happens to this already highly flammable, if not combustible divided
nation if Lord Trump, and his personal Hobbit, Sean Hannity, along
with their wives and some notable family members are strung-up,
lynched, hanged . . . at high noon, or sunrise, maybe even at sunset
- executed for high-as-hell treason?
must, or millions of us must consider that possibility - how “mad”
will all already “half-mad” white folks go? How
destructive? They may lose their gluten-free minds and in
retaliation start coming for Black and brown folks, Indians, Asians,
gay folk, their “own” out-of-control women “with a
mind and backbone of their own.”
good ol’ boys “Treason:” the crime-of
betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the
sovereign or overthrow the government.: "they were convicted of
treason". synonyms: treachery, disloyalty, betrayal,
faithlessness, sedition, subversion, mutiny, rebellion, high treason,
lèse-majesté, apostasy, perfidy . . .
this case n- Being loyal to two other foreign nations, Russia and
the US Confederacy - over the best interest of the good ol’
forgive me all you angry white folks across the land who don’t
want to hear that type speculation, but the comedy/horror flick has
an espionage twist riddled throughout the tall-tale. There’s
going to be evidence, titanium-hard evidence which will spell out
Trump’s mail-order bride Zsa-Zsa knew of treasouns dealings, as
did his other wife, Ivanka - you know, Quincy Jones’ “x”
little girl friend . As well as Jr. along with Eric Von Stupid.
These small “a” aristocrats, “white trash with
money” have gotten down in the gutter with Russian
robber-barons, spies, pimps, hookers, drug dealers . . . c’mon,
who are we kidding here. Trump is akin to a Irish “mob boss,”
who's real-estate empire is neck-deep in the global underworld.
should have never run . . . he wasn't boy scout “prepared”
for the anal-cavity inspection which accompanies the US Presidency.
He wishes this was all just about birth certificates . . . Be
careful what you wish-for boys.
in the face of fat facts which will be derived from Cohen's homes and
safes, that will presumably outline Trump’s treasonous
white-collar gangster dealings, the question is: how will the rank n’
file rednecks across this racially polarized empire react?
will they take Hannity, perhaps some of his family and friends being
if Rush Limbaugh’s name pops-up? Next to Hannity nobody, and I
mean nobody has carried the moonshine like The “round mound”
of “isms” has. These two men have escorted the “lost
cause,” the 1865 Confederacy back into the White House. They’ve
flown on the radio airwaves and provided 24/7 “air cover”
for Trump’s minions and stormtroopers. They've laid-down heavy
fire to any and all who point-out this “Big Apple” pimp
in the “White House of ill repute” has on no clothes -
just a crotchless “onsy.” Hell the industry they hail
from - AM hate radio - it’s “50 shades of angry
white men 24/7” around the clock, everyday and twice on
Christmas. Talk radio across America sounds like a 1954 White
Citizens Council Meeting in Philadelphia Mississippi.

Cohen and his ragtime crew . . . the high-ups and on-air types at Fox
News , the buffones at The Enquirer the dirty laundry list
is long baby . .. . wow, gee, we could be talking about dozens of
folks convicted, found “guilty” of conspiring with
commie/pinko bastards Russians. White Women, rich white women
marched-off to the public gallows. How will White America deal with
being the delusional, desperate core human element which fueled,
funded and facilitated this “coup?” Those millions of
pawns who put “race, ” i.e. white privilege/power and
their personal taxes above “god and country,”
those who made a “deal with the devil” because Trump
promised to “take- back” their country and “make
it white again.”
submit White America, specifically the 25% who blindly stand with
these 21st century Benedict Arnold's won’t allow justice
to reign; this nation will be torn-apart and it’ll be the end
of the so-called most advanced form of civilization ever known to
humankind. With the possibility of global thermonuclear war being
triggered immense. Trump would nuke LA, Chi-Town, Harlem, Atlanta . .
if the chickens that Malcolm spoke-of in 1963 “come home to
roost,” if Trump and these “real patriots” are
rightfully, ethically and legally executed for hi, hi, . . . hi-ass
treason, even if they confess to the dastardly deeds of collusion and
conspiring - they’ll become All American folk heroes, along
with Timothy McVeigh, “Waco,” George Zimmerman, the cops
who beat Rodney king, Nixon, Bull Connor, George Wallace, Larry Bird,
Peyton Manning . . .”Great White Hopes” who fought the
“uppity” Niggers, Spics, Chinks, Injunes and unloyal
“nigger-loving” snowflake bitches like MSNBC’s
Rachel Maddow. Forgive me . . again, but I deliberately desire
to employ the “terms of endearment” which I believe are
most used in dining rooms across “red”- America - from
fenced-off suburbias to the naturally fortified farm fields of rural
red America,
seems that blind lady with the scales will have no viable legal
choice but to “hang em high” and let freedom, justice and
equality reign from sea-to-shining sea.