of the Bush administration.

Of September's 96,000 new jobs, 73% are accounted for by two categories: government jobs and temporary help! There were only 59,000 private sector jobs created in September, and 33,000 of those--56%--are temps!

It is easy to blame the Bush administration, but the real blame lies with outsourcing and offshore production. By locating production for US markets offshore, US firms can substitute much cheaper foreign labor for US labor to make the goods and services sold to Americans. The high speed Internet makes it possible for US firms to hire foreigners residing abroad, where living costs are low, to do knowledge-based jobs formerly performed by US university graduates.

The US is losing the ability to manufacture a range of advanced technology products and is now dependent on imports of advanced technology goods from China and Japan. Entire high tech occupations are beginning to disappear in America, with computer engineering enrollments in topflight schools such as M.I.T., Georgia Tech, and UC, Berkeley shrinking by 45%.

Last week economist Joseph Stiglitz reported that median US income has fallen by over $1,500 in real terms over the past three and one-half years.

Despite all evidence to the contrary, "free market," "free-trade" economists continue to give assurances that Americans are prospering from outsourcing.

This delusion is equivalent to the Bush administration's delusion that the US is winning in Iraq.

As high-tech US jobs move offshore, economists chant a lemming-like chorus: the answer is more high-tech education.

Other economists claim that we need more tax cuts to help US firms acquire more capital with which to make US workers more productive and, thus, more competitive. This is a pointless exercise when the capital (and technology) is being used to employ foreigners in place of Americans.

Outsourcing and offshore production are new phenomena. They have not been around long enough to comprise a large share of US production abroad. But they have been around long enough to erode American employment and wages in tradable goods and services.

When a US multinational ceases to produce in Ohio for its domestic markets, and moves the production abroad, the Ohio jobs disappear. Wages fall or stagnate in similar lines of work that still remain the the US.

American students are becoming aware of the facts, but economists hold firmly to their fantasy that other new and even better jobs are taking the place of those that have been outsourced. There is no evidence whatsoever in behalf of this claim.

Economics has ceased to be an empirical science and has become a religious faith.

Paul Craig Roberts is John M. Olin Fellow at the Institute for Political Economy and Research Fellow at the Independent Institute. He is a former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal and a former assistant secretary of the U.S. Treasury. He is the co-author of The Tyranny of Good Intentions.

Listening to The Black Commentator

John Farabee is a RADIO BC listener.

1) Thanks for the "Cuba" radio commentary. I never considered the race angle (silly me). 2) The absurd proposition that a substantial amount of Americans want to send Bush 2 back to the White House betrays a widespread, debilitating panic: "If we don't keep Bush, we'll be forced to surrender some of our white privileges." This stain wears well.

P.S: Thanks for your always sleek, sinewy, unadorned analysis. It's a privilege to know you!

All RADIO BC commentaries are voiced by Co-Publisher and Editor-In-Chief, Glen Ford. All of these audio commentaries are available for listening on the RADIO BC main page.

Some of them were created for broadcast on the program Uprising on KPFK-FM, Pacifica Radio in Los Angeles which can be heard live Monday thru Friday from 8 to 9am Pacific time. RADIO BC is part of Friday's program.

All audio files are in WMA 9 format. Click here to download a Windows Media 9 Series player for your PC or MAC. The Windows Media player is free and free to download. It is usually included as part of a Windows operating system.

Each program is between 3 and 4 minutes long

Glen also speaks for when our thinking is requested by radio and television interview programs. Deborah Edghill heard Glen in New York City.

I heard your interview with Doug Henwood on WBAI radio. It was engrossing and perceptive. I stumbled on your site sometime ago when I was researching the Tennessee Congressman H. Ford.

Your on air voice was as compelling as your web commentaries. Too bad Skip Gates is the only media darling for the intellectual black voice. I wish more people who market themselves as a "black voice" had your depth within historical and current event frameworks. His sometimes shallow and self deprecating work is in serious need of psychoanalysis.

Brother Ford responded as follows.

Dear Ms. Edghill:

Thanks for the kind words. Prof. Gates has groomed himself over a lifetime to be an acceptable "black voice" - acceptable, that is, to the general white audience. In that sense, he is quite successful. He acts as a filter of the Black world view. White folks think they're smoking, but it ain't the real thing.

A dead Senator

A powerful senator dies after a prolonged illness. His soul arrives in heaven and is met by St. Peter at the entrance. "Welcome to Heaven," says St. Peter. "Before you settle in, it seems there is a problem. We seldom see a high official around these parts, you see, so we're not sure what to do with you. "No problem, just let me in," says the guy.

"Well, I'd like to but I have orders from higher up. What we'll do is have you spend one day in Hell and one in Heaven. Then you can choose where to spend eternity. "Really, I've made up my mind. I want to be in heaven,"
says the senator. "I'm sorry but we have our rules."

And with that, St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to Hell. The doors open and he finds himself in the middle of a green golf course. In the distance is a club and standing in front of it are all his friends and other politicians who had worked with him, everyone is very happy and in evening attire. They run to greet him, hug him, and reminisce about the good times they had while getting rich at the expense of the people. They play a friendly game of golf and then dine on lobster and caviar.

Also present is the Devil, who really is a very friendly guy who has a good time dancing and telling jokes. They are having such a good time that before he realizes it, it is time to go. Everyone gives him a big hug and waves while the elevator rises. The elevator goes up, up, up and the door reopens on Heaven where St. Peter is waiting for him. "Now it's time to visit Heaven."

So 24 hours pass with the head of state joining a group of contented souls moving from cloud to cloud, playing the harp and singing. They have a good time and, before he realizes it, the 24 hours have gone by and St. Peter returns. "Well then, you've spent a day in Hell and another in Heaven. Now choose your eternity."

He reflects for a minute, then the senator answers, "Well, I would never have said it, I mean Heaven has been delightful, but I think I would be better off in Hell." So St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to Hell.

Now the doors of the elevator open and he is in the middle of a barren land covered with waste and garbage. He sees all his friends, dressed in rags, picking up the trash and putting it in black bags. The Devil comes over to him and lays his arm on his neck. "I don't understand," stammers the senator. "Yesterday I was here and there was a golf course and club and we ate lobster and caviar and danced and had a great time. Now all there is, a wasteland full of garbage and my friends look miserable.

The Devil looks at him, smiles and says, "Yesterday we were campaigning... Today you voted for us!"

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