Al Sharpton’s race
for the Democratic presidential nomination should be considered
a resounding success – for just about everyone except the candidate
sheer dint of will and force of personality, Sharpton imposed
a vibrant Black presence
on the party’s primary process. (Had Sharpton not run, Carol
Moseley-Braun would not have been drawn into the race – ironically,
as a counterweight to Sharpton.) “Big Al” was truly large on
the stage, a daunting deterrent to the intrusion of the usual
coded racial rhetoric into the Democratic debates or on the stump:
Don’t even think about it, said Al, without having to move his
lips. Sharpton gave voice – at times, brilliantly – to the core
progressive principles of the Black political consensus, causing
big-footed white men to step lightly and in the right general

candidacy has had a magical effect on the racial chemistry
of the Democratic
dialogue, in starkest contrast to the White Citizens Council-type
language of the GOP. He caused the white candidates to repeatedly
demonstrate, through their words and campaign schedules, that
they valued Black voters.
that sense, Sharpton’s
very success detracted from his appeal.
not subscribe to the notion that fear of George Bush caused four
of five Black voters in South Carolina to opt for a white
candidate. There was never any possibility of Sharpton being
the nominee, so “electability” was not a consideration. From
the beginning, his candidacy promised African Americans the opportunity
to send a message to the Democratic Party: you’d better
pay attention to us. The frontrunners – and it seems that every
white candidate but Dennis Kucinich has been a frontrunner at
some point – had already gotten the message long before last
Tuesday. They embraced Black South Carolina.
whites, who are the ultimate bloc voters, African Americans
have always responded
across racial lines to direct, respectful appeals for their votes.
Sharpton worked a civilizing mojo on the white contenders this
season. (Even Democratic Leadership Council favorite Sen. Joseph
Lieberman – now, thankfully, gone from the race – dropped his
references to the red herring, “quotas.”) Call it nine months
of behavior modification therapy, courtesy of Rev. Al. Thanks
to Sharpton, others in the Democratic field struggled to make
themselves worthy of Black votes. They were rewarded and are,
presumably, grateful.
The debacle

may or may not appreciate the effect he has had on the behavior
and marketability
of his white opponents. However, he has much more to worry about
than whether he gets to speak at the Democratic convention, in
Boston. The growing storm over his covert alliance with rightwing
Republicans probably came too late to have any measurable impact
on Tuesday’s elections, but the revelations are a deathblow to
his actual goal: to become the recognized leader of African
Americans. Although the story has been framed in terms of treachery
to the Democratic Party, or as evidence of Sharpton’s visceral
disdain for white “liberals,” the tale will resonate somewhat
differently among African Americans. Sharpton comes across as
a hapless stooge of the worst elements of the GOP.
Stone, a millionaire political consultant who began his career
as a 19-year-old Watergate
dirty trickster, virtually took over the Sharpton campaign in
the last quarter of 2003, according to reports in the New York
Times (January 25), Salon.com (”A
GOP Trickster Rents Sharpton,” February 3) and New York’s
Village Voice (“Sleeping
with the GOP,” February 3). Stone and Sharpton were introduced
two years ago by Donald Trump, the celebrity millionaire, said
the Times. Stone brought in Charles Halloran to replace Sharpton
campaign manager Frank Watkins, a longtime advisor to the Jesse
Jacksons, Junior and Senior, who resigned in late September.
(In the Village Voice article, Sharpton says Watkins was fired.)
Halloran previously managed the New York gubernatorial campaign
of far-right billionaire Tom Golisano, on the Independence Party
line. He also managed a mostly white, conservative party’s attempt
to unseat the first Black-led government of Bermuda.
provides “ideas
and direction, while Mr. Halloran…does the front-line work,” said
the Times. “In the attacks on Dr. Dean, Mr. Stone helped set
the tone and direction while Mr. Halloran did the research. Mr.
Halloran came up with Dr. Dean's hiring record as governor, for
example, aides to Mr. Sharpton said.”
rightwing purported Sharpton crony, Tucker Carlson of CNN’s “Crossfire,” said Stone
and Sharpton are both motivated by a “disdain for white liberals.”
Conason, of Salon.com, contends that Sharpton is a menace to
the Democratic Party. “Stone
certainly serves the Republican party by sustaining and promoting
Sharpton,” wrote Conason. “The Democratic Party, whose institutions
and candidates [Sharpton] has consistently undermined for many
years, is merely a convenient vehicle for his advancement.”
Blinded by the

the primary votes were being counted on Tuesday night, crack
investigative reporter
Wayne Barrett’s bomb exploded in the Village Voice, a devastating
document-of-no-return for Al Sharpton. Barrett and his team describe
what amounts to a lock, stock and barrel takeover of the Sharpton
apparatus by Stone and the “half-dozen incongruous top aides
who've worked for him in prior campaigns.” The Republican consultant
also appears to have absorbed Sharpton’s Harlem-based National
Action Network (NAN). “The combination of the unpaid or underpaid
services of Stone, Halloran, [and Stone operatives] Baynard,
Archer, et al., together with the NAN subsidies, paint a picture
of a Sharpton operation that is utterly dependent on his new
ally Stone, whose own sponsors are as unclear as ever,” said
the Voice.
most disturbing of all is Stone’s role in securing federal matching funds for
the campaign. To qualify for matching dollars, candidates must
first raise $100,000 – $5,000 from each of 20 states. Each individual
contribution must be of no more than $250. The combined resources
of the Sharpton campaign and NAN (“A shell,” according to an
aide imported by Stone) either could not or would not assemble
the necessary 400-plus contributors grouped by state, to meet
the federal threshold. Stone stepped in, filling the gaps with
small checks from relatives, lobbyist friends and assorted denizens
of the Right.
Did Sharpton really
need a Republican organization to do that? Was a household
name incapable of finding 20 people in 20 states with $250? Or
does he instinctively opt for the quick fix or favor?

has “loaned” Sharpton
at least $270,000, and the candidate has made frequent use of
Stone’s credit card, according to the Voice story. NAN funds
have been hopelessly commingled with campaign monies – a potential
legal disaster.
relationship boggles the mind. Roger Stone is the Hard Right
storm trooper whose goons
bum-rushed the Miami-Dade elections offices in 2000, shutting
down the recount and setting the stage for George Bush’s “selection.” Sharpton
claims he and Stone are just friends. But reporter Wayne Barrett
is a veteran dirt-digger who has taken down a number of New York’s
Sleaziest. Sharpton and Stone seem to have made Barrett’s job
easy – indeed, Stone doesn’t appear anxious to hide the fact
that he has captured a Negro.
Sorely tested,
he failed

Barrett’s article sketches
Rev. Al’s wheeling and dealing in the Byzantine world of New
York politics, arrangements in which, as often as not, he has
actively or tacitly backed Republicans. So have lots of New York
Democrats; the city is a shadowy, immensely corrupt environment – a
gray political landscape. Sharpton has long been known as an
influence trader. This time, he got eaten – whole.
We at
been holding our breath ever since the Reverend announced that
he was serious about running for president. Somebody Black
had to do it. The Democratic Leadership Council had just engineered
a sweeping Republican victory in the off-year, congressional
elections, and corporate media favored DLC champion Joe Lieberman
as frontrunner for the nomination, followed by a mealy-mouthed
Sen. John Kerry. It was imperative, we believed, that Black voters
show their strength within the Democratic Party in an unmistakable
way, by coalescing in large numbers around a Black candidate
in the primaries. Al Sharpton stepped forward.
our April 24 issue, “What
the Black Presidential Candidate Must Do,” we declared,
wishfully: “We believe that Al Sharpton is up to the task,
if he maintains a clear vision and personal discipline.” Believing
in the possibilities of human growth, if not redemption, and
in the transformative powers of righteous political movements,
we wrote: “Sharpton will show who he is in the course of the
race. Even those of us who think we know him cannot predict
what the National Action Network leader will become as he is
tested by the experience.”
we know.

Sharpton campaign’s
descent into what looked like madness became apparent shortly
after the resignations of Jesse Jackson family confidant Frank
Watkins and South Carolina coordinator Kevin Gray, September
30. We don’t know what precipitated their exits, but Roger Stone
and his Republicans moved right in. In late October, when it
became clear that Chicago Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. would
endorse Howard Dean, Sharpton went on the attack, shedding the
steady, even statesmanlike persona he had cultivated in the previous
months of campaigning. We described the spectacle in the November
13 Cover Story, “Al
Sharpton’s Political-Emotional Breakdown”:
that Sharpton had been “laid low by Jesse Jacksonophobia” – confirming
that his real mission was to seize the mantle of national Black
leadership. We stand by the diagnosis. What we did not know
was that Roger Stone was methodically channeling Sharpton’s
ambitions and grievances. Like all of Bush’s men, the dirty
Republican trickster aims to suppress the Black vote in the
general election. He hoped that Sharpton could be deployed
as a disruptive force in the primary process, thus tamping
down Black enthusiasm for the ultimate nominee. Two or three
hundred thousand dollars is a small price to pay for the chance
to wreak havoc among Democrats – and who knows where the money
really comes from. Sharpton, who thinks he’s a player, played
right into Stone’s hands. Now he can be broken at will.
Bush’s mega-crimes,
Al’s misdemeanors
story such as this one, in which small men on transient stages
act out petty
passions, must be framed by a larger perspective. The overarching
corruption in America is centered in the White House, where
a racist cabal of pirates and thieves prepares to swamp the
coming election in fantastic, unprecedented waves of money.
At this writing, George Bush has $91 million dollars in the
bank. According to Charles Lewis, author of “The
Buying of the President,” Bush’s presidential campaign
account swells at the rate of $600,000 per day.
puny contrast, Al Sharpton finds himself – through his own moral and character
flaws – the poor captive of Roger Stone, a rich, cynical, misanthrope
who pummels democracy for sport. It is a great irony that the
electoral process that Sharpton did so much to enrich, in which
his formidable presence deterred white Democrats from reverting
to racist type, has resulted in more palatable choices for
Black voters, but negligible delegate clout for himself.

must ask why Al Sharpton emerged as a contender for national
Black leadership
via the presidential primaries. The answer is simple, and should
be deeply troubling: He was the only one to step forward. Such
was also the case in the decades of Sharpton’s rise to prominence
in New York. When police brutalized African Americans, Al Sharpton
was there. When demonstrations needed to be mounted, Sharpton
was on point. When Black anger rose, Sharpton rose to the occasion – year,
after year, after year.
of all political persuasions denounced Sharpton as an opportunist
and publicity
seeker – as if they were telling Black folks something we didn’t
know. But we desperately needed publicity, and an opportunity
to be heard. Rev. Al seized the spotlight and shook things
up, which was a lot better than nothing.
Somebody Black
had to do it.
who’s stepping forward, now?