can feel it in the air. It won't be long now before Trump calls some
Black person a “Nigger . . . .”
now infamous “Fire the son of a bitch” tirade directed
toward the NFL’s modern-day gladiators will morph into “I’ve
had it with these goddamn ungrateful, uppity Niggres.”
want’s to bet?
argue most, not all but at least 50.01% of White America yearns to
officially “re-brand” black folks as “Niggers.”
Most white Americans I’d contend also would like to go-back,
way-back to a “ban” on voting, integrated schools, malls,
hotels, maybe cemeteries and campgrounds. Trump’s Americans
want to halt interracial marriage and end all forms of equal
opportunity in the workplace and Affirmative Action. See, many of
them whole-heartedly believe blacks were better-off being slaves than
the 4th-class citizens we’re today.
patriots would like to hang-up the “No Dogs, Jews, Spanish
or Negroes” signs hung at Disneyland.”
even a return-to black folk being forbidden to “look a white
man in the eye” . . . you bet, I believe that particular one
is very popular with men like Trump. Rush, Hannity . . . they want
that “fake respect,” just like they want to demand Black
people stand and “respect” “Ol Glory” which
arguably has stood for everything from slavery and Jim Crow to Indian
Reservations, Japanese Internment camps and strong-armed land-grabs
of Mexico, to today and 21st century Jim Crow - The flag, all the
patriotic type songs and hymns which accompany it are more so today
then since the early 1960’s the adopted and embraced symbols of
those who deny, then rationalize, minimize and predictably justify
police brutality, institutionalized racism and society-wide
maybe first we’ll hear him say “those Black son of a
bitches” or even “Black bastards,” nevertheless
within the next few weeks he’ll refer to Black folks as
“Niggers.” After that, when it’s acceptable to call
Black folks Niggers, again, well then of course Mexicans will be
openly deemed “wetbacks n’ Spices, ” Asians “gooks”
and “chinks,” Indians “Injuns” and women,
uppity women who don’t know their place . . . “bitches,
cunts and Nigger-lovers.” When we get to this point in the
degression of this, the so-called most advanced form of civilization
ever known to humankind, this nation will be destined to become a
bloody mess.
you’re thinking, you’re updating your US Passport
yesterday baby!
go just a tad deeper than the CNN headlines, let’s play
“societal shrink” and place Trump’s America,
roughly 75% of all white people hypothetically and collectively on
the soft, deep couch: what seems clear - Trump’s America hates
. . . just about everybody who isn’t White, to the “right”
and at least openly “straight.” And the more money you
have the “whiter” you seem to be, like super White
people. Millionaires can impose their Whiteness upon people in a
multitude of ways, as we see the Koch boys do.

contributions, from Buffalo Soldiers to Navajo Code Talkers to
Tuskegee Airman and the all Japanese 442nd of WWll - most decorated
outfit of the war . . . while their families were imprisoned -
these contributions are basically meaningless, if not irrelevant in
the eyes’ of men like Trump, Hannity, Rush, KId Rock, i.e.,
21st century Confederates. Mexicans who are serving in the US Army
have to fear the deportation of their families under the rule of
Grand Pooh-Bah Trump. Talk to a black cop today and he’ll tell
you how polarized and semi-hostile his precinct house has become,
(the Klan, the cops and the army has Trump’s back, that’s
alarming, like a canary in a mine shaft,) yes, even black cops,
supposedly, allegedly “good negroes” in the eye of White
cops feel the blind hatred of their white co-workers.
only good nigger is a dead nigger, or Ben Carson – same
speculation is . . . Trump’s ignited the culture war we’ve
all feared for the last half-a-century, for multiple reasons; He’s
a racist who doesn't “like” black people. He’s
needs a distraction from his treasonous Russian activities. Trump’s
still feels scorned by the NFL for not allowing him into their
aristocratic country-club dating back to the USFL days. And lastly
he blindly hates black people. So with North Korea on the front
burner, epically tragic weather events in Texas/Florida/the US Virgin
Islands and Puerto Rico . . . the leader of the so-called “Free
World” is playing the race card . . . ain’t that a
I say Trump hates black people again, twice now?
it’s like New York, New York; “so nice they named it
twice.” Trump’s so racist, I tagged him twice. A
racist with his power, the highest seat in all the land, if not the
world, wow, gee, damn, that’s a staggering, scary situation he
presents Americans of color with. The hate Trump embodies and
represents is so-very great that there’s a cultural-wide WASP
dismissal of the “notion” more than a few White cops are
driven by a blind hatred of black folks and usually other
Americans of color.
can't the blind see?
DuBois was all so-right when he noted that “Race” would
be the single, most-prominent issue confronting America in the 20 th
century, it was, and it remains that violate issue today in the 2st
century - along with classism and sexism - these societal elements
impact virtually every decision we make in life; where you live,
work, send your kids to school, who you marry, take on as an employee
or business partner - in these endeavors skin-color, gender and class
tragically impact, if not determine one’s worth, value and
long before we see black bodies swinging from football goal-post?
it be in Boston, where they booed and jeered the black gladiators who
didn’t stand for Ol” Glory? Will folks rush out of the
stands in mass? Would they take smiling “Selfies”
next-to mutilated, perhaps charred bodies of black players?
Recall it was Boston where the US flag was used as a spear to attack
a Afro-American lawyer during the height of the early 1970‘s
busing crisis. ASk Bill Russell about Boston. Or, perhaps “good
god-fearing patriotic” white folks will hang black players in
small town Texas, Alabama or Colorado. A handful of brave idealistic
men refuse to bow to Trump’s symbols, and they’re meet
with a mob straight out of yesteryear.
keep your ears open, it won’t be long before those “terms
of endearment” are being tossed around by white folks - “Let’s
hang that Nigger from the goal post Ricky Bobby!”