you are a white man in America, you can say what you want and,
apparently, even incite violence.
in point: Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin.
an election season where white conservative Trump supporters have
been known to increase the intensity of hateful, violent rhetoric,
Bevin may have outdone most of them by announcing that if Hillary
Clinton wins the presidency, conservatives
will have to resort to physical violence in order to protect
their values. This is just the latest incitement to violence by a
radical white man.
given that some in the media (esp. cable news) have failed to condemn
these people and hold their feet to the fire, it is only a matter of
time before someone gets hurt.
want us to be able to fight ideologically, mentally, spiritually,
economically, so that we don’t have to do it physically,”
Bevin said
at the Values Voter Summit in Washington. “But that may, in
fact, be the case.”
roots of the tree of liberty are watered by what? The blood. Of
who? The tyrants to be sure, but who else? The patriots,” he
continued. “Whose blood will be shed? It may be that of those
in this room. It might be that of our children and grandchildren. I
have nine children. It breaks my heart to think that it might be
their blood that is needed to redeem something, to reclaim something,
that we through our apathy and our indifference have given away.
Don’t let it happen.”
Tea Party-endorsed governor — who only came to office this year
and was already ranked the fourth
worst governor in America, in the midst of an ethics
lawsuit and calls
for his impeachment – decided to clean up his words and
claim he was talking about military service. But for the angry white
voters Bevin is reaching — the angry white folks who want to
“Make America Great Again” — this kind of talk is
exactly what they want to hear. They know what he meant the first
time around.
since Donald Trump arrived on the political scene, he
has empowered white nationalists, white supremacists, neo-Nazis
and Klan members alike to be themselves and say and do what they
a fact.
their hands of all this political correctness and allowing people of
color to be citizens, they have been smelling themselves these days.
Just ask David
Duke, the former KKK leader-turned-Senate candidate in Louisiana
who wholeheartedly endorsed Trump and told other whites that not
backing the GOP nominee “is really treason
to your heritage.” Duke aptly pointed out that his voters
and Trump supporters are the same. Trump claimed he had never
heard of Duke, while running mate Mike
Pence refused to call Duke “deplorable.” This, as
power groups do robocalls and get out the hate vote for Trump.

Trump, this is nothing new. Back in 1989, when five black and Latino
kids were falsely arrested and convicted for the rape of a white
woman in Central Park, he put out a full-page
ad in four New York newspapers calling for the return of the death
penalty. And more recently, he made his bones in right-wing
political circles by championing the Birther movement and questioning
the authenticity of President
Obama’s birth certificate.
Trump has stoked the flames of racial violence at his campaign
rallies by encouraging physical attacks and the use of force against
Lives Matter protesters. At one point he even said “I could
stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot
somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters.”
Trump has placed race baiters, mudslingers and hate groups in his
inner circle. He made Steve
Bannon, executive chairman of Breitbart News, his campaign
manager, placing the white
nationalist ”alt-right”
movement front and center in the Trump campaign. For those who
don’t know, the so-called alt-right is like a dude-bro version
of the Klan. They believe Fox News doesn’t go far enough. And
by the way, Trump also has as his advisor Roger
Ailes. Ailes, the man who made Fox News what it is today —
an inhospitable environment for black folks, save those who don’t
wear handkerchiefs — gave Nixon the presidency through a “law
and order” campaign that channeled white fear of black
and his followers get away with it because many in the predominantly
white mainstream media have legitimized this man. His campaign is
like a reality show to them, a form of entertainment that boosts
ratings. Add to that the reality that white men are allowed to say
and do what they will in this society, without consequences. Imagine
how white America or the media would react if Colin Kaepernick, or
any black man, said what Gov. Bevin just uttered. After all,
Kaepernick was branded a criminal and a traitor for merely kneeling
during the national anthem.
they talk like the Klan, chances are they are the Klan. And like the
Jim Crow days, the white-collar Klansmen politicians give the orders
to kill but keep their hands clean, while the white-hooded Klan will
oblige them every time. It’s their privilege, because it’s
their whiteness.
This commentary originally appeared in The Grio