please, please, don’t “piss” down my back and then
try to tell me it’s raining!
start here: there’s no other conclusion which can be had but
top G-man James Comey was getting far-too close to unraveling the
traitorous trail of King Trump and his turncoats. Moving far-too
close to discovering Trump was willing to drag Lady Liberty out of
New York Harbor and put her ass on the corner in Times Square, to
hell with all that “God bless America” bullshit.
minutes later into the fallout Trump was willing to manipulate and
exploit his junior-varsity staff, arrogantly contradict their
convoluted versions of what prompted his eruption/Comey’s
firing, in-order to please his massive insecurity driven desire to
be the “big-hand man.” And now after admitting to
obstruction-of justice, threatening the former FBI head with
(illegal) White House tapes, the Republican TEA Party is turning a
deaf-ear and a blind-eye to the laundry list of . . . crimes simply
because they worship power.
it’s so quiet up in congress . . . you can hear a rat piss on
political silence and in actions are branding President Trump
as Scar-face, “
i.e., untouchable,” Al Capone above-the-law, and only 120 days
into his 4 year reign of terror. He really is politically
assassinating folks in DC, if not Times Square. It’s obvious
his staff, like the general population of this nation is “expendable”
in his inflated guesstimation, he’ll push us all under, we’ll
drown in the sea-of misery in order to to keep his crooked-ass
afloat. You’re looking at a White man “gone insane”
with white privilege and and audacious financial power. He’s
welding power like a fat-cat CEO, not like President of all the
people, big n’ little, as his predecessor did for 8 years.
orange-haired alley-cat couldn’t hold Obama’s political
/moral/ethical/jockstrap, and by the way - “Where o’
where has Barack Obama gone?”

we’re all forcibly embroiled in this White trash “soap
opera ” US Congresswoman Maxine Waters’ comment “We’re
fiddling while Rome burns ... “ couldn’t be
more-accurate. Before we know it, this nation we be “at-war”
with somebody/anybody, and this devilish, pea-brained,
knuckle-dragging neanderthal will be declaring himself a “wartime”
President who can’t be questioned, can’t be criticized.
There won’t be any more press-conferences and Emperor Trump
will unleash his American Gestapo down upon the American people.
the GOP will “hear, speak nor see” any evil Lord Trump
commits. Who in the hell I ask will deliver us from this evil man?
crazy, crazy like a fox . . . “cra-cra” like a pompous,
arrogant White guy born with a platinum spoon in his mouth, born on
2nd or 3rd base . . . and yet you’d think he stepped up to the
plate n’ hit a “grand slam,” born against none of
the odds. Can’t lose if you try, fail over n’ over again,
file bankruptcy on multiple occasions. Yet another Vietnam
draft-dodging war-hawk weasel, unwilling to spill his own blood in
the conflict of his era, yet more than willing to risk your son, or
daughter's life in a ungodly, if not wicked effort to take-over the
world, screw just “making America White Again,” he and
Putin want to “whitewash” the globe, and the only thing
in their way are people-of-color, who they don’t regard as
that a bitch?
we’re witnessing here is an
illegitimate administration
which believes in “white nationalism,” “white
supremacy,” and “white globalization” resulting in
worldwide white domination, power and intercontinental control.
Trump, US Secretary of State Tillerson and Putin all have “White
Power” as their mission and goal. And they want you and I to
know that, to “see” that, to “feel” their
open hostility, contempt, malice and animosity for “colored”
people. They’ve placed their “race” and Anglo-Saxon
culture above all else, screw scripture, principle, laws and rules.
I’m not sure Black and Brown folks grasp the extreme arrogance
a man of Trump’s overtly privileged background brings to the
table - he has no conscience, nor is he equipped with empathy,
sympathy or pity, he didn’t give a damn about gassed Syrian
babies . . . his bombing of Syria was a diversion created to take the
nation’s globe’s attention off the obvious - Trump has
betrayed America, committed high treason by colluding with Putin and
the White Russians. Sounds like a band. “White” being a
operative aspect of this betrayal. Trump’s merely part-of a
movement to make not just America White again, but to make the world
White, White man controlled.
what cast Trump as a significantly more dangerous threat to
humankind, besides his clear “sniff-sniff,” white powder
Jones, beyond his undeniable sleep-deprived brain, that is already
showing signs of dementia, which his KKK card-carrying daddy
developed in his 70’s. It’s his arrogance, coupled-with
his conspicuous ignorance of even middle school level US/world
history and factoids. The man is slightly, mildly educated, so why
he’s here now atop the world isn’t because of his
academic intelligence, it’s because he’s a hatched-into
privilege “Big Apple” hustler, who’s been “staying
alive” since the 1970’s by lying, cheating, conning,
stealing, conniving and manipulating the games of life and business.
honestly speaking, Donald J, Trump is “White-trash, with
money,” Trump is trashy, a remnant from, dig this -
“professional wrestling” - that’s an oxymoron,
there's not a damn thing about this man which constitutes
“professional.” The noted WC Fields adage; ”If
you can’t dazzle them with your brilliance, then baffle them
with your bullshit” applies
to Trump not because he physically resembles the man, but because
this mentality reflects and defines who n’ what Trump is. End
of fictional story.
Maxine: “This man lies everyday!”
And as we’re seeing, it doesn't matter, because the point is -
he’ll still “make America White again.
an aging “Trojan Horse,” or rather a cheap gold-plated
flea-market $5 a ride jackass who has stuffed inside him all
the despicable and deplorable elements of White America . . . like
the millions of Conservative/Confederates who are “ecstatic”
today, now that poor and working class people, folks of color, about
roughly 75% of the US population, we will have our medical care
either increased or erased, and people will suffer, alas die . . .
mothers, grand children, fathers will die because they can’t
afford the sky-high prices of this nation's for”obscene”
profit health-care industry.
will needlessly die, to please and appease the millions of
racist/sexist and elitist folks across White America; from the rank
n’ file rednecks and good ol' boys and girls to the
semi-aristocratic “investor class” - who will attain
maximum profits - this indecent reality doesn't move any of these ice
cold people, they don’t see all humans as, well “human,”
instead they see simple-minded struggling people of color,
semi-humans who didn’t “pre-plan” their lives
correctly, as “real” White folks do,. They see those who
didn’t “pull-themselves up by their bootstraps” and
now need a handout to take care of themselves and that family they
can’t afford to care-for, however recklessly created. In their
Mayberry RFD thoughts, they allow no room-for-error in the lives of
Black and Brown people, and of course we‘re deemed “guilty”
and “incompetent” until proven otherwise. Precisely the
opposite of how White folks see White folks.
Trump’s boy, Confederate Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard
Sessions, has said - there are clearly people he classifies as
“filth” - and that list doesn't start nor stop with
“aliens from south of the border” no it extends and em
compasses . . . everybody who ain’t White, and a baby Jesus
loving far-right, straight, and preferably wealthy.
now created yet-another Executive Order establishing a “presidential
advisory commission on election integrity” which will
orchestrate the eradication of hard-fought-for voting right’s
advancements of the civil rights and Obama eras. See, between the
reduction of political participation, teamed with the deportation of
Latinos, Asians, those from the Caribbean, the banning of Muslims . .
. this “White-lash” movement will basically have us
where they want us - on virtual “reservations,” updated
21st century versions of 19th century Indian Reservations, and please
believe - this is plainly where much of White America want us . . . .
do we pray this devil back to hell?