a difference a year makes. What a painful difference.
won the 2016 election one year ago today with a promise to “Make
America Great Again.” And for those who miss the Obama years -
which sometimes seem like centuries ago – the two men could not
be more different in the way they conducted themselves and
represented America early on in their respective presidencies.
into the White House, Barack
and Donald Trump were polar opposites. After all, as the first Black
president, Obama came on the scene as a change agent, as the man who
wanted to bring people together, emphasize what they have in common
rather than their differences. His “Red
States, Blue States”
speech from the 2004 Democratic National Convention that brought him
to national prominence was Obama the bridge builder.
his early days as POTUS, he reached out to Republicans and extended
the olive branch. Some would argue he was a little too nice in
dealing with an opposing party that had no intention of cooperating
with him, though you cannot blame him for trying.
on the other hand, has
been the vile, hateful, white racist reaction
to Obama.
rose to prominence through gutter politics, by making fun of people
and degrading them because of their race, religion, gender or
disability. He was the candidate of the angry white man and woman,
winning a majority of each demographic. And he promised to take his
supporters back to a place where there were no Muslims, Mexicans or
Black people, or at least when they knew their place in a country
built for white folks, and did not get out of line and attempt to
take over.
Obama began his administration by enacting his signature legislation,
the Affordable Care Act, and providing access to health
care for millions more Americans, Trump came into office immediately
seeking the destruction of the Obama legacy. He unsuccessfully sought
the repeal of Obamacare,
which he could not do, even with GOP control of both houses of
Congress, because America was not falling for his hustle. Moreover,
Trump manufactured crises where none had existed, with policies
designed to punish groups of people, including mass deportation,
building the border wall and pushing the Muslim travel ban.
there were true crises, such as the mass shooting
at the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, President Obama conducted
himself with class, professionalism and a realness that could not be
faked. When he sang “Amazing
as he eulogized Rev. Clementa Pinckney, it was theater to be sure,
but it also reminded us that person occupying the White House had a
heart, that he cared about the human condition and wanted to make
things better.
Trump, on the other hand, cares only about himself and what is best
for Trump. He is not president of all Americans, but only the leader
of those who voted for him, including the white
supremacists in Charlottesville –
“some very fine people” he still refuses to condemn.
Coldhearted, coldblooded, narcissistic and crass, President Trump is
a reminder that God don’t like ugly. And money can’t buy
you class when you are hopelessly trash. After all, this is the man
threw rolls of paper towels at Puerto Rican hurricane victims, and
argued with the widow of a fallen Black soldier rather than console
cabinet is stacked with enablers, grifters and hustlers who take
turns going around the room and kissing his ass. And Russian spies.
They have their jobs because they were the least qualified, and
brought in to destroy
their agencies.
On the other hand, when you were dealing with the Obama
administration, there was no question the officials and staff working
there were men and women of integrity, the best the country has to
offer. These were the folks with whom Obama surrounded himself. It
was a White House of transparency and accountability, of intelligence
and excellence in public service, where reporters and writers had
easy access to information, rather than Trump’s menu of media
blackouts, fake news and making sh*t up, unhinged Twitter rants and
press briefings where propagandists spit out lies and convey no
useful or legitimate information.

say you should always return an item in better condition than when
you borrowed it. That’s what President Obama did with the White
House and the country in general.
elevated the office.
in the year since he was elected, President Trump has brought the
highest office into the gutter, and the country with him. He has done
so much damage, it could take years to clean up this mess.
is our national nightmare going to end?
commentary was originally published by The Grio