Having lost the 2016
presidential contest, Democrats are out of power in all three elected
branches of the federal government. The hotly contested 2017 special
elections for open Republican Congressional seats, vacated by
Republicans now serving in President Trump’s cabinet, are over,
and he has held serve in all four—Kansas, Montana, South
Carolina, and Georgia—after campaigning for each candidate.
Given Trump’s declining rates of approval in national polls,
Democrats were hoping to begin their march to regain control of the
U.S. House of Representatives. The races were close in Kansas,
Montana, and South Carolina compared to previous contests, but
Democrats, and their allies, pinned their hopes and money on
upsetting the Republican in Georgia’s 6th
Congressional District, although their candidate lost by a larger
margin than his South Carolina counterpart, making it the most
expensive Congressional battle in American history.
Jon Ossof, the Democrat
running in the Georgia Sixth, made most of the right moves in his
campaign: constructing a message focused on local concerns and
issues, organizing a get-out-the-vote (GOTV) initiative targeting the
13 percent African American population in the district that had a low
turnout except for the two Obama elections, and not making opposition
to President Trump a centerpiece of his political operation.
However, he still lost to his Republican opponent, Karen Handel, by
five points 52.6 to 47.4 percent. While Ossof was somewhat impaired
by inclement weather, a series of flash floods in the district on
election day, a close examination of his political strategies reveals
failures that Democrats must overcome if they are to prevail in the
2017 gubernatorial and the 2018 midterm contests. But his major
error, in my view, apparently based on hubris, was his decision not
to move into the district. Even more disconcerting was the fact that
Democratic operatives ignored it.

First, as noted in a
previous column, the progressive Democratic wing (led by U.S. Sen.
Bernie Sanders) and the Democratic National Committee (led by former
U.S. Labor Secretary Tom Perez) have not resolved their stark
differences. These two factions have remained polarized since the
2016 presidential election despite their recent so-called unity tour,
where they respectfully articulate their previously held positions
while sitting beside each other on the same stage. For example, in
an interview with the Wall
Street Journal,
Sanders responded, “I
don’t know”
when questioned whether or not Ossoff is a progressive. “Some
Democrats are progressive, and some Democrats are not,”
he said.
receiving stern criticism from Democrats, he amended his remarks by
stating that it was imperative that Ossof be elected to Congress. At
the same time, Sanders insisted on stopping in Omaha, Nebraska to
endorse a Democratic mayoral candidate who has a mixed record on a
woman’s right to choose an abortion. It remains unclear if
Sen. Sanders, who refuses join the Democratic Party while desiring to
lead it and the Democratic National Committee can resolve these
contradictory positions as they attempt to pump up Democrats for the
midterm races.
Democrats, teachers, unions, and other public-sector stakeholders
need to design new methods to reach the growing youth, minority, and
female groups in its traditional base. Young people have flocked to
Sen. Sanders unlike any other Democratic candidate since former
President Obama and minority turnout (African American, Hispanic,
Native American, and Asian) has not equaled that of the two Obama
presidential campaigns which was the highest in history.
Contemporary plans to replicate this unprecedented achievement have
fallen far short. The old strategy of relying on leaders and
celebrities of color to do the heavy lifting to energize their ethnic
constituents is a tired and increasingly failing tactic. Given the
current makeup of the Democratic Party, it will be impossible for
Democrats to increase their numbers at the state and national levels
unless they adjust to today’s social and cultural realities.
Democrats, unions, and teachers need to develop a message that
resonates with its core electorate and the broader public that is
consistent with its mission and agenda. Republicans have been
consistently successful in recruiting Democratic majority and
minority officeholders and citizens to vote for them and/or their
policies even when they were not in their best interests. They have
been able to accomplish this feat through substantial campaign
contributions for local, state, and national offices, federal
government faith-based grants to minorities and evangelicals which
enabled former President George W. Bush to carry Ohio in 2004, with a
sixteen percent share of the African American vote, guaranteeing his
grants by billionaire Republican benefactors to major organizations
representing minority and majority communities have also been central
to their political accomplishments. Moreover, their micro- and
macro-marketing techniques for their programs have been superior to
those of Democrats who have not effectively countered the
advertising/promotion inaccuracies and exaggerations that receive
broad and largely unchallenged coverage in the liberal and
conservative media.
the Democrats have to project a clear economic and jobs message that
reaches across racial lines in urban and rural regions. The
aforementioned are tough lessons that must be addressed if Democrats
are to have success in returning to power. Sticking to the same old
playbook will not yield the anticipated results. But the most
critical issue is leadership. Who will spearhead these proposed
changes to enhance the future of the Democratic Party? Do teachers
and unions accept the gravity and precariousness of their situations?
Will new Democratic leaders emerge, or will past losers remain in
control of the party and continue rearranging the deck chairs on the
Democratic Titanic? The upcoming 2017 and 2018 political fights will
send a clear signal as to the future of Democrats, teachers, and