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Est. April 5, 2002
June 06, 2019 - Issue 792

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Why are White Democrats
Running Interference for Trump


"Hey look, when you’ve got guys like Montana Governor
Steve Bullock, Colorado Governor Hickenlooper and Senator
Bennett and a list of 20 more soft, fuzzy, perhaps
well-intentioned white folks who are seeking the 'wishy-washy'
white folks in the 'heartless-land' - you’ve got problems."

Call me “cra-cra,” but I’ve suggested, perhaps most of white America, despite their politics, religion or geographical education would rather live under a white monarch and his dysfunctional white trash family as opposed to living in a multi-racial melting pot, under the founding fathers system of representative democracy, one human, one vote . . . liberty, freedom justice and equality for all

Donald Trump should be impeached, he should have been impeached yesterday if not yesteryear. He should have been impeached from ”Jump Street” on, from the moment he put his little, chubby orange hands on the “good book” and took the oath of office for the highest office in the a land, if not the whole wide world - Donald Trump should’ve been charged with collusion, obstruction and treason i.e., accepting “aid and support” from a foreign empire, the evil empire of Russia. But, he wasn’t. Instead the Republican TEA Party has become the “Party of King Trump.” From the rank n’ file on Main St. to the Senators in Washington and the fat-cats on Wall Street - they’ve whole-heartedly got “Diabolical Donald’s” hefty back. Trump’s White America is deliberately and tactically choosing siding with their Anglo-Saxon Brothers in Russia over the “Melting Pot” once called these United States of America.

Had Obama engaged in the identical unethical and non-patriotic antics, Mitch McConnell and the good ol boys would have tried to lynch him on the White House lawn . . . along with his family . . . and that’s not an historical exaggeration but rather common for White lynch mobs in US history.

One must ponder, as I am now if “Blue Dog” Democrats, “Ray-Gun” Democrats, Moderates - middle-of-the-road small, tiny, microscopic “d” democrats are intentionally,in the name of WASP “tribalism” coldly, in a calculating manner assisting Trump in, catch this “slowing” the “colorization” of America, slowing our “takeover” of the instruments of political power and control. Might it be Nancy and the ladies fear the loss of clout, influence, control . . . i.e., power? Fear having to fairly share resources and power?

White Liberals too are Killing Black folks with their lack of genuine, legitimate interest and empathy for the plight of Black Americans. As I’ve argued, they’ve more fire, passion and emotion for the plight of the Emperor Penguins, or Bambi the Deer. Tree-huggers and Earth Lovers are far more into saving the whales and spotted tree frogs than they are Black and brown people. Seriously!

MSNBC’s Joy Reid was making this precise pointed and ponigiant point last weekend on her morning show . . . and Mary, sweet mother of baby Jesus, good lord, I hope, like hell, Black America is hearing it. Caucasians, of all liberal persuasion, these “well-intentioned,” and “well-meaning” pacifist, brand them what you wish - peace-lovers, conscientious objectors, passive resisters, peacemakers, peace-mongers, peaceniks, appeasers, doves, wilting flower children, aging Hippies with hip-replacements . . . whatever! Regardless, it is their collective unwillingness if not inability to “pull the trigger” and begin impeachment proceedings of this bigoted and misogynistic lying, cheating and thieving SOB which is going to be fatal to American Democracy . . . and for sure our black asses!

Nancy Pelosi, who was yes, strategically “installed” in this leadership role. . . knowing she’d do just what’s she’s doing . . . not a goddamn thing. Along with the other “Moderate” Clinton, blue-dog democrats, the “sensible” middle have no heart in their game, no ass on the line, sooo - they’ve little if any flame or fire . . . no horse in the race, no black child “driving, “walking or swimming” while black - so it seems they’ve no sense of duty nor urgency,

Hey look, when you’ve got guys like Montana Governor Steve Bullock, Colorado Governor Hickenlooper and Senator Bennett and a list of 20 more soft, fuzzy, perhaps well-intentioned white folks who are seeking the “wishy-washy” white folks in the “heartless-land” - you’ve got problems. The focus can’t be flipping those who voted for Trump in 16’ but may come home if a “colorblind” white person is the Democrat Party's candidate for 2020 . . . that won’t cut it.

And as black folks we’re to blindly, simply vote for these self-proclaimed “good white folks” , trusting that they’ve our best interest at heart.

White man please!

Dig this: these shenanigans are playing out “post” Mueller Report; we now know Trump’s a traitorous 21st century Benedict Arnold . . . but (and we’re talkin’ a big, big . . .big-ass butt, like that of Mrs. Clarence Thomas) it’s not enough to persuade most of the white people in Congress. Check it: Mueller won’t even come before the representatives of we the people and tell the burning bush truth . . . whose side is he really on?

Band! One more time! Call me “cra-cra,” but I’ve suggest perhaps most of white America, despite their politics, religion or geographical education would rather live under a white monarch and his dysfunctional white trash family as opposed to living in a multi-racial melting pot, under the founding fathers system of representative democracy, one human, one vote . . . liberty, freedom justice and equality for all

Let me tell you what time it is: the only people we, as a “marked” people can trust is us. We can trust the Native Americans, they’re down for . . . whatever the hell may come- but they are a righteously proud, yet conquered and broken people Latinos are conflicted and thus divided - the darker complicated the people, the more they identify with those of us who’ve gotten the “short end of the stick.” The lighter complected . . . the lure of white/European privilege and perks are far-too alluring sometimes. Asians are somewhat in the same category.

Black America, individually or collectively, is not some monolithic-like thinking mob, we aren’t “blindly” in-search-of “revenge” for the 400-plus years of undeniable perpetual “hell” we’ve been forced at gunpoint to endure. No, instead we’re merely seeking “righteous minded mutual respect.” However White America believes we logically (thinking like them) want “payback” and thus seek revenge - they’re, quite predictably, taking the philosophical “low” road, the “Trump Tunnel,” while Black Americans seemingly very naively are taking the “high . . . as hell road,” the “Obama Sky-way thru the clouds.” Let’s see how that Utopian Disney-like approach works when dealing with a man, like minded men like Trump an era of men, of white men who don’t give a hoot how in the hell they got on top, all they know is they’re lookin’-down on everybody and they love that view . . . aren’t gonna let nobody, like you or me, or anything like a US Constitution and/or the Bill of Rights take that rooftop penthouse panorama away from them.

Watch, it’s about to be showtime . . . . Recall the flick Rosewood? Envision that on a coast-to-coast level. Columnist, Desi Cortez, who also writes for &, was hatched in the heart of Dixie, circa 1961, at the dawning of the age of Aquarius, the by-product of four dynamic individuals, Raised in South-Central LA, the 213. At age 14 transplanted to the base of the Rockies, Denver. Still a Mile-Hi. Sat at the foot of scholars for many, many moons, emerging with a desire and direction… if not a sheep-skin. Meandered thru life; gone a-lot places, done a-lot of things, raised a man-cub into an officer n' gentleman, a "man's man." Produced a beautiful baby-girl with my lover/woman/soul-mate… aired my "little" mind on the airwaves and wrote some stuff along the way. Wordsmith behind America's Ten Months Pregnant . . . Ready To Blow!: Even Trump Can't "Make America White Again." A New, More Inclusive, Diverse 21st Century America - Love It . . . Or Get The Hell Out!Contact Mr. Cortez and BC.

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