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Est. April 5, 2002
Apr 30, 2020 - Issue 816
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What a Hot Mess White Men
Have Gotten Us Into


"White men are the enablers and defenders of Trump:
Rush, Hannity, Mitch and all the good ol’ boys who constantly
offer-up Romper Room type rhyme, reason and rationale for
this circus clown, and they do it for one simple reason - because
he was returning them to their place of privilege and
prominence - placing the morals, values and goals of both
Wall Street and the KKK back on the American front-burner."

One day, when I was 14 years old, I moved from Los Angeles: swimming pools, movie stars and palm trees to Aurora Colorado - cows on your high school's football field, beer kegger parties and cowboy boots n’ hats - and the theme, the Rocky Mountain suburban company-line I seemed to encounter routinely was white boys and men touting their proclivity to always ‘step-up” and be accountable and responsible for their actions and deeds - it was their John Wayne company-line about what a man was and what a man did.

I hope to hell they apply that same standard to the 2020 Coronavirus disaster, because if there’s any singular “subgroup” in America which is responsible for the immense loss of life and the financial ruin which has struck this shameless empire . . . it is White men.

Unquestionably White men have rammed Donald Trump down this racially polarized nation’s collective throat, in an obvious effort to “take-back” their country and “make it White again.” And most notably what we’ve discovered, as if we didn’t already know it - as a shrinking minority sub-group they’re willing to attain their goal of “minority rule” by any disgraceful means, they as a self-absorbed subset deem necessary - any. This week he’s pushing governors to reopen public schools - translation; he’s more than willing to place our children squarely in harm's way” to falsely illustrate that he’s defeated the Coronavirus and it’s safe to return to normal.

The man’s a pimp.

White men have turned a deaf-ear and blind-eye to Lord Trump’s immoral and unethical actions like sacrificing children for political goals. Like the orangutans in the epic Hollywood classic Planet of the Apes - white men across the country “hear, speak nor see” anything bad, (yet truthful and accurate) about their 73 year old boy-king. Look, look-around at where their silence and inaction has gotten us - almost 60’000 Americans dead of this virus because this hustler placed his own political life ahead of everybody and everything.

White men are the enablers and defenders of Trump: Rush, Hannity, Mitch and all the good ol’ boys who constantly offer-up Romper Room type rhyme, reason and rationale for this circus clown, and they do it for one simple reason - because he was returning them to their place of privilege and prominence - placing the morals, values and goals of both Wall Street and the KKK back on the American front-burner.

Let me circle-the-block and lay that point down one more time; because Trump was returning them to their place of privilege and prominence - placing the morals, values and goals of both Wall Street and The KKK back on the American front burner.

The rest of America, we are, as we have traditionally been - expendable and disposable.

Just one more Hollywood reflection: Blazing Saddles, when the good-ol’ boy cowboys pull the hand-pump railcar out of the quicksand while leaving Cleavon Little and his partner to sink and die . . . . That’s the White-male mentality on display for all to see. That’s how they, as a historical group, as a culture saw Black folks. From 1619 when they began laying the foundation for this country through slavery and exploitation, in 1776 - when they founded this so-called land of freedom and liberty, 1861 when it was clear the Civil War wasn’t about “freeing’ slaves but rather federal authority over states and endless free labor. This mentality was evident when after both World Wars when Back soldiers defended this empire yet still came “home” to 4th-class status as mere niggers. This mindset was on display all through the 1950’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s - well into the 21st century when white men lost their gun-toting’ gluten-free minds because today they now have a Asian neighbor, a Latino boss, and because they had a Black man as president - they thought “the sky was falling.” So they made a deal with one of the Devil’s disciples, supported a Big Apple con-man, a hustler, a white-collar criminal - and now look at the down the road consequences and repercussions of having an self-absorbed tyrant as President.

Trump’s America, the millions who recklessly abide-by the adage “God is money, and money is God,” have placed the profane profits of Wall Street above Main Street. Why? Because they firmly believe and adhere-to the simplistic notion “rich people are better than poor folks.” Why? Because in their eyes, “Life ain’t nothin’ but bitches and money.” and as they’ve attested over the last couple of months - they’re willing to attempt to “Get rich, or die trying . . . “ Trumpian butt-kissers like Glen Beck and a few shortsighted Congressman have stated they’d rather die, become infected by the Coronavirus if it leads to maintaining a bull market for their grandchildren.

White-collar gangsters . . . .

We Americans-of-color are confronted with an assortment of madmen who look, smell, walk and talk like a brainless, soulless cult, wed-to nothing but cold-cash. Their demanding unthinking loyalty to Trump and his White nationalist/supremacist agenda, while ignoring, if not opposing any notion of civility and humanity. They oppose practical, critical thinking - isolate members and punish them for not touting and toting the elitist Trumpian company-line. As a subgroup they’ve disrespected and dishonored everyone from the Pope to Bronze Star families to Senator John McCain.

Trump and his millions of minions, henchmen, and bootlickers (i.e., that cult I mentioned) are much-more than willing to put all of America squarely in harm’s way, sacrifice you and I, our kids and grandparents to restart the economic engines of the country - making money is much more important than the nation’s collective physical health - there’s no question about it. Matter of fact, there’s a belief amongst the fat cats that the workers are exploiting the sadistic situation Trump has placed us in, maximizing and taking advantage of the deadly virus, sitting on our collective fat, lazy asses collecting free money from deep pocketed aristocrats like Trump and his hard working lords of industry. Even in the midst of a global pandemic, Larry Cudlow can figure out a way to place the blame on the little man and woman - it’s insulting.

White men, who support Trump in overwhelming numbers are forever stained with the blood of thousands and thousands of Americans for whom they’ve sacrificed at the altar of “white male dominance”.

What a hot-ass mess White men have gotten us all into . . . . Columnist, Desi Cortez, who also writes for &, was hatched in the heart of Dixie, circa 1961, at the dawning of the age of Aquarius, the by-product of four dynamic individuals, Raised in South-Central LA, the 213. At age 14 transplanted to the base of the Rockies, Denver. Still a Mile-Hi. Sat at the foot of scholars for many, many moons, emerging with a desire and direction… if not a sheep-skin. Meandered thru life; gone a-lot places, done a-lot of things, raised a man-cub into an officer n' gentleman, a "man's man." Produced a beautiful baby-girl with my lover/woman/soul-mate… aired my "little" mind on the airwaves and wrote some stuff along the way. Wordsmith behind America's Ten Months Pregnant . . . Ready To Blow!: Even Trump Can't "Make America White Again." A New, More Inclusive, Diverse 21st Century America - Love It . . . Or Get The Hell Out!Contact Mr. Cortez and BC.

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David A. Love, JD
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Nancy Littlefield, MBA
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