men are starting to lose their jobs and reputations, thanks to
today’s national climate against sexual assault and harassment.
Men who were once deemed untouchable are no longer.
we’re on the issue, it’s time we finally admit now is the
time for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to go.
been over 25 years since Thomas’ Senate confirmation hearing.
In October 1991, law professor Anita
testified that Thomas
had sexually harassed her
10 years prior, when she was in her mid-20s and worked for him at the
U.S. Department of Education and the Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission. Hill testified that she had heard Thomas discuss a porn
star named Long Dong Silver, and refer to pubic hair on a Coke can.
was an extremely credible witness. And too often like Black women in
this society, Hill was not believed. She was lambasted, denigrated
and smeared, her credibility and motivations questioned. And some of
Hill’s Black critics accused her of trying to bring the Black
man down. The 14
white men
in that Senate judiciary committee panel, some of them such as Ted
Kennedy, with their own problematic history with women, remained
silent or treated Hill like a criminal. And as others have said,
former vice president Joe
owes Hill an apology for his
role in the hearings
and allowing the Republicans to interrogate her as if she was the one
on trial.
ultimately Thomas was confirmed, Hill performed an invaluable public
service as a pioneer, in moving the ball forward and shining a light
on sexual harassment. More women were elected to the Senate and
Congress as a result.
the Thomas confirmation hearing had taken place in 2017 and Hill had
testified against him, it is hard to imagine that he would be sitting
on the nation’s high court. Similarly, if Hill had been a white
woman in 1991, it is inconceivable the white boys’ club of the
Senate would have allowed their boy to sit on the high court as a
paragon of bootstraps Black conservatism.
all, this country has a history of lynching Black
men over
rumors regarding much less. Thomas benefited from the sexism and
racism of the day, and yet, he called the proceedings “a
high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think
for themselves.”
the two-and-a-half decades since Clarence Thomas has been on the
court, much has changed, but then again, much has remained the same.
Men still prey on women, but one thing that has changed is the
public’s awareness of sexual harassment and assault–thanks
in part to Anita Hill–and growing intolerance for that type of
days of the dirty old man will soon be over. I speak of the
gatekeepers, the guardians of the casting couch who pressure women to
give it up if they want to get ahead. Other men of status are now
compelled to reckon with their violation of women and girls, and for
all we know the President of the United States may very well have his

should Clarence Thomas get a pass, as if he is grandfathered in,
because the misconduct took place so long ago? The real question is,
what type of people do we want to lead society? Who do we want in
charge and in judgment of us–dirty, predatory old men? Is this
what we want for our daughters?
Anita Hill was not his only accuser.
was Angela
who like Hill, was
subpoenaed to testify
before the Senate judiciary committee. But it never happened because
the Senate shut it down. Then Sen. Alan Simpson said Wright got cold
feet. According to Wright, Thomas made unwanted sexual advances on
her, harassed her, made comments about her body and other women’s
bodies, even came by her house unannounced. Eventually, she was
the infamous hearing, Sukari
Thomas’ special assistant at the EEOC, told the senators that
his behavior toward his assistants was not as a father or mentor: “If
you were young, black, female and reasonably attractive, you knew
full well you were being inspected and auditioned as a female …
Women know when there are sexual dimensions to the attention they are
receiving. And there was never any doubt about that dimension in
Clarence Thomas’s office.”
who was in a relationship with Thomas and worked with Hill, said
Thomas “was always actively watching the women he worked with
to see if they could be potential partners,” she said, noting
he asked one woman her bra size. “It was a hobby of his,”
she said. McEwen also corroborated Hill’s account of Thomas’s
behavior, that he was obsessed with porn and enjoyed talking about
a lawyer in Alaska, claims that Justice Thomas groped her at a dinner
party in 1999, grabbing and squeezing her buttocks several times.
Thomas has been a sorry excuse for a Black man on the Supreme Court
and has been both a source of embarrassment for the Black community
and a threat to the safety of vulnerable, disenfranchised and
underrepresented Americans. He has been a protector of the wealthy
and a standard-bearer for white nationalism in blackface.
who had their eyes open at the time, particularly civil rights
groups, knew Thomas would be no good for the justice system. But we
don’t even have to go there. That he sexually harassed women
should have been enough of a red flag and a barrier to entry.
long as powerful men are clearing their desks in the halls of power
over sexual assault and harassment, Clarence Thomas should join them.
It’s never too late. The original high-profile sexual harasser,
the allegations against him did not go away simply because over 25
years have passed. His departure would be right on time.
This commentary was originally published by The Grio