the acute observer of higher education, these are no doubt heady
times for academia. From rising tuition, intense student protests,
debates over trigger warnings and speech codes. Professors of various
political persuasions being attacked and continual eroding of support
from state legislatures. The liberal arts coming under searing
skepticism and in some cases, hostile siege, from various segments of
the public. Anxious parents who are growing increasingly skeptical as
they aggressively inquire and raise sharply pointed questions about
shelling out, thousands and in some cases, hundreds of thousands of
dollars for their kids to earn a humanities degree whose value seems
to have eroded both, in the minds of the public and of employers. It
has been anything but dull.
be sure, the humanities (and to a lesser degree, social sciences )
have always com under periodic attack from various quarters. The
reasons have varied from being seen as too overly theoretical.
Supposedly being infested with radical, left wing ideologues at the
expense of conservative thought. Having no practical, real world
value outside of the classroom. Lacking any concrete answers and
other nonsensical blather. The list goes on and on and that is
another entire column.
no academic discipline (including those in the hard sciences) has
been totally immune from criticism, and is the occasional victims of
slings and arrows, there are very few, if any disciplines (with the
possible exception of Women's Studies), that has come under the level
of vehement criticism as African American Studies. It is field of
study that has bucked, scorned, vilified, demonized and some cases,
ostracized form people from various walks of life. Including some
Black folk! Indeed, the level of animosity and contempt toward the
discipline by some people was so intense, that some scholars in the
field would occasionally joke (sarcastically, yet with a grain of
truth ) that African American Studies was the Rodney Dangerfield of
academia. The reasons for such disdain very. Racism, elitism,
xenophobia, naivete, misinformation and so on.
American Studies programs and departments emerged in the late 1960s
as groups of progressive Black students on college campuses protested
and agitated that the colleges and universities they attended develop
academic curricula that reflected their lives and experiences. After
were what , in some cases, intense standoffs, many institutions
relented and adhered to such demands. San Francisco State University
(at the time college) was the first institution in the nation to
establish a department of African American Studies in 1968. This was
significant milestone in the history of higher education
almost half a century later, such departments and programs are
commonplace at hundreds of institutions in every region of the
nation. From small liberals arts colleges to high powered, research 1
institutions. From coast to coast the discipline has firmly etched
itself in the fabric of the academy. In fact, many programs and
departments offer graduate degrees and a few Ph.D.'s. The discipline
is home to some of the world's most renowned and high profile
scholars such as Henry Louis Gates Jr, William Julius Wilson, Cornel
West, Molefi Asante, Hazel Carby, Elizabeth Alexander, Michael
Dyson, Michael Dawson, Robin Kelly and many, many others. African
American Studies has arrived.

good news does not mean that all is well. The cold, hard truth is
that many programs and departments face, reluctant and tepid
institutional commitment. Chronic lack of funding from its
institutions. Apprehensive students and fluctuating enrollments.
Negative perceptions from its detractors are routinely commonplace as
well. The aforementioned statement is a major obstacle.
perennial beliefs are:
denunciations tend to emanate from the political and cultural right.
Naomi Schaefer Riley, currently a conservative columnist for the New
York Post wrote a
scathingly ignorant, ill informed and racist column several years ago
when she was a contributing writer for the Chronicle of Higher
Education denouncing African American Studies as a legitimate
discipline due to the titles of a few dissertations she had glanced
Yes! You read that correctly Ms Schaefer Riley decided to make
herself judge, jury and executioner, discard an entire field of
study and subsequently call for its extinction from the academy!
Reaction was swift and Riley was dismissed from the Chronicle.
for her foolhardy and simple minded comments Moreover, as someone
who is a scholar in the discipline, I can personally attest to the
fact that such a retrograde is nonsensical and misguided.. African
American Studies a discipline that encompasses history, religion,
philosophy, literature, fine arts, economics, medicine, technology,
psychology, geography, politics, gender, health, ...the list goes one
is the epitome of cross disciplinary scholarship. The discipline
personified interdisciplinary before such integration of fields of
study became trendy or popular.
such charges could apply to a few (very few) professors, the fact is
that such a mindset does not represent the vast majority of Black
Studies scholars. In fact, many Black studies scholars are often very
inclusionary in the classroom and their scholarship. Much more so
than scholars in similar fields of study. In fact, one could argue
that some other disciplines are far less diverse in embracing a
plethora of diverse viewpoints in the curriculum. The fact is that
you can find myopic scholars and intellectually mental midgets in
any discipline.
am certain that many of us who are Black have heard someone
(frequently another Black person) question the practicality of
earning a degree in Black studies. I even heard this argument among
some of my relatives when I was an undergraduate student. Guess what?
A number of years later, they have seen the
Elementary or secondary education, urban planning, diversity
training, consulting, politics, higher education, journalism, public
relations, law, administration, international relations,
entertainment, government work etc... are a few of the employment
possibilities available to students who major in the discipline. In
many cases, African American Studies majors are just as, if not, more
qualified for a variety of jobs than many of their co-horts from
other disciplines. Ask Bill Whitaker, (prominent broadcast
journalist,) Mae Jemsion, (astronaut) Angela Bassett (acclaimed
Oscar nominated actress) Jill Nelson (prolific author, journalist and
public commentator) Sanaa Latham (actress), Michelle Obama (former
first lady and public spokesperson).
Black students assume that because they are Black, there is no need
for them to waste their time in taking such courses or majoring in a
field that they believe they are an expert in. Such rhetoric is
occasionally espoused by some Black academics in other disciplines.
They are wrong on a multitude of levels. Simply being a member of a
certain ethnic group does not automatically embody a person with
ample knowledge about the experiences, struggles and history of that
particular group. While one could expect (or even tolerate) a certain
degree of ignorance from young, undergraduate college students or
even some non-Blacks for that matter, it is much more disappointing
to hear such bloviated rhetoric espoused by fellow Black academics.
example, a little over decade ago, I was at an academic conference in
a Midwestern city. I was part of a conversation with several other
30ish/early 40ish Black academics discussing our respective
institutions, families, scholarship, career goals, etc. The
conversation eventually moved to African-American studies. Two of the
individuals in question attempted to make the same antiquated
argument that the field was, in essence, subpar. OKAY! Now as you can
imagine, this set off a spirited, yet civil, debate among most of us
in attendance. The vast majority of us were proponents. However,
there were some fellow colleagues who were dismissive, or at the very
least, ambivalent about the discipline. The fact that these were
educated Black academics made such an experience even more
disheartening. It was if the slave mentality or right wing rhetoric
had seized a part of their brain and taken over common sense and
better judgment.
as gender Irish studies, gender studies, Jewish studies, Latino
Studies, Asian Studies and other areas of ethnic and cultural studies
have played a vital role in transforming cultural attitudes and
public policy toward their respective groups, African American
Studies has been similarly effective in providing more information
and clarity fellow African Americans and the larger society as a
whole. It is a vital area of academic study that has proved its
economic budgets, ongoing dissent and derision in certain quarters,
pernicious myths and stereotypes aside, African American Studies
still survives as an important area of academic inquiry. Like the
people of African descent, it is strong, resilient, impervious. A
survivor in the truest sense of the word.