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Est. April 5, 2002
April 04, 2019 - Issue 783

Ol’ Joe Biden
Both a "Great White Hope"
and a
"Negro Lover"


"Rush, Hannity and all the good ol boys hate him
for collaborating with the sworn enemy - Blacks.
He’s guilty in the white American court of public
opinion, guilty of aiding and abetting the sworn
enemy of the 'Right' - President Obama."

Ol’ Joe Biden . . . perhaps the last “great white hope” of LBJ’s fatally fractured and forever flawed 20th century Democrat Party. “Moderates” who almost opposed Anita Hill and backed “3 strikes and you're out!” “Ray-Gun” Democrats who somehow could work with Ronnie to turn-back the hands of progress. And yet today the “Right” has branded ol’ Joe a no-good “Negro-Lover” who allowed himself to be used in an effort to lend legitimacy to the Obama White House.

Rush, Hannity and all the good ol boys hate him for collaborating with the sworn enemy - Blacks. He’s guilty in the white American court of public opinion, guilty of aiding and abetting the sworn enemy of the “Right” - President Obama.

Vice President Joe Biden also represents the last strategic effort of the entrenched and established Democrat WASP old guard to hang-on to the reigns of control and image . . . alas “power” within a political party they are losing clout within everyday.

The Democratic Party is engulfed in an internal cultural war, within a national cultural war . . . can you get to that?

Joe, along with Nancy and Chuck supposedly represent the calm, non-emotional, mature, rational if not only “civilized adults” in the blue-room who are playing 3-tiered “Star Trek” chess, advocating for political “moderation” - to not motivate and make Trump’s troops angry with our Che Guevara and Stokely Carmichael driven idealistic rhetoric and not offend the “moderate” remnants of Bill and Hillary's Dixiecrat base with all this talk of “reparations.”

Wait,” “slow-down” and “take it easy” as opposed to the “Seize the time” philosophy advocates like Congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Talib have embraced and are putting on the debate table.

Biden’s run for the party’s nomination is akin-to Trump’s presidency - yet another “last stand” for white people in the history of America. Another attempt to control the outrage, make sure the natives don’t get too restless. It’s the embracing of moderation, e.g., Booker T Washington over WEB DuBois and Marcus Garvey, As King was elevated . . . then executed because Malcolm, Huey P. Newton, Angela Davis and Bobby Seale were so feared. The lesser of idealistic evil if you will.

Trump has wrestled away control of the Republican Party from those who, believe it or not have turned out to be the “good n’ decent” white folks - like John McCain, George Will and the Bushes - and returned the GOP to its 1960’s heyday of Strom Thurmond, Joe McCarthy and George Wallace.

Ol Joe’s impossible mission is to, if he chooses to accept it, keep the Democratic Party decision-making leadership as “white” as possible despite the party being more black, brown, red and yellow than ever in its history. Just as Trump’s goal is to “take back America and make it circa 1953 white again” the Democrat’s mutual goal is to check the influence, the clout, the control of US society via politics that Americans of color are now carrying into the 21st century.

Here’s what’s obvious . . . we “Americans of color” are dealing with rampant, widespread white paranoia, dreams of domination, notions of nationalism and millions seeking racial supremacy - all masked as the “Make America Great Again movement.”

White America is struggling to hang-on to power, and what complicates a already complex situation? It’s the extreme paranoia which grips virtually all of locked n’ loaded White America, be it the heartland, the coast, down south, up north or out west - Republicans, Tea Partiers, Trumpians, Liberals, Progressives alike is the fear that the descendants of all those who were undeniably pimped and exploited: indigenous Natives, whose land was forcibly taken and their numbers whittled down by continuous acts of genocide, Afro Americans who endured not merely 250 plus years of bondage, but another 150 years of “Separate n’ unequal,” black codes, Sundown Laws, institutional racism, Those whose grandparents were betrayed and interned, instantly deemed the Yellow peril. Those whose ancestors were in Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico and California before European Imperialism and now they have to prove their Americans.

Trump’s America” fears, and too loathes,detest, holds an unbelievable amount of hostility malice and animus against these folks who they have concluded logically want payback, revenge and retribution.

Reparations” isn’t the half of what they fear.

However, yes I’d submit-to White America - “put your money where your mouth is” let the financial eggheads pound-out what would be fair and equitable compensation for a never-ever delivered upon “40 acres and a mule.” Never compensated for denying equal access to the “America Dream” to at least 6 or 7 generations of Black folks - minimizing the accumulation of both intellectual and economic resources . . . what is that worth? Put a number on it! Pay it out, close the book, burn the book and move the hell on into Tomorrow land.

As I’ve contended for years, I don’t want a half-ass, half-hearted “we’re sorry, we didn’t know what we were doing” No, I merely seek an confession - a public acknowledgement that “yeah, we screwed you people,” and an admission that, still today much of the Euro-American population “struggles” with the lofty, high-minded notion that all people are created equal.

Ain’t that a highly predictable bitch?

This is the predicament White America, both Trump's and Biden's find themselves in . . . as Malcolm X said “the chickens have come home to roost." Columnist, Desi Cortez, who also writes for &, was hatched in the heart of Dixie, circa 1961, at the dawning of the age of Aquarius, the by-product of four dynamic individuals, Raised in South-Central LA, the 213. At age 14 transplanted to the base of the Rockies, Denver. Still a Mile-Hi. Sat at the foot of scholars for many, many moons, emerging with a desire and direction… if not a sheep-skin. Meandered thru life; gone a-lot places, done a-lot of things, raised a man-cub into an officer n' gentleman, a "man's man." Produced a beautiful baby-girl with my lover/woman/soul-mate… aired my "little" mind on the airwaves and wrote some stuff along the way. Wordsmith behind America's Ten Months Pregnant . . . Ready To Blow!: Even Trump Can't "Make America White Again." A New, More Inclusive, Diverse 21st Century America - Love It . . . Or Get The Hell Out!Contact Mr. Cortez and BC.




is published every Thursday
Executive Editor:
David A. Love, JD
Managing Editor:
Nancy Littlefield, MBA
Peter Gamble

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