Friday, April 8, 2016 Donald Trump tweeted a photoshopped political
cartoon that was originally produced for Middle East Eye. The cartoon
was created by Carlos Lautff of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil whose work is
featured by BlackCommentator.com on a regular basis. The original
cartoon (seen below) portrayed Gulf sheikhs on the one hand approving
of Syrian rebels and on the other refusing to accept refugees fleeing
the war in Syria.

never asked for permission to use the cartoon, removed the artist's name and then photoshopped
it in order to change its meaning. The tweet (below) was captured by

Trump's tweet has since been re-shared nearly 4,000 times.
Latuff posted the cartoons side-by-side and said Trump "should care
about [copyright] laws" and "This is NOT IMITATION it's a DISTORTON of
the original artwork." Latuff is currently consulting an attorney.
some people will think my use of the word "steal" in the title of this
piece is too strong. However, when a person takes the work of an artist
without permission, removes the creator's name and claims it as their
own, I believe that is stealing and the action is that of a thief.