It is October of the year 2010, and there is something earth-shaking
taking place, with and among, many college / university
students throughout this nation.
The Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), whose organizational
roots and history run deep, are once again on the move.
Don’t expect to be intelligently informed about this by
the corporate-stream media. But pay close attention to
what these courageous students are in the process of doing
Do not be confused by the word ‘Democratic’ used in the SDS
organizational name. It is not referring to the
so-called Democratic Party. It is referring to economic,
social, and political democracy—with a special emphasis
upon students. In other words, it is referring to
struggling for and attaining genuine democracy
of, for, and by everyday people. SDS is an organization
of primarily student organizers who understand that the
term ‘radical’ means root. And they practice
that understanding.

This writer was honored and privileged to have been among
those in attendance at the national SDS convention in
Milwaukee, on October 23-24, 2010. Present were radical
SDS organizers (and their allies) from around the nation
including, but not limited to, Wisconsin, Florida,
Oklahoma, Illinois, California, Vermont, Arizona, New
Jersey, Maryland, Tennessee , Minnesota, Massachusetts,
and Texas. It was a glorious and empowering sight to behold!
SDS is a predominantly White radical political organization
with (I’m pleased to report) a strong and ever-growing
number of ‘people of color’ active within its ranks.
Indeed, it was for example, stunningly wonderful to witness
the Chicago SDS contingent proudly walk in, who were all
save one, organizers of color. By seriously recognizing
and addressing the color, class, and gender, etc.
challenges, differences, and (and to some extent) contradictions;
I saw first-hand SDS demonstrate an honesty and commitment
that is all too rare these days. These important issues
were boldly and honestly addressed by those young SDSers (who
are in fact mature and insightful far beyond
their physical ages). The SDSers seemed to almost
innately recognize that it is this filthy, hypocritical
capitalist system that perpetrates and perpetuates these
differences to keep us divided and powerless. Nevertheless,
despite some pain and discomfort caused by addressing
these realities, these SDSers Black, White, Brown, Red,
and Yellow refused to play the despicable liberal game
of sweeping them under the rug, and I trust they will
continue to creatively and forthrightly address them.
After all, comfortable people do not make change.
the Issues & Fighting for Systemic Change
The topics presented and addressed at the national SDS convention
in Milwaukee, dealt with specific actions on the
part of SDS chapters nationwide pertaining to the many
“militant struggles against the effects of the latest
capitalist crisis and the rise of racist right wing attacks.”
Also, mutual information was shared, and encouragement
given, with respect to the SDS “chapters across the country
[who] have organized against FBI raids, cuts to education,
sexism, homophobia, occupations in Iraq, Afghanistan,
Palestine and Columbia, the Qur’an burning in Florida,
and the anti-immigrant laws in Arizona” etc. COINTELPRO
, which is the infamous and ongoing U.S. government’s
Counter Intelligence Program to intimidate, disrupt, discredit,
frame, imprison and/or murder political activists and
other dissenters, was also discussed at length at the
SDS convention.

As a veteran political organizer, there were many times at
that SDS gathering that it was incredibly difficult for
me to hold back the tears of joy for those SDS comrades,
emanating from the deep respect that I have for them collectively.
The words of the late great Bob Marley, kept flowing through
my mind: “Get up! Stand up!... Stand Up for your rights!
Get up! Stand up! Don’t give up the fight!..”
We Must Do
It is not enough to sit back and applaud the efforts of SDS.
We must actively, in word and deed support their
struggle—for it is also our own struggle. This
does not mean being patronizing towards these organizers.
It means respecting them for what they are doing, learning
from them, working with them as equals, and if asked—offering
whatever insights we might possess.
that COINTELPRO is continuing today, and the government
and insidious corporate-stream “news” media will engage
in every vile and vicious tactic (both blatant and subtle)
at their disposal to disrupt, discredit, and neutralize
SDS and its allies. We, the everyday Black, White, Brown,
Red and Yellow people must not and will not allow this
to happen.
As a young woman SDSer was making her presentation to the
convention, I remember sitting there and thinking of
the poignant words contained in the Crosby,
Stills, Nash & Young protest song, ‘OHIO’ re
the brutal murders of White students by the U.S.
military at Kent State University in Ohio: “…What
if you knew her and found her dead on the ground…How many
more?” Let us also remember the Black students who were
also horribly massacred at Jackson State University in
Mississippi, for daring to protest racist injustice. We
must know and understand our history, and make sure to
learn from it. We must take a moment to sit down, study,
educate ourselves, and prepare for the present and future
conflicts in this most important continuing people’s struggle.

It is now the year 2010, and we MUST NOT LET THESE VALIANT
SDSers STAND ALONE! We must stand shoulder to shoulder
with them, for their fight is our fight! Now,
more than ever is SDS both relevant and important in the
over-all people’s struggle for economic, social, and political
justice and human rights at home and abroad. Keep in
mind that there is committed, much-needed political organizing
taking place throughout this nation, and the Students
For A Democratic Society (SDS) are an integral part of
As the late (South African) university student leader Steven
Biko put it, “The most potent weapon in the hands of the
oppressor is the mind of the oppressed.” SDS grasps this
point. Do you?
Onward then, my sisters and brothers! Onward! Editorial
Board Member, Larry Pinkney, is a veteran of the Black
Panther Party, the former Minister of Interior of the
Republic of New Africa, a former political prisoner and
the only American to have successfully self-authored his
civil/political rights case to the United Nations under
the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
In connection with his political organizing activities
in opposition to voter suppression, etc., Pinkney was
interviewed in 1988 on the nationally televised PBS NewsHour, formerly known as TheMacNeil/LehrerNewsHour.
For more about Larry Pinkney see the book, Saying No to Power: Autobiography of a 20th Century Activist and
Thinker, by William Mandel [Introduction by Howard
Zinn]. (Click here to
read excerpts from the book). Click here to
contact Mr. Pinkney.