America needs a “King” to save them from their
“well-earned” fate and destiny . . . And if Trump
becomes King, . . . god help us all!
Pooh Bah Mitch MCConnell is behind the wheel, taking directions from
a drunk with power “Don” - grand pooh-bah Trump . . .
they’re navigating the political landscape in his gold- plated
everything stretch-limo, which is packed-full of ass-kissing
white-collarard political gangsters and Wall Street thugs - and,
right in-front-of this nation’s eye, they’re conducting
a block-by-block slow, slow . . slow-rolling drive-by execution of
American Democracy - even as shallow, hollow and non-reaching was
“rollin’ 77 capitalist” - a gang comprised of
racist, sexist and elitist wanna-be aristocrats are visibly half-mad
with both unearned and surely undeserved power, as well as they’re
consumed with fear . . . for they grasp the simplicity of the
so-called complex predicament America finds itself in here the 21st
century. They know they must “hold-on” to their
illegitimate stranglehold on power . . . by any barbaric means their
Lord and , this crucial “savior” Trump decides to
America needs a “King” to save them from their earned
fate and destiny.
nation is witnessing a level of racial intolerance and indifference
within white America not seen since the 1960’s. There’s a
internal cultural understanding the clock is ticking, time is running
out, this is the end of their artificial claim of total complete
“superiority” over everyone and everything.
response Trump’s tribe has primitively calculated they must
make this “last stand” here and now with this man, King
they’re justifiably and logically paranoid White men who
fear their “comeuppance.” People who “think”
like Trump, which is the vast overwhelming majority of White men,
they understand “every dog has its day . . . “ So, to
counter destiny and fate, they’ve concocted, on the fly, a
diabolical plan: they’re going to, with Trump - “take
back” their America, and make it White again.
WASP base “end game” - to make Trump “King”
for life, King of a newer, whiter America - the America the founding
fathers laid out and existed until the weak, spineless liberals
(negro-lovers) got power. There plan. To purge of all the human
waste, which had, ater all gotten far too big for their britches.
Americans of color have forgotten our original inferior,
subordinate flunky like lackey sidekick place in American society as
merely, simply, the “help,” and this altering of our
status and role has changed America for the worst - as far as most
White Americans see it.
Trump isn’t impeached, imprisoned or beaten back at the polls
in 2020, hang on to your asses.
just a few obvious horrific “givens” of what this “white
Backlash” is capable of:
an catastrophic event of any type, Trump or God-made to “roundup”
and “lock down” all the known dissidents, i.e.,
objectors, protesters, freethinkers, nonconforming independent
thinking rebels and revolutionaries, political renegades and
insurgent agitators - Trump has rationalized, justified and glorified
Japanese Internment/prison camps. As we all know he has massive
manluv for all the real global gangsters and pimps.
planes and automobiles of all sorts used to transport “undesirables”
like you and I to death camps in remote locations, sorry, but yeah,
this terrifying visual coming-to-life isn’t beyond the realm of
possibilities, anyone who’s a finger on the pulse of FOX
News, Newsmax and AM hate radio understands the “good ol’
boy” vigilante militias can’t wait to turn their night
vision gun sights on Blacks, Asians, “Chicanos”,
negro-loving liberals . . . really.
trick - we’re at war with just about everybody. However the
thinking man or woman knows it’s not by “chance”
nor “happenstance” but rather by “strategic
design,” with the “endgame being an “axis of
white greed, power, alas evil- white men and their women on tip- top
of the world, the rest of us on the ground level, down in the
basement fighting over the crumbs.
your eyes all you want but that wet-dream of global domination and
superiority wakes-up in the middle of the night men like Trump,
Putin, England's new Great White Hope “Boris” and the
hard-liners in Italy, France and other parts of Europe and South
America a usually extremely hard-to-find medically-assisted
“erection” . . . and quickly accompanying
“ejaculation,” seriously.
agenda is to erase the iconic 1964 Civil Rights Act, under the guise
of “property rights,” which will then facilitate the
rehanging up of the good ol’, ol’ fashion traditional All
American signs which scream “No
Nigger/Spics/Chinks/Jew-Boys/Injunes/Uppity Cunts/Fags or Man-Bitches
. . .” Look, Archie Bunker’s “wet dream” wish
list of undesirables and unwanted in his White man’s land is
endless. And please don’t tell me those above mentioned racist
“terms of endearment?” aren't the verbiage employed by
Trump’s America?
Vs Wade is erased . . . Women will go back to being barefoot and
create a “2 cents” coin and put a likeness of Harriet
Tubman on it, hell these bigoted bastards might put Dr. King on the
other side . . . kill two coons with one bullet . . . .
will live across the river, blacks across the tracks,
Japanese,Koreans, Polynesians, any one with Asian s features in
Chinatown . . .
will seize the native American operated Casinos and resorts, round up
all the Natives/Savages injuries and put them back on that land white
folks let them have. If you think Trump and his tribe think of
Indians as anything more than “hostiles” - than your a
naive nit-wit.
doctors, dentist, hospitals would not treat the ailments of Blacks
and other people of color . . . unless they so desired. Financial
institutions will openly apply what they now do behind closed doors -
loan money based on color and gender instead of ability to repay the
national/global chains wouldn’t adhere to these Jim
Crow/Sundown laws, due to economic backlash, but the small local
merchant would implement these racist retro laws if they so desired .
. .
People will be forced-to work for peanuts if the “investor
class” which values profits more than people have their selfish
way. “Breadwinner” jobs, producing “livable wages”
which enable the average American to handle a out-of-the blue $500
emergency without a pawn shop or payday loan shark’s “help”
- that day will never come. Americans having a 4 figure savings
account, a stash under the bed . . . please! That stash would dry-up
a revenue stream for the white collar soft-handed Ivy League hustler
who pimps and exploits the little people's ills n’ woes.
really, really serious about this all, I might make light of some of
this, but in the end, I don’t believe the world understands
what people like Trump want the world to look like.