Las Vegas massacre is the worst mass shooting
in modern American history, and the shooter is white.
wolf,” authorities called him earlier this morning.
– just no.
parody David Letterman account couldn’t have put it better:
was an act of domestic terrorism that authorities and certain news
outlets refuse to categorize as such. But why isn’t America
afraid of white men, even when they are the greatest terrorist threat
facing this nation?
night, Stephen
64, of Mesquite, Nev., fired from the 32nd
floor of the Las Vegas’ Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino into a
crowd of 22,000 attending an outdoor country music
festival. At least 58 people are dead and over 515 injured. Paddock,
who had access to more than 10 automatic assault rifles in his room,
took his own life. Nevada is an open carry state that does not
require the registration of weapons, does not limit the number of
guns a person owns, and allows possession of assault weapons.
Trump–who has referred to the white supremacists in
Charlottesville as “very fine people” and has reserved
far more anger and culpability for kneeling Black football players
and mayors of devastated Puerto Rican cities—has not made a
statement on the scourge of white terrorism, and the problem of white
men and their access to guns. The president–who is quick to
condemn acts of violence and terror overseas when the perpetrators
are apparently brown, Muslim and not white, and called for the death
penalty for the Central Park Five and still insists they are
guilty–took time out from his busy golf schedule to send
condolences to the victims:
are joined together today in sadness shock and grief,” Trump
said in a Monday morning news conference. He called the massacre “an
act of pure evil,” the “senseless murder
of our fellow citizens” and a “terrible, terrible
attack.” The president said he was praying for the victims’
families and the wounded, and that we are all searching for answers
that “do not come easily.” He did not call out the
shooter as a terrorist, or the massacre as a terrorist act.
latest tragedy is Las Vegas reminds us of other acts of domestic
terror such as the April 19, 1995 Oklahoma
City bombing,
which left 168 dead and hundreds wounded. The terror attack was the
work of Timothy McVeigh, who was executed in 2001, and co-conspirator
Terry Nichols, who was sentenced to life in prison.

June 2016 mass shooting at the Pulse
in Orlando, Florida, which had been America’s worst gun
massacre until Las Vegas, left 50 dead including the shooter, and
dozens wounded. Authorities and the general public did not treat
that incident with kid gloves, as the shooter, Omar Mateen, was
Muslim American. In contrast, many were reluctant to paint Dylann
Roof, the white supremacist who brutally murdered eight Black people
at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, as a terrorist.
white killers, there is a search for motivations. With Black and
Brown suspects, no explanation or clarification is necessary, as the
perpetrator’s skin color provides sufficient proof of
criminality and the need for the public to fear him and everyone who
looks like him. Although more details will surface on Paddock his
possible motivations and the other surrounding circumstances, we know
that white
male terrorism
is a far greater threat on U.S. soil than ISIS. According to a report
from The Nation Institute’s Investigative Fund and The Center
for Investigative Reporting, of the 201 domestic terror incidents
between 2008 and 2016, nearly 115 were the work of white
supremacists, militias and rightwing terror groups, while only 63
were committed by Islamic extremists and 19 by leftwing extremists.
The FBI recently announced it is conducting 1,000
of white supremacists and other domestic terrorists who are possibly
planning violent acts.
horrific carnage takes place in the “land of the free” at
the hands of a white man, the perpetrator’s family is stunned
and the public is shocked and in disbelief. The highly racialized,
color-coded narrative of the “terrorist” is rejected in
favor of the white-friendly description of the lone wolf, a regular
guy who was troubled and had no premediated motives, and perhaps was
having a bad day or struggling with mental health
challenges, family problems or unemployment. This, in a nation that
normalizes white violence, and refuses to make the connection between
white supremacy and the gun.

America claims to sob and mourn in the midst of a bloodbath, it has
learned to tolerate even the massacre of children, as in the case of
Sandy Hook elementary School shooting that claimed 20 six- and
seven-year olds and six adults.
Second Amendment has a racially-charged history, as it empowered
white men with the gun, to protect against Black and Native American
people. “I don’t know if you know the genesis of the
right to bear arms,” Danny
said at Texas A&M in January 2013. “The Second Amendment
comes from the right to protect themselves from slave revolts, and
from uprisings by Native Americans. So, a revolt from people who were
stolen from their land, or revolt from people whose land was stolen
from, that’s what the genesis of the Second Amendment is.”
the time the Constitution was ratified, Blacks outnumbered whites in
many areas of the South, and hundreds of slave
had taken place. Southern states had militias known as slave patrols
and required most white men to serve on them.
T. Bogus
of the Roger Williams University School of Law challenges the notion
that the Second
was concerned with an individual right to bear arms or to fight
against a tyrannical government. Rather, he argues that right to bear
arms had everything to do with militias, and the assurance to
Southern states that Congress would not take away their slave
is why white men get to keep their guns and have as many as they
wish, however great a danger they pose to society. Yet, no one is
afraid of them, though they are the predominant purveyors of domestic
terrorism. And like Stephen Paddock, they continue to go on rampages
and leave a trail of bloodied bodies in their path, and are not
called terrorists.
This commentary was originally published by The Grio