Haiti – Money
is power and power is money. The Bush administration buys and
sells political constituencies every day in pursuit of world
domination. Haiti, which recently celebrated its bicentennial
as the world's first black republic, is not otherworldly or immune
from purchase. Softening the ground for the transaction is the
corporate media that blatantly acquiesce to the U.S. State Department's
campaign to denigrate the rights and humanity of Haiti’s poor
black majority. There is no other way to describe their current
campaign to portray the opposition in Haiti as the new "freedom
fighters" of the hemisphere, out to topple the repressive “dictatorship” of
President Jean-Bertrand Aristide.
George Bush's earlier attempt to destroy the popular government of the poor
in Venezuela only expanded his learning curve in Haiti. The conclusions to
both these stories are not yet written.
The Washington-forged
opposition grows lighter in color and more brazen with each passing
day, while former Haitian
military leaders prance hand in hand
with Haiti's traditional economic elite, intellectuals and artists.
The poor black majority, who cannot read or write and continue
to support the constitutional government of President Aristide,
has been deliberately made indescribably poorer in an effort
to force them to turn against their own interests.
Going to bed hungry is not uncommon in Haiti. The greatest violence
here is the violence of hunger and poverty. It permeates and
consumes everything
in its path. Haiti's phantom "middle class" – the relative few
who have something such as an education to cling to – can be easily manipulated
against a government that has declared itself to be working on behalf of
those who have nothing save for the conviction that tomorrow may yield a
better future for their children. This is especially true when the media
inside and outside of Haiti do everything possible to make it so.
Disinformation media

The Haitian press,
most notably Radio Metropole, Radio Vision 2000, Radio Kiskeya,
Radio Caraibe and Tele-Haiti, have shown themselves to be wanton
whores in the campaign to sow confusion and panic among the people.
They are active players in the U.S. campaign to destabilize Haiti's
constitutional government. With total disregard for principles
of "objective journalism," they circulate exaggerated
reports of violence by Lavalas, turn a blind eye to violence
on the part of the opposition, and underreport the size and frequency
of Lavalas demonstrations demanding President Aristide
fulfill his five-year term in office. They regularly produce
and air commercials calling upon the population to "claim
their democratic rights" by joining anti-Aristide street
actions. Just as in Venezuela, where local elites use their
media to spearhead the opposition to President Hugo Chavez, the
clear objective in Haiti is to throw the constitution in the
trash and force President Aristide to resign.

Never mind
that Radio Vision 2000 is owned by the same right-wing Boulos
family that funds the Haiti Democracy Project in Washington
D.C. Never
mind that Tele-Haiti was founded by Andre Apaid, the self-proclaimed leader
of Group 184 that was "created from whole cloth" by the Haiti
Democracy Project. (See “The Bush Administration’s
End Game for Haiti,” December 4.) Never mind that two prominent journalists
of Radio Metropole were funded by the U.S. State Department to tour the United
States in mid-January of this year to meet with editorial boards around the
country to spread their message of the evils of Aristide's "dictatorship." Ignore
the fact that they are a major source of information for the Associated Press,
Reuters and France's venerable RFI whose reporters can be seen openly sharing "information" with
them buddy-buddy style on any given day. Here’s the way it works: Metropole
reports a fabrication; AP and RFI pick it up for their wire services,
then Kiskeya and the others report it again in Haiti backed by the
of the international press. The positive feedback loop of disinformation
for the opposition is now complete.
Partners in crime

On December 3rd the
rumor hit the streets of Port-au-Prince that President Aristide
would be forced to resign on December 5th. Not so coincidentally,
the justification for the latest round of protests against the
Haitian government can be traced to December 5th and what Apaid
and his minions refer to as "Black Friday." This
date was previously etched in the Haitian popular memory as a
day of memorial for the victims of a bomb that exploded during
Aristide's first campaign for the presidency in 1990 in Petion-Ville.
Instead, it has now been displaced with an alleged attack against
university students by Lavalas.
”Alleged” is
indeed the case. A videotape has been discovered of events
at the university
that day which appears to refute the description given by Radio
Metropole and Tele-Haiti. Both outlets reported that popular
organizations aligned with Lavalas broke through a back wall
of the university, destroyed computers at the site and then proceeded
to break the legs of the university's Rector after he entered
the facility. However, the videotape clearly shows that Lavalas
militants were outside of the building when these transgressions
occurred and that the so-called "students" were in
complete control of the facility when the Rector entered. Although
they claim that Lavalas militants had burned a hole through a
back wall, the opposition "students" can be seen pummeling
the police and the press with large rocks and small boulders
as they attempt to approach the building. As the Rector
proceeds to enter with a police escort, the "students" can
be heard chanting "no police" several times from behind
the large metal gate, at which time the Rector is heard asking
the police to let him enter unescorted. This does not sound like
a compound under siege from within, but rather a site under the
complete control of those inside. As you hear the crashing sounds
of computers in the facility being broken, Lavalas popular organizations
members comment on the tape, "Oh my god. They are going
to blame us or the police after this is over." Photos have
been taken of the "students" who controlled the facility
from their rock throwing perch on the balcony, and some sources
have said that arrests for questioning are imminent.
tape irrefutably shows that the only camera crew allowed to
enter the facility
was Tele-Haiti, while the rock-throwing students kept the other
media outside. In that case, how could it be that Lavalas militants
were inside and in control of the university facility? One university
student who left the campus bloodied may hold the key. "We
were attacked by student members of the opposition for being
pro-Aristide,” he stated. “After they broke the computers they
realized they had gone too far and held a quick meeting. They
had cell phones and talked with someone on the outside. Then
they brought into the room the faculty member responsible for
the computers and he talked for several minutes with someone
on the cell phone. I could not tell who it was but he agreed
with them."
The Haitian police appear to have been equally confused. The
tape allows us to easily identify the faces of the rock throwing "students" casually
standing on a balcony above while the police arrest a mere two persons alleged
to be Lavalas militants below. Were two persons responsible for the entire
damage done to facility? As I watched the tape I could sense that the “facts” had
been rehearsed. The “students” shamelessly forced tears as they left the
facility blaming the evil Lavalas grassroots organizations for attacking
them. To this day the Rector of the university has refused to comment on
the incident.
Out of the shadows

Following the claims
of "Black Friday" came a torrent of protests against
the government from “students” supposedly violated by Lavalas.
But Andre Apaid's Group 184 clearly emerged as the true leadership
of the demonstrations. December 22 saw a large protest by Apaid’s
group calling for the resignation of President Jean-Bertrand
Aristide. These surrogates of Washington's war against
the poor in the Caribbean and Latin America, filled the streets
with nearly 10,000 people while a smaller contingent of Aristide's
Lavalas movement guarded the national palace. Michael Norton
of the Associated Press, as well as a heavy contingent of France's
press, witnessed this to conclude that it was merely a matter
of time before Aristide and his ugly little experiment in democracy
for the poor would fail. What they did not know, or could not
know, was the depth of the creative resistance of the poor black
majority in Haiti. It’s difficult to fault the foreign media’s
judgment, however, for money is power and power is money and
they can afford their next meal while the impoverished majority
in Haiti cannot. In a country as poor as Haiti, this is the difference
between knowing what is real and what is false. What non-Haitians
must try to understand is that if only half of the negative propaganda
about Lavalas were true, particularly that President Aristide
no longer enjoys wide support in the country, this government
would have fallen long ago.
In the wake of the fabricated events of December 5 the Haitian
government and Lavalas endured weeks of clandestine attacks,
while the opposition demonstrated
under heavy police protection. Then, on December 26, the great silent beast
of Haiti’s poor, portrayed as violent and anti-democratic by the Haitian
press and their friends in the international corporate media, awakened. Tens
of thousands of Lavalas supporters hit the streets with a singular purpose
and objective: that Haiti's constitution be respected and President Aristide
be allowed to fulfill his five-year term in office.
The real battle had just begun, as Haiti’s long-oppressed millions prepared
to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the world’s only successful slave revolution
and the first black republic.
In Pina's
next report: The
Haitian media and U.S.-backed opposition risk political suicide
in their attempt to spoil the Bicentennial.
Pina is a documentary filmmaker and freelance journalist
who has been working and living in Haiti for the past three
years. He has
been covering events in Haiti for the past decade and produced
a documentary film entitled "Haiti: Harvest
of Hope". Mr. Pina is also the Haiti Special Correspondent
for the Flashpoints radio program on the Pacifica Network's
flagship station KPFA in Berkeley CA.