“Henceforth, the Haitian
authorities will not allow other countries to trample upon
the rights of Haitians,” huffed Gerard Latortue,
the erstwhile South Florida “consultant” and talk show host
installed as Prime Minister by foreign soldiers and homegrown
gangsters who were at that very moment snuffing out the rights
and lives of Haitians.
on Monday executed his first grand act of international diplomacy
by severing diplomatic
ties with Jamaica and suspending membership in the Caribbean
Community and Common Market (Caricom) in protest of deposed
President Jean-Bertrand Aristide’s extended visit to Jamaica.
Jamaican Foreign Minister K.D. Knight promptly shot
back that “Jamaica has not recognized the interim Government
of Haiti, as this will be the subject of deliberations by
the Caricom Heads of Government at their Inter-Sessional
Meeting in St. Kitts later this month.”
The Jamaica
Observer reminded the upstart that “it is for Mr. Latortue's
administration, not Jamaica and Caricom, to prove its legitimacy.” Latortue
then named a cabinet without a single representative of Lavalas,
the political grouping that commands the allegiance of a
majority of Haitians. "This government has no political
attachment," Mr. Latortue said - an admission that it
has no political base, which is fine with the Americans,
who swore their puppet in as Prime Minister Wednesday night.

the ever-splintering micro-parties fielded by Haiti’s tiny
elite fought gun battles among themselves for the privilege
of an audience with Guy
Philippe, the U.S-armed warlord, who is touring the country
cementing alliances and executing opponents.
is a gangster state – if it can be called a state at all. Latortue’s presumption
that he will rule for two years before elections are held – “We
want not to go fast, but to take time” – is beyond farce. If
the United States and France actually intended to install a
functional government to replace the kidnapped and exiled Aristide,
they have shown no evidence of it. Mad killers run amuck in
the capital, Port-au-Prince, where the morgue overflows with
decomposing bodies. The US-led multinational force and the
police bear down exclusively on Aristide supporters. "There's
a lot of them" to be arrested, said Leon
Charles, the newly appointed police director general. What
about the lawless “rebels” that came to town with Guy Philippe? “The
government has to make a decision about the rebels. That's
over my head,” said Charles.
Pure terror

the rich neighborhoods of the capital, where the corporate
press congregate, all Haiti
is a killing field. “In Cap Haitian you have the former Haitian
military. There are no police any more, so they are the ones
who are law,” said Jean Charles Moise, mayor of the neighboring
district of Milo. “They come into your home. They take you,
they beat you up, they kill you. They burn down homes. They
do anything they want, because they are the only law in town,” Moise
told Pacifica Radio KPFA’s Flashpoints. “We
have people like myself, mayors and other members of the municipal
government who have had to flee and are now sleeping in the
woods, and have gone to the mountains."
Moise, Gonaives Mayor Taupa Moïse, was kidnapped on Sunday
and held for $100,000 ransom. Thousands of city-dwellers
have fled to
the hills, stalked by helicopters of unknown origin and roving
bands of ex-soldiers, FRAPH death squads, and allied criminal
gangs. No one even ventures a guess as to the death toll.
Ambassador James
B Foley, the real civilian power in the Haiti, growled threats
at Jamaica for extending hospitality to Aristide. “There is
negative potential, there's no denying that," said Foley,
standing beside U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Gen. Richard
B. Myers. “It must be said that Jamaican authorities are taking
a certain risk and a certain responsibility.”
The wake-up

seems that they are more concerned with Aristide sitting
in Jamaica than the thugs and murderers running around,” said
Aristide lawyer Ira
Kurzban, in Kingston, part of a delegation that flew
from Miami to welcome the President back to the Caribbean
after his ordeal in the Central African Republic.
they fully fathom it or not, the Bush men have every reason
to be concerned.
The transparent coup and abduction to Africa of a head of state,
followed by attempts to bully Jamaica into denying Aristide
entrance, have crystalized national sentiments throughout the
Black world and Latin America. Aristide supporters even dare
to speculate that he might be allowed to address the Caricom
meeting in St. Kitts later this month, in the expected absence
of the self-important Gerard Latortue.
founder Randall Robinson and his wife, Hazel Ross-Robinson,
an advisor
to Aristide, reside in St. Kitts. In an article for the Jamaica
Observer titled, “Haiti,
a wake-up call for us all,” Ms. Robinson wrote:
Consider the irony
of France and the United States having arranged the comfortable
exile of Haiti's brutal military dictator, Jean Claude Duvalier
in France, or the United States having arranging for Haiti's
ruthless military coup leaders Cedras and Biamby to lead
equally comfortable lives in Panama, while France, Canada
and the United States now insist that Haiti's twice-elected,
and recently ousted, president be proclaimed persona non
grata within the Caribbean family.
Aristide co-operated fully with Caricom as the latter attempted
to forge a non-violent, constitutional solution to the Haitian
crisis, for this is the Caribbean tradition. Haiti's so-called
opposition stubbornly refused, year after year, to go to the
polls, deeming a selected government more appropriate for the
Haitian people than an elected one, thereby pushing Haiti into
a vortex of instability which to this day has not abated.
And the people of
the Caribbean are now supposed to close their hearts to the
Aristide family?
pray that in the months ahead, the people of Jamaica – and
the wider Caribbean – will apply their considerable talents
and precious energy to promoting and strengthening respect
and civility across party lines; working for peace and justice
within our islands and throughout the region; creating and
revitalizing opportunities for economic and political collaboration
within and between our member states; ensuring that only
elected governments be allowed to represent Caricom nations
in multilateral
institutions; sharing with the broader global community the
importance of our values to a world of stability and peace.