Challenges of a New Season
we enter a New
Kwanzaa Season, we
must remind ourselves of the continued challenges that we face. The
fundamental issue that Africans in America must face is centered
around the continued assault by the systems of racism and white
supremacy that keeps us in bondage, servitude, and often times,
confusion. What is at stake is our survival as a race of people. We
must come to grips with the following challenges as we enter a New
Kwanzaa Season.
Development: There
is no question that the African in American family is in major
disarray and is in need of major repair. Without strong African in
America families, raising and nurturing our children, the future will
remain bleak. Families
are the foundation for the survival and development of a people.
African men and women need to
close ranks and reestablish the tradition of strong Black families in
Development: Many
Africans in America women and men continue to remind us that we earn
in excess of 600 billion dollars a year in this country. The tragedy
of this economic potential in the African Community in America is
that the overwhelming majority of this income we earn, we spend with
other people and not with our own. Other people still continue to
dominate and maximize profits from our communities for their own
advancement. When are we going to stop this awful practice of
allowing other people to benefit from the dollars we earn?
Development: We
have often said that politics is the science of who gets what, when,
where, and how. And in this regard, we should recognize that the
white power structure and its Black allies are doing everything
possible to rupture our continuing movement for Black political
empowerment. In electoral politics the lessons are clear. Personality
clashes and individual personal conflicts have no place in the world
of politics! The only thing that matters is what is best for African
people in America. If we don't remain unified politically, we will
not benefit from our efforts to increase Black political power in
Chicago or in any other cities in which we live.
Development: Why
should other people profit from our artistic and creative endeavors?
It is clear that we are a creative people with a unique culture of
our own. However, in this area the writers, poets, musicians,
dancers, singers, actors, etc. must strive to control what we create
and the entire African Community should aggressively support their
Affairs: We must
work harder to support the struggle of our brothers and sisters in
Africa, the Caribbean, and South America in their continued
liberation struggle for land and independence.
Discontinuity: It
appears the more we are oppressed under the system of racism and
white supremacy, the more we forget our history. One generation from
the next has difficulty remembering our great struggles, battles, and
Cruse points out in his book, The Crisis of the Negro Intellectual, “The
farther the Negro [Black person] gets from his [her] historical
antecedents in time, the more tenuous become his conceptual ties, the
emptier his [her] social conceptions, the more superficial his
must be clear, at this point in history that African people need to
determine for ourselves solutions to the many serious problems we
face. We should realize going into this New Kwanzaa Season that no
one will do for us what we really need to do for ourselves.
is time we begin providing for ourselves in all areas of life. No
longer should we listen and adhere to how other people define us and
our struggle. Accomplishing the objective of elevating our struggle
to a higher level will require that we become more skilled in
organizing our communities toward our liberation and freedom.
an old African proverb points out, “Those who are dead have not
gone forever. They are in the woman’s womb. They are in the
child who whimpers.”
Kwanzaa Season and Economics
is an African in America celebration
based on African agricultural/harvest celebrations and collective
principles which contribute to the unity and development our
community in the United States. This
is the 52nd
anniversary of Kwanzaa and the 49th
year of
its celebration in Chicago.
was created to introduce African people in America to new values.
Kwanzaa is a seven day celebration that is held from December 26 to
January 1. These new values are called the Nguzo
Saba or the seven principles of
Blackness, “if practiced would give them (us) a set of
priorities and commitments which would enhance their (our) human
possibilities and lead to their (our) liberation and a higher level
of human life.”
United States economy is suffering from the white supremacy arrogance
of centuries of brutal exploitation of the world’s resources
and its people.
era of United States history demands that African people in America
place a greater degree of emphasis on our collective economic
salvation. Once again, the old truth that “Black people are the
last hired and the first fired,” is surfacing itself throughout
the major employment centers in this country.
this economic crisis, the Kwanzaa season helps us place the question
of economics on the agenda of our struggle. The eradication of our
economic slave condition must continue to be a major challenge as we
enter the twenty-first-century.
cannot be stated enough that we are far too dependent on Europeans
and Asians for our food, clothing and shelter.
principle we commemorate during the Kwanzaa season that speaks to
this issue is Ujamaa (Cooperative
Economics). This principle encourages African people in America "to
build and maintain our own stores, shops, and other businesses and to
profit from them together." On the fourth day of Kwanzaa,
Thursday, December 29th, this principle is celebrated.
this regard, it is important, once again, to state Malcolm X’s
economic philosophy of Black nationalism. Malcolm said:
must be re-educated to the importance of controlling the economy in
which we live by owning and operating the business in the community
we live in and developing some industry that will employ our people
so we won’t have to boycott and picket other people in other
communities to get a job. We must understand the importance of
spending money in the community in which we live.”
went on to say that, “The neighborhoods in which you spend your
money become richer and richer and the neighborhoods in which the
money is taken out of becomes poorer and poorer. This creates slums-
all the wealth leaves.”
speaking on the topic of economic philosophy of Black nationalism,
Malcolm continues by pointing out:
when we try to spend money in our own community
we don’t. Business is controlled by outsiders who don't live in
the community because we don't know the importance of owning and
operating businesses ourselves. So money leaves the community in a
basket at sundown. We must control our own economy.”
important activity African American people should practice during the
Kwanzaa season is doing business with each other, thus continuing
this practice throughout the year.
next to the final chapter of Dr. Chancellor Williams classic book, Destruction of Black Civilization , he
addresses the issue of “Organizing A Race For Action.”
Williams explains that this organizing for racial action should have
as a major component, “The Division of Economic Planning and
Development.” He explains that:
Division of Economic Planning and Development should be the
foundation of the organized efforts and a principal source of support
and promotion of the most important activities of the whole race. A
guiding principle should be that all promoted community enterprises
shall be cooperatively owned and controlled by the people of the
community and that each enterprise be highly trained management and
competent service personnel.”
this connection, Dr. Williams makes this observation:
second great understanding should be that economic activities are so
fundamental in any truly upward movement, so clearly indispensable at
this stage in history, that it should be unnecessary to state it
we are ever to become a free and independent people, we must organize
the race for action.