In the heady days of U.S. labor's
power, which lasted only a few decades, workers understood the power
of the strike, the withholding of their energy, experience,
expertise, and willingness to show up on the job every day. That's
what made the country as powerful as it was, economically and
What made that all possible was that
there was a unified union movement supported by a new labor law, and
that was what made the strike a potent weapon, the ultimate weapon of
workers against capital. Because the strike was (and is) such a
potent weapon, the rulers of the nation and economy feared that it
could damage the control they enjoyed over most aspects of American
These rulers long feared the
potential power of workers and they fought any evidence of activity
that might unify workers, going back to the mid-19th Century. With
their private armies and gangs of gun thugs, the industrialists and
robber barons (pretty much the same thing) oppressed and even killed
workers and their families, as they organized or struck for higher
pay and safer and healthier working conditions. Their deadly forays
against workers were a warning to all.
For a century, or so, they managed
to keep a lid on broad organizing of unions or a union movement. For
sure, there were successful strikes and other actions, here and
there, but often, they were isolated victories. Part of the power
over workers and unions was that the ruling class had the money and,
for the most part, owned the means of communication, especially the
newspapers and then, radio and, after that, television. The circle of
propaganda dispersal was nearly complete and they had control of much
of what the masses of the people received as information. Today, that
control is consolidated in the age of television, when a half-dozen
companies own the major TV networks and several more own the major
After passage of the National Labor
Relations Act (NLRA) that was signed into law by President Franklin
D. Roosevelt in 1935, the labor law which guaranteed the basic rights
of private sector workers to organize into trade unions. The powerful
pulled out all the stops in their attempt to keep the law from being
passed and then tried to render it unconstitutional, taking the case
to the highest court.
When all of that failed, the NLRA
became the law of the land and the strike became a legal means for
workers to oppose the power of capital. Into the early part of the
20th Century, capital had manipulated the rules, starting in the 19th
Century, to have unions declared to be in “restraint of trade”
and, therefore, illegal structures. When workers joined together
under those circumstances, they could be opposed with the private
armies and corporations of gun thugs and most concerted actions of
workers were declared illegal and those who participated in strikes
and other actions faced violence or threats of violence. They could
keep the lid on unions, but the NLRA threw a monkey wrench into their
works by giving workers the right to bargain collectively for pay,
benefits, and pensions, along with the right to withhold their labor.
The right to strike.
Feeling their power under the new
rules, workers through their unions felt that they could safely agree
to withhold the power of the strike during World War II, their
contribution to the war effort. At the end of the war, there was such
an groundswell of organizing and strikes for recognition of their
unions that the “captains of industry” and their minions
in politics at every level became alarmed anew at the possibilities
for workers to have a tangible contribution to the direction of the
country, both economically and socially.
By that time, the power brokers had
about a century of experience in oppressing working men and women and
their unions. But the fear instilled in them at the end of World War
II by the surge of organizing and the strikes that brought millions
into what was then considered to be the middle class, that they
renewed their efforts at supressing unions, albeit with other
weapons, since the new labor law protected striking workers, who
before could be denounced as “mobs” and “criminals,”
just for demanding a decent life for themselves and their families.
After 1945, the war on workers and
their unions was shifted into high gear, with the millionaires and
billionaires putting on a full frontal attack through local and
federal laws, through the courts, and through their propaganda and
right-wing think tanks, which have been funded by never-endng amounts
of cash from business and industrial interests and the rich. By the
1980s, it had been largely successful and the number of strikes each
year (a primary marker of workers' and unions' power) had been
reduced to a small percentage of the strikes of the 1960s and 70s.
It appeared that capital won the
war, but during the past half-dozen years, there have been movements
created that have resulted in pay increases and other improvements in
working conditions. They are victories and, with each win, other
workers are inspired to make the commitment and risk their
livelihoods to gain, say, a $15 minimum wage. Scholars of the working
class and unions have seen these victories as a sign that the tide is
changing and there could be a resurgence of the union movement. But,
if unions are involved in some of these victories, they have largely
kept their presence low key.
It doesn't appear that the rich or
Corporate America are very worried about the victories of workers in
the past several years, because they often occurred in one sector or
another or one industry or another. They are significant, however,
although they have been in lower-wage industries, in which the people
are suffering oppression. They need a $15-an-hour wage just to make
ends meet, to pay the critical bills in life. For most of them, they
need to work another job or put in overtime to meet those bills, even
at $15. Although the $15 wage has been won in some places, that wage
has been phased in and won't be seen until 2020 or later. They can't
The next group of workers who should
rise up and demand better conditions are those in the so-called gig
economy, those workers who make their living as freelancers, temp
workers, on-call workers, or independent contractors. Their presence
in a workplace may be fleeting and there is little opportunity to
develop a relationship with others doing the same work. And, there is
always the downside: Earnings may vary from month to month, there are
few or no benefits, there is little to no job security, and there is
a dimly defined road to “career advancement.”
But, no matter the industry or
sector of the economy, workers are approaching their plight as
isolated situations. To date, there is little cohesion among all of
the sectors and their movements. And that has been the problem of the
union movement. In the past half-century, laws have been passed that
hamper unity and solidarity among unions. These laws have been
adopted for the specific purpose of weakening unity, but the unions
have taken most of the blame.
The only way the masses of workers
in the U.S. will win a secure place in the economy is to join
together and act as one, at least on occasion. There have been mass
demonstrations that drew the attention of the powers that be, going
as far back as the 1960s' civil rights movement, but they all were
for a specific purpose and goal, not as broad-based as the organized
labor movement. There is a defining characteristic that should bring
people together: Regardless of all of the differences among the
people, what is common to most Americans is that everyone is a worker
of some kind. And, the working class is growing, as the middle class
continues to shrink.
My definition of working class is:
Regardless of your income, if you are unable to live for three months
without any money coming into the house, you are in the working
class. That example cuts across most workers in cities across the
nation, but somehow, the significance of that does not penetrate the
thinking of Americans. Until it does and until workers act on it in
solidarity, all of the small wins will be just that, small wins.
Other nations and other peoples realize that all they have is each
other. Consider the “yellow vest” demonstrations in
France and the millions (some estimates are as high as 150 million)
of workers and farmers in India, who have demonstrated just this
week. They are protesting many of the same conditions that exist for
workers in the U.S., especially the deterioritating condition of
their lives.
Many students of labor history and
labor unions, along with some union leaders, are hoping that this
resurgence of strikes signals “the return of the strike”
and, with it, return of a labor movement as strong as that after
World War II. It's certainly possible, but it won't happen, unless
all of the disparate elements of the working class and middle class
(along with small farmers) bring themselves together in unity and
speak to power in their own voices, in the streets and everywhere.
The strikes are a good sign, but Solidarity is the only way to solve
the deadly problems of inequality and oppression.