meanness, unkindness and cruelty essential characteristics if not
trademarks of White American culture? Is stone-age coldness and
medieval evil-doing as All-American as Coke, hotdogs and Corvettes?
I’m just asking... Is blind racial hatred the emotion which
fuels the words and deeds of most White folks - some twisted core
philosophy of contempt, bitterness, resentment and hostility toward
all those not white?
understand assholes come in all shapes, sizes, genders and colors.
You can find them in all economic classes, all geographical regions,
in all religions and occupations - but I’m sorry, if you just
stop and ponder our contemporary environment for a moment, it clearly
seems like right here and now, as well as over the last few hundred
years here in America, White folks, specifically and particularly
White men have an almost monopolistic stranglehold on being, mean,
nasty, spiteful, heartless
and cruel,
if not soulless
There’s not a racial/ethnic subgroup within America who won’t
agree with that summation.
people gone mad...!
shootings... 9 out of 10 times it’s some angry White boy, who
at age 17 already has no real concept of “I am my brother and
sister’s keeper.”
unabashedly defends the separation of families seeking a better life
in the land of a-plenty? White men. Who defends Brown children being
locked in cages down on the Rio Grande, simply because they seek the
American Dream? White people.
is consistently and constantly behind the trigger of senseless
mass-shootings... the vast majority of times? It’s some
pissed-off-at-all-of-society White man.
Killer cop - White guy.
of the lambs people-eaters, some Jeffery Dahmer type serial killer -
White guy.
are the faces of unsympathetic, non-empathetic politicians and an
investor class which
harbors no qualms about profiting off others’ medical ills and
woes? - White folks.
non-empathetic politicians who want to block medical care, and profit
off it during a global pandemic - White guys. Who are the heartless
politicians who plot and plan to slow, if not halt, unemployment
payments to the little people? - White dudes.
struggles to control women’s bodies? It’s Conservative
(racist/sexist/elitist) White cats. Who, in the name of preserving
life, is simultaneously willing to sacrifice the old, the poor and
those of color to the global pandemic confronting the world, in the
name of Wall Street's never-ending profits? White dudes, the same
group who opposes the Affordable Care Act and Food Stamps for the
contradictions, hypocrisy and duplicity of what the USA says it is,
and what it is and does is so blatant and undeniable it would be
laughable if it wasn’t so pathetic, trifling and tragic. Here,
let the iconic Black Republican Frederick Douglass “put it
where it’s at” with his 4th of July speech:
to the American slave, is your 4th of July? I answer; a day that
reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross
injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him,
your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty, an unholy license;
your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sound of rejoicing are
empty and heartless; your denunciation of tyrants brass fronted
impudence; your shout of liberty and equality, hollow mockery; your
prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanks-giving’s, with all
your religious parade and solemnity, are to him, mere bombast, fraud,
deception, impiety, and hypocrisy - a thin veil to cover up crimes
which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation on
the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloodier than are the
people of the United States, at this very hour.
more than any other demographic group, wants to own anti-aircraft
machine guns and personal tanks? White guys.
are the individuals during this lockdown who are confusing
and liberties
“Can’t nobody tell me what to do” - White guys?
is demanding Indian reservations, decimated by the Coronavirus,
ignored by an administration which hates them, recklessly open the
roads through their land to interstate trade, commerce... and
Coronavirus - forcing a confrontation with Sioux Indians in South
Dakota? Who? White folks.
me if I’m lying but there exists the possibility the Trump
administration may send in the 7th Calvary to attack Sioux Indians.
the last real legit President this decadent and divided nation had,
Barack Obama characterized this regime's response to the Coronavirus
pandemic as an absolute chaotic disaster, and may now face Trumped up
charges, and be handcuffed, marched off to jail... by white men, and
what will the Democrat resistance do - pen a sharp and terse letter
to the Supreme Court?
believe the societal evidence illustrating this lack of decency and
compassion is obvious and overwhelming. It’s also an historical
fact. It is “business as usual.”
at US History. Who orchestrated the genocide of the American Indian?
White men. Who strong armed the Southwest from Mexicans? - White men.
Who was the backbone and force behind enslaving Black people? - White
men. Who interned Japanese Americans during WWII? White men. Who
raped so many African women over a quarter of a millennium that they
created a race of Black Americans? White men. The Black race wasn’t
hand crafted by Black men raping White women, nor Black women
throwing themselves upon White men, no it was White men... gone mad,
drunk with ill-gotten power and privilege.
shoots abortion doctors? White men. Who injected syphilis into Black
people? - White men.
turned lynching Black women, children and men into a national
pastime? - White men!
still wishes to forbid women and minorities from voting? - White men!
abandons the homeless, brands them all bums, hobos and worthless,
lazy drug addicts who just need to get their shit together? Correct,
the political party of White men who embrace the caveman notion of
survival of the fittest.
has created a society where all the unwashed little people of color
are left to fight over the crumbs? Wealthy White men. Who has crafted
a society where clean air and water, a decent education, healthy food
and quality health care is based on enriching already wealthy White
men? White men.
I’d never suggest that people of color do no wrong, we do.
However, we function in a cutthroat “trickle down”
environment where our mutual self-destruction is a given outcome. Who
is slowing the evolution of America? Who is against inclusion,
diversity and equality? White folks. Trump’s troops.
this culturally-wide ice-cold mindset based on hatred, indifference,
a disconnection to humanity or fear of a demonization of those not
like you?
it arises from some form of righteous, well-earned paranoia? Is it
that White America completely and totally understands that the “how”
matters in what lengths they employed to constructed an empire damn
near overnight? They used the blood, sweat, tears and land of colored
folks, and that they’ve employed barbaric semi-medieval tactics
to maintain that power, and so thus they believe like there will be a
reckoning, that the “chickens do come home to roost,”
that “every dog does has its day.”
cultural-wide meanness and cruelty which appears to envelope WASP
America is going to culminate in a race war, dig this - they want to
have, making the bloody conflict inevitable and unavoidable.
America needs an exit strategy. Morality, compassion and empathy
cannot be politically mandated - most of White America - Trump’s
America couldn’t give a damn about inclusion, unity, and
diversity which are enlightened concepts foreign and devalued by this
are two realities: Trump’s America desperately desires to
arrest and imprison Obama; they want that visual, while we, as
Americans of color, would not shed a tear, not a tear if Trump were
to be treated likewise. That’s just the polarized reality of
our forced coexistence.