you been to the movies lately? Me? I’m not a real movie-goer…I
think they’re too expensive and the theaters are too grandiose
(therein lies the reason for the exorbitant ticket prices). Besides,
most of the movies out these days are sequels. Hell, here lately, if
I want a movie, all I have to do is turn on the news. Our so-called
president Donald Trump is a one-man movie with plenty of sequels.
He’s playing daily at a hashtag near you!
it to say, I am not a fan of Donald Trump; as a matter of fact, I am
an outright opponent. I pretty much puke whenever I face the reality
that he is the leader of this country. His name tastes terrible in
my mouth. As such, I found myself wondering (not for long, I might
add) why I oppose Trump. Might it be the drama within his
administration? Or might it be the unbelievable policy proposals
that come from his Twitter feed? Or maybe it’s his propensity
to unabashedly lie—for no good reason? I imagine, like a good
movie—or a terrible one—the many twists within the plot
make it a “must see” event.
shudder at the sheer recalcitrance of the lead character that usually
makes a good movie. That accurately describes Donald Trump.
Knowingly or otherwise, the character of the office of the presidency
is expected to be highly regarded and protected. His propensity to
react when offended is the kind of sophomoric behavior that makes for
an unexpected twist in a movie plot.

are made with a most audacious character in a lead role; the kind of
actor who can look you in the eye and tell you, you’re not
seeing what you’re seeing—and not bat an eye!
it takes one hell of an actor to make you believe a lie. That one
helluva actor is the so-called President of the United States. "In
addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the
popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted
illegally," he tweeted last November, several weeks after his
electoral victory. He also alleged at the time, without evidence,
that "serious voter fraud" occurred in California, New
Hampshire and Virginia, and complained that the media wasn't covering
his inauguration, he promoted a then-debunked claim about voter
fraud. He kept repeating to a group of bipartisan congressional
leaders that he would have won the popular vote if 3 to 5 million
immigrants living in the country illegally hadn't voted. He still
can’t prove that, but the showman believes he can convince you
by making you watch re-runs. The method acting isn’t specific
to Trump; that’s a mainstay in the playbook of Republican
guess a typical leading man, doesn’t get to be one without some
degree of vanity. Along with denying the undeniable, Donald Trump
insists that there was "no collusion" between his winning
campaign and the Russian government, in his extended remarks about
his decision to fire then-FBI Director James Comey.
an interview with NBC's Lester Holt, Trump slammed Comey as a
"showboat," an attention-seeker who had lost the confidence
of the president and the agency he led. Though the accusation is
laughable, thinking on it, it’s hard to laugh at! "Look
he's a showboat, he's a grandstander, the FBI has been in turmoil,"
Trump said. "You know that, I know that. Everybody knows that."
Really? This—coming from the guy who complains that the media
doesn’t cover him every single day he’s been in office,
but then slams ‘em whenever they do?
of all, no one knew that Comey was a showboat, except Trump.
And, think about it: Neither did he; he’s never once before
that assertion, nor since, has he presented any supporting evidence
of that claim, but like a traveling circus, Trump kept the show
good movie doesn’t have to be biographical, so it doesn’t
need to be true. The Trump administration has been nothing less than
a trip through Narnia, Oz or Hogwartz. The fantasyland
that Trump takes America through from week to week ought to be
criminalized. He lies for no reason at all. It’s absolutely
amazing to me. It’s not like when you were a kid and you
thought you’d get a whoopin’ if you got caught! He’s
a grown man acting like a toddler in a movie. What is somebody going
to do to him? You can’t help but ask yourself, “What is
he thinking?”
watched clips of Trump’s first speech to the United Nations
General Assembly. He spoke in his movie persona—real “John
Wanye-ish, totally insane-ish.” Talking like he was at his
private backyard barbeque tailgate. I await the day when the “honor
and respectability” of the presidency is restored—by
somebody! His talk of acting unilaterally is the equal of a
child bully with a barrels-loaded super-soaker water gun while the
other kids have Dixie empty cups. Many humans were totally offended,
not only in this nation, but all who were listening. Peace cannot be
achieved by walking alone, chiefly because the United States never
leaves anyone or nation alone!
all who didn’t know, I shall resound my horn: I wanted Donald
Trump impeached on January 20, 2016—simply based on his
business conflicts as he assumed the office of the Presidency. The
fact that he didn’t want to and still hasn’t opened his
tax returns for scrutiny, and denies that the Russia investigation is
“a thing,” only solidifies my case for his impeachment.
But let’s fast forward to now: His recent attacks on NFL
players is merely a veiled attack on Blacks as a whole. You thought
Charlottesville was racist of him; this movie is now it’s 20th
sequel! Every other week in his 9-month, so-called presidency, he
brings a new script to theaters near you.
needs to be impeached for trashing the US Constitution. He
continually dishonors his oath to protect and uphold this nation’s
most highly regarded document. His incessant and unnecessary attacks
on the media and his fox-like sly attacks on protestors, namely Colin
Kaepernick, demands impeachment hearings for abridging the First
Amendment and its guaranteed protections of American citizens. I
don’t hear anyone talking about that, but we at Socially
Speaking are sounding the alarm! People need to clear the
theater—we are screaming fire because we are being burned!
therein lies the problem with Trump. Your house is ablaze America.
There is no way, anyone with half a functioning brain can believe
this movie, much less, follow this leader. He’ll lie to
anyone, about anything, at any given time—consequences be
damned! He ignores law. He ignores order. He ignores moral
turpitude. Of course, I too live in a fantasyland. I’m hoping
that consequences will catch up with him—in sworn testimony.
This guy needs to be under oath as he tells his story, in the
most improbable movie of all time…the so-called “Impeachment
of Donald Trump’s Presidency.”