say that history repeats itself, while I say that the song is just
very, very long and is still playing. I speak specifically to race
and racism in America. The reason why we have yet to make
significant progress toward eliminating racism is because we have yet
to clear up past offenses; instead, we allow more to be piled onto
the current mountain of grievances, as opposed to ever clearing the
old adage goes, “you can’t miss what you never had.”
I find that adage true as it applies to women, music and
anti-racism. It’s nothing new if it mimics what’s
already been (sure I’ll leave you to wrestle with that one).
Sure, the United States doesn’t blatantly flaunt its ideology
of racial superiority, but it does inject lethal reminders of Black
racial inferiority. These truths, I hold to be self-evident.
Colin Kaepernick…he’s the star quarterback of the NFL’s
San Francisco 49ers. At the time of this writing, he’s
sparking a national conversation in light of his decision to sit
during the pre-game performance of the national anthem. He
publicly and eloquently justified his actions and the young man is
not changing his tune.
The sixth-year player
has been praised for his actions in some quarters and vilified in
many others, with some fans even burning his jersey. He appears to be
committed and wedded to his recent stance. He's prepared for further
backlash from fans, especially on the road. I have to ask, why would
he have to back down? It’s not because this response from a
swath of America is new, it’s because the saga known as racism,
is alive and well—and beginning a new chapter. One Fox host has
taken bigoted audaciousness to new lows, saying that Kaepernick,
who’s biracial, should
be grateful for his life in the United States because he is fortunate
enough to be raised by two white parents.
In the latter part of
August—just as the NFL pre-season is winding down—he gave
a 20-minute interview to reporters at the 49er’s training
facility. Kaepernick, who has sat during The Star Spangled
Banner for each of the 49ers' preseason games so far,
said: "I'll continue to sit. ... I'm going to continue to stand
with the people that are being oppressed. To me, this is something
that has to change, and when there's significant change — and I
feel like that flag represents what it's supposed to represent, and
this country is representing people the way it's supposed to — I'll

As for me, I am proud;
proud of Colin Kaepernick. If I owned an NFL team, he’d have a
home for life; but since I don’t, I can be 100% supportive of a
young man—Black man—who chose to stand up for the right
thing, at the right time, for the right reasons, using the right
venue. Right now, Kaepernick is giving us another Rosa Parks moment.
He’s going sit on this bus called freedom…until it
stops at justice.
decision not to stand for the playing of the national anthem is all
American. If you really want to uproot the underlying silence
embedded within all of this, just read the words to the “Star
Spangled Banner…” all stanzas. . .
third verse of the National Anthem is based in racism and a longing
for slavery—at least a retribution against those who wanted to
be free(d). That’s right, I said it. Most of us in America
have not an inkling that those were the words penned by Francis Scott
Key, the man foisted on us as a hero—a hero who sat in a
lock-up outside of Fort McHenry. That part is a lie too—for
the sake of the institution: the same way Colin Kaepernick is being
castigated for standing up for truth and justice, while even Black
players and high notables are telling us he should be silent for the
sake of the institution. Now if that don’t trump all
(pardon the pun)!
the end of the day, if something happens, that’s only proving
my point," he said.
Kaepernick told NFL
Network on Friday night that he chose not to stand because: "I
am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that
oppresses Black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger
than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other
way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and
getting away with murder." He has since stated that his remarks
are not meant as disrespect toward the military—as several
veterans stand with him.
Muhammad Ali did the
same thing a decade after Parks did. It cost him so much of the
American Dream that he had to play catch up—with his life. He
shouldn’t have had to play catch up. But what many don’t
understand is that Kaepernick’s act isn’t selfish
(despite many NFL players labeling it as such). No, his remark was
selfless. The voice of those being seen as invisible, those
listening to the busy signal of inequality or those bearing envelopes
of unopened justice, Kaepernick is sitting for them. I could only
pray that my 14 grandchildren, nieces and nephews would learn to sit
on their God-given right to equal humanity.
Kaepernick said it took
time for him to decide how to express himself, but he's solidly
comfortable with his methodology — even if it costs him
endorsements or his spot on the 49ers’ roster (because he is
being covertly threatened) — as he attempts to shine
yet another light on and race relations and police brutality,
Now, that’s
a man. "There are a lot things that are going on that are
unjust," he said. "People aren’t being held
accountable for. And that’s something that needs to change.
That’s something that this country stands for freedom, liberty
and justice for all. And it’s not happening for all right now."
Those are not the words of a selfish man— in the least.
time for another Rosa Parks moment. Racial injustice and white
supremacy thrive. It’s time to jumpstart not a conversation but
our activism to end this scourge on America’s proud tapestry of
diversity. Kaepernick is giving us that Rosa Parks moment. It’s
about time.