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Est. April 5, 2002
July 26, 2018 - Issue 752

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There’s no "I" nor
"white people" in "team"


"If now isn’t the right time n’ place to tell it
like it really is, then I ask you moderate colored people
and you white liberals -  when is?  When we’re 
locked-down in internment camps and our kids are in cages?
And please don’t tell me Trump’s “base” isn’t capable
of such diabolical and dastardly deeds."

There’s no "I" nor "white people" in "team’" . .. that’s got a prolific, truthful ring to it, no? And it fits since White America has sold us all out in the name of societal privilege, economic comfort and racial supremacy

I guesstimate that by Christmas of this year Emperor Trump will have openly referred-to someone Black as a “Nigger,” or perhaps he’ll be a tad-more colorful and go with “Spear-Chucker,” “Jiggaboo” or “Coon”. Perhaps he’ll refer to President Obama as a “monkey,” or call Michelle Obama an ‘ape.” As I’ve said earlier, Trump wants to put chains on Obama.

Yes Lord Trump does, he totally understands “symbols.”

In the same racist vein, it won’t be long before he tags someone Latino as a “Wetback.” It won’t be long before he brands someone Asian as a “Chink.”

I’d submit Trump, or Donald Jr., or one of his “Knights of the Redneck Round-table” will call a women with a progressive agenda like Maxine Waters a “black bitch.”

Why? Because his "base, " translation most of White America gets an erection when it does it. Be it penises, nibbles or clitorises - they get a “rush” when he tells colored folks what white folks really think. Trump’s base has longed-for the last 30 years to openly call us ”Niggers and “Spics.”

Why? Well because they “want-to,” yearn-to and desire deeply to insult, degrade, offend and openly disrespect people of color. It’s an American tradition. White America, Trump's America seems to enjoy “putting people in their 1956 place”. It’s about “power” and the abuse of it. It's about absolute power, abuse, control, submission and domination And if you think it’s not . . . I feel for your delusional ass.

In Trump’s America, they want to call you “gal” and “boy.” They want to make you look down and not in their eyes. If I could I’d ask Trump if he wants to officially re-segregate an unofficially segregated US. I bet he wants to re-segregate the cemeteries, National Parks and the lodging industry, ask him!

I’m gonna be sharp n’ blunt here, white America, Trump’s “base” doesn't “like” black, brown, red and yellow folks: American History - from 1609 to the present screams exactly that. The “blind’ hatred is as obvious as the “KKK” stamped on Confederate Attorney General Jeffrey Bourgard Scissions forehead.

That’s the single revelation Americans of color should have had by now: Very few White people want to be your friend, neighbor, their kid’s classmate, co-worker or God forgive, “in-laws.”

Can we all agree upon that?

We’ll never have to go back to the “I don’t see color” company line 90% of white folks hide behind. Nor should Americans of color have to ever debate the dire need for “Affirmative Action” because it’s undeniable the contempt, animosity and hatred most white folks harbor for everyone who isn't “white.” There’s no question white bankers/teachers/cops/ doctors/nurses/you name the occupation from the tow-truck company to NASA and you’ll find white folks who “hate” blacks and other colored folks and will do all they can to turn-you-round n’ back to the underclass. There’s just no question about it, Trump minded white folks are everywhere.

You can’t spit and not hit one.

I mean, do we have-to make the point that Trump’s followers, his “klan, ” his “gathering lynch-mob’ despise blacks, Mexicans and Asians. I can say without hesitation they maintain most of the racist/sexist and elitist” ideas as their mommas n’ daddies, as their grand folks did.

Sure, there’s say 15% to 25% of White people who desire to be apart of “humanity,” nonetheless, the vast overwhelming majority in this nation simply don’t feel any real, legit “kinship” to the rest of humanity.

Once more, history, i.e., Western history/European colonialism exemplifies this. America’s notion of “Manifest Destiny” illustrates just this. “I am not my bro’s keeper!”

“Hell no women n’ children can’t go first!”

Trump’s America has no concept of “Together Everyone Accomplishes More, i.e., TEAM. Instead it’s about looting, pillaging, raping, pimping and exploiting colored people and their resources, if you’ve any doubt, please see the story of America,or the history of the world.

There’s no “I” nor “white people” in “team.”

I like that: “There’s no white people in ‘team’ damn that’s got a prolific, truthful ring to it, no?

It won’t be long before this angry white backlash hammers that point home - the 40% of America, 90% of the Republican Party and 80% of all white men- their arrogance and audacity won’t allow them to not become complete “bullies.” Political elections are in jeopardy, war - as a diversion and reason to declare martial law, rip- up the “Bill of Rights.” A “free press” is in his target-hairs. Trump’ years to declare himself “king for life” and call-off elections. Recall his personal “sell-out sapphire,” Omarosa alluded-to how vengeful and obsessed-with payback this orange haired clown is. Those of us who’re paying more attention to national and global politics, we understand what’s on the horizon, but sadly for most black folks . . . they don’t know. They know the upcoming NFL schedule, but not the devilish details of why Colin Kaepernick was branded, banned n’ barred from the league, nor do most care.

Pathetically far-too many black folks do know when “Power” or “Empire” returns from their summer break . . . but they don’t know what the hell folks on MSNBC or C-Span are talking about . . . and that’s the goddamn problem, a problem Trump’s America applauds . . . “dumb-ass niggers,” that’s what they call us.

"How do you keep a secret from a Black man . . . put it between the covers of a book."

"How do you keep four niggers fro raping a white women . . . give them a basketball".

Yes, you bet, that’s the Trump mentality. That is what they say about you n’ me. Sadly we make them “prophets” way too often.

Damn straight, our battered and bruised backs are against the wall, I’m gonna give it to you “straight, no chaser,” for, if now isn’t the right time n’ place to tell it like it really is, then I ask you moderate colored people and you white liberals - when is? When we’re locked-down in internment camps and our kids are in cages? And please don’t tell me Trump’s “base” isn’t capable of such diabolical and dastardly deeds.

White man please!!!

I know more than a few degreed, lettered, certified and with-papers Negroes who didn’t know they were kids in caves or still in cages . . . but they do know the plot line for a number of reality TV shows.

I ain’t lying, semi-highfalutin’ folks with all the drapings of the Black bourgeois lifestyle, driving Caddies, Benzes, B-mers, vacationing in London and Paris . . . yet they won’t vote in the midterms.

Look-a-here, I’m talking Square biz-nesses to you baby: Trump’s America, his “klan” sheet white “base” can’t wait to “purge,” “cleanse” and eradicate what they honestly believe is an ‘infestation” of semi-humans. This is the “common” lower ground which Putin and Trump mutually stand upon. - White men should rule the world.

Trump has tragically “taken-back” America and “he’s making it as “white” as he can . . . somebody’s got to stop them, Maxine Waters can’t be the only one, one of a few who’ll willing to call a spade a spade and a Trump-man a Klansman. Columnist, Desi Cortez, who also writes for &, was hatched in the heart of Dixie, circa 1961, at the dawning of the age of Aquarius, the by-product of four dynamic individuals, Raised in South-Central LA, the 213. At age 14 transplanted to the base of the Rockies, Denver. Still a Mile-Hi. Sat at the foot of scholars for many, many moons, emerging with a desire and direction… if not a sheep-skin. Meandered thru life; gone a-lot places, done a-lot of things, raised a man-cub into an officer n' gentleman, a "man's man." Produced a beautiful baby-girl with my lover/woman/soul-mate… aired my "little" mind on the airwaves and wrote some stuff along the way. Wordsmith behind America's Ten Months Pregnant . . . Ready To Blow!: Even Trump Can't "Make America White Again." A New, More Inclusive, Diverse 21st Century America - Love It . . . Or Get The Hell Out!Contact Mr. Cortez and BC.

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