thing that will get a black person in a huff is when white folks try
to dictate how we should suffer with our racial oppression. I’m
not just talking about those of us who self-identify as freedom
fighters; I’m talking about those who quietly resist the yoke
of racial capitalism in their daily lives. The resentment is real.
with the “#1 in Civil Rights” exhibit, there’s a
special section of books by local authors or about local struggles in
the Missouri History Museum gift shop. I picked up a book titled
“That’s The Way It Was” by Vida Goldman Prince.
It’s stories of struggle, survival and self-respect in 20th
Century Black St. Louis as told through interviews with ordinary
people enduing both institutional racism and individual acts of
racial contempt.
common thread was the ever-present anger, sometimes just below the
surface, when mistreated by white folks or the system of white
supremacy and feeling powerless to react in the way you really wanted
was the law, then it became unwritten law, now it’s becoming
law again. Knowing your place in segregated St. Louis was imperative
but it didn’t mean that black people had to be happy about it.
Trying to be dignified while dealing with daily injustices every day
of your life is an incredible feat. That was the way it was then and
that’s the way it is now.
abound because injustice abounds. In the U.S. when people of African
descent rise up to resist the never-ending onslaught of racist
attitudes, practices and laws, the last thing we want to hear is a
critique by those of European descent as to how we should protest our
own oppression.

white police murder an unarmed black person, too often the white
retort is “If only s/he had complied with the police
command…” In response to the Black Lives Matter
demand, it gets changed to All Lives Matter – totally
dismissing the reality of who the victim is. There’s no racial
profiling, only criminal black people. And the alternative universe
goes on and on.
came Colin Kaepernick, beloved quarterback in the National Football
League. Last year, Kaepernick incited white rage when he refused to
stand for the national anthem to protest police-involved shootings of
African Americans. Taking a knee has since spread across the sports
world beyond the NFL. The fury of white America has been
players were chastised – even attacked – by sports fans
and even those who never had an interest in sports. The nerve to not
show respect for the American anthem and the flag! Jerseys were
burned and threats were made. Your president didn’t miss the
opportunity to be distracted from his presidential duties to call for
the firing of any NFL player who didn’t stand for the national
black people we can’t exercise our freedom of speech only
validates the notion that we have no rights. As long as we can
entertain white people on the stage or on the field, that’s
fine. But the moment we react to acts of racial violence or
exploitation and throw up a fist, defend a stand or take a knee, we
have crossed the invisible line. Kaepernick’s career is
probably over but he is now a member of the prestigious club of those
who fell from white grace when they stood on principle. The
membership includes greats like Paul Robeson, Eartha Kitt, John
Carlos, and Tommy Smith.
have never heard anyone dictate how Jewish people should respond to
the Holocaust like how blacks get told to leave that slavery stuff in
the past. Jewish people get accolades for running down every Nazi
they can find no matter how long it takes and for creating museums to
honor their resilient history of struggle. To criticize Jewish
response to their racial violence would be complicit with their
sacrifices and casualties in this U.S. democracy are top-heavy on our
side. I urge white people to check their privilege when they feel the
need to tell us how loud we can scream in our pain, where we can
protest, when we should be angry, etc. Doing so implies that we have
no right to defend our voices, our lives or our futures.
I would encourage them to listen deeply to understand the many ways
racism manifests itself in this country and the toll it has taken on
all of humanity. The righteous empathy you discover may have you
taking a knee or chanting “Black lives matter!”
This commentary was originally published by the St. Louis American