Donald Trump is on a downward spiral in his presidency as a function
of his narcissism, arrogance, and his commitment to running the
country as a CEO. He has made mistake after mistake, during his
campaign and his first 100 days as President, yet he has always
landed on his feet. In all instances, Trump’s opponents waited
for his candidacy to unravel rather than to make a concerted effort
to keep the “pedal to the metal.” They have neglected to
keep the focus on his blatant mistakes and on organizing their allies
to highlight them as well. Thus, Trump has been able to survive in
spite of these miscues and to avoid a disassembling of his
presidency. However, his sharing of classified information with our
Russian adversaries and his alleged effort to stop former FBI
Director James Comey’s investigation of Trump’s former
National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn, has opened up another
opportunity for his removal from office.
unique occurrence parallels the corrupt actions of the late President
Richard Nixon’s Watergate escapades which placed the nation in
a Constitutional crisis at the same time his Vice President, Spiro
Agnew, abruptly resigned after it was discovered that he had taken
bribes while in office. In short order, both Nixon and Agnew were
replaced. The current scandal could lead to an executive branch d�j�
vu. In this instance, our nation could be forced to contend with
another takedown of the nation’s primary leaders. But in this
situation, the resignations might be linked since Vice President
Michael Pence appears to have been joined at the hip with President
Trump throughout his campaign and his brief presidency and has
purportedly helped to cover up and/or outright lie about unethical
and possibly criminal situations in the Trump campaign and

Gergen, political analyst and advisor to four U.S. Presidents,
including Nixon and Clinton who faced impeachment, has concluded
Trump is in "impeachment territory"
for his recent termination of FBI Director James Comey and his
meeting with two of Russia's top Foreign Service officers with whom
he shared classified information.
unprecedented realities provide an unforeseen occasion for public
school teachers and supporters to push back aggressively against the
state and federal governments and corporate agenda to privatize
public education for profit. Trump and Education Secretary Betsy
DeVos have devised a plan to give “…parents federal
dollars to send their children to private schools, including
religious and for-profit institutions” in addition to the
ongoing funding for charter schools—shifting hundreds of
billions of dollars into these schemes. Since the Trump
administration is in disarray over the aforementioned issues and
desperately hanging on for dear life, public education stakeholders
have a chance to undermine the Trump-DeVos school privatization
will fortunately be aided by the current ideological divide that is
engulfing the coalition of billionaires who have funded think tanks,
foundations, grassroots organizations, political candidates, and
elected officials at all levels of government to advance their school
choice programs. They are turning against each other, and some are
aligning with teachers’ unions, their erstwhile nemeses, to
fight the school voucher component of the Trump-DeVos school choice
privatization policies that allocates public dollars to private and
religious schools. The billionaires believe that vouchers are a
danger to public education.
Edelman, son of the iconic civil rights and public education
advocate, Marian Wright Edelman, and co-founder and chief executive
of the national pro-charter school organization, Stand for Children,
has labeled the voucher proposals “… a
dramatic effort to undermine public education.” Although
charter schools are technically public schools, they basically
operate like private and sectarian schools in that they have to
adhere to few of the regulations governing traditional public
schools. Due to these exemptions, Wisconsin, Indiana, North
Carolina, Washington, D.C., and Arizona have some of the worst
charter performers in the more than 40 states where they operate.
the dirty little secret is that charter activists’ supposed
commitment to public schools is predicated on the fact that charters
receive, on average, about $5,000 more dollars per student (and in
some states money for school construction) than voucher schools and
allow for corporate investments. Wall Street hedge funders and
financiers have heavily financed charters and have set up a string of
national education management organizations—creating a number
of chains—Green Dot, National Heritage Academies, White Hat
Management Corporation, K12 Inc., Universal, and numerous others.
Thus, charter opposition to vouchers is primarily based on money.
Public education is being turned into a profit center, similar to
what has occurred with jails, prisons, and college student loans.
Trump administration’s current meltdown is an opportune time to
move against his school privatization schemes and to contest those in
states where school choice and other efforts to dismantle public
education are rapidly expanding. In North Carolina, the
Republican-controlled Senate has recently defunded STEM programs for
at-risk students, the majority of whom are low-income African
Americans, and stipends for teacher assistants, who are also largely
minority, to assist them in completing their college degrees. (The
subsidies could possibly be restored when the budget goes to the
Assembly due to the ensuing controversy.)
The districts targeted
are represented by two black Democrats, Sens. Erica Smith-Ingram
and Angela Bryant. Their funding was switched to majority white
districts to address the opioid epidemic in Republican-represented
counties. This was punishment for Democrats, led by Senate Minority
Leader Dan Blue, who extended the budget debate with a series of
amendments during a late night Senate meeting. Some have also
claimed that this retribution is likewise related to North Carolina’s
draconian Voter ID law that was overturned by the 4th
Circuit Appeals Court where three North Carolina judges of color sit.
these challenges, now is the time for teachers and other public
education backers to stand strong and advance their goals. They need
to press their federal elected representatives to keep the pressure
on Trump and to heighten the fight against the privatization of
public schools in every state where they are under siege.