We hear the words "national
emergency" so often from the bloviator that masquerades as a
President that we forget what an emergency really looks like. One of
our most pressing crises is the educational emergency that our nation
faces, with the quality of inner-city education, in particular, so
lacking that many young people are graduating from high school
unequipped to manage either post-secondary education or employment.
This hits African American communities hardest, with an achievement
gap well documented by the National Assessment of Educational
Progress and the National Center for Educational statistics.
Researchers like Georgia Perimeter College's Dr. Tiffany Flowers
consider everything from what happens at home to what happens at
school, noting that parental involvement in literacy makes a
difference in a young person's reading ability. Some homes have
bookshelves that are groaning with books, though, and others have
just a few. The difference in access to children's books may partly
explain the achievement gap between Black and white students as well
as between children in lower-income and higher-income families.
are families to do? Vanesse J. Lloyd-Sgambati has one of the
answers. As the founder of the African American Children's Book
Project she has, for twenty-seven years, hosted the African American
Children's Book Fair. This year it will be held on the afternoon of
Saturday, February 2, 2019, at Community College of Philadelphia
(CCP). With the theme, A Book Opens Up A World of Opportunities, it
feeds literacy hunger, bringing together book authors, booksellers,
parents, and children who are eager to experience culturally relevant
literary experiences. Last year the event drew more than four
thousand people, along with dozens of authors and illustrators.
Lloyd-Sgambati is passionate about her mission, noting that many
economic and cultural factors contribute to the wealth gap. "You
can't tell a child to read at home if there are no books in the
household. With fewer retailers offering diverse books, the need is
even greater." Her event not only salutes those who produce
diverse books but also provides young people with the opportunity to
have access to books. Says Lloyd-Sgambati, "Adults who attended
the program as children now bring their children. They understand the
importance of having books in the home and the life-long impact of
reading on the journey to success for their children."

am writing about this local Philadelphia event because it is the kind
of activity that needs to take place all over the country. Black
children's literacy is improving, but the achievement gap is a
national emergency. We combat the gap by encouraging literacy among
young people, by embracing children's literacy as a cause, and by
developing traditions like the African American Children's Book Fair
to salute those who write and illustrate diverse books and to provide
opportunities for parents and children to buy books.
says Vanesse, "empower, enrich, and enlighten the lives of all
children." She doesn't have to convince me. I've so frequently
had my nose in a book, that I once wrote an essay about the ways I
escaped my childhood life through reading. I was one of those kids
who put books in front of my dolls and gave them lessons. Once
forbidden to read a thick book because the contents were not
child-appropriate, I climbed up a shelf to get the book, injuring
myself but then allowed to devour the contents. I went to New York
City without leaving San Francisco by reading, inhaled parts of the
African continent without boarding an airplane through reading, and
became livid about issues of economic justice because I had my nose
in a book.
wish the literacy experience for every young person, not only because
it will influence their life experiences, but also because it can
bring them joy. I commend Vanesse Lloyd-Sgambati who is, in full
disclosure, a dear friend, for the work that she does to ensure that
teachers and librarians have new books in their schools.
Philadelphia is blessed to have her fantastic book fair. If she had
the resources, she could replicate this event all over the country.
When a child opens a book, she explores the world. Her book fair is
a stellar commitment to children's literacy. There ought to be a
similar book fair everywhere an achievement gap is documented!