Public education has
been under constant attack for more than three decades as
conservative corporate, intellectual, and political reformers have
devised policies and practices to dismantle and privatize the
profession. These well-funded efforts have increased dramatically as
the racial makeup of public school students has become decidedly
minority and low-income. At the beginning of the 2015 school year,
more than fifty-one percent of all K-12 pupils are African American,
Hispanic, Asian, or Native American. To fully appreciate the origins
and development of these initiatives, it is necessary to review and
understand the context from which they arose. The purpose of this
analysis is to describe the links between U.S. presidential efforts
to take American public education apart: from President Ronald
Reagan’s tuition tax credit proposal in 1981 to President
Barack Obama’s Race to the Top (RTTT) legislation in
2009; both plans were supposedly designed to improve public
education. The implementation of Common Core State Standards
(CCSS) to facilitate the privatization of public education is
also examined.
President Reagan, at
the urging of the Heritage Foundation, embraced legislation for
tuition tax credits (forerunners of vouchers) and market-oriented
education reform at the beginning of his first term. Heritage staff
had placed a copy of its book, Mandate for Leadership, on his
desk in the Oval Office on January 20, 1981, which emphasized these
approaches. In the middle of the manuscript was a recommendation
that inner city urban schools be targeted for these initiatives since
their academic outcomes were so poor. Although Reagan subsequently
submitted tuition tax credit legislation to Congress, it never
garnered significant support as no powerful Democrats (who controlled
both houses of Congress) ever signed on to support the law. Heritage
followed up with Mandate for Leadership II in 1985,
reiterating the same education reforms. In addition, the Reagan
Administration commissioned A Nation at Risk, a report that
severely criticized the state of public education.
Meanwhile, Heritage and
numerous other think tanks, conservative scholars, and advocacy
organizations, committed to privatizing the public sector, were
funded by a network of conservative, right-wing corporations and
foundations, who viewed public education as in need of radical
change. They constitute an education reform Cartel (e.g., the Koch
Bros. and other major corporations; the Bradley, Gates, Walton,
Arnold, Broad, Fisher, and other Foundations; and Wall Street firms
and hedge fund operators). These entities fund hundreds of think
tanks and advocacy groups (the most prominent of which are the
Heritage Foundation, the American Enterprise Institute, and the
American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), which develops
pro-private-sector legislation. They have targeted public education
as their newest profit center under the guise of education reform.
President George H.W.
Bush received Heritage’s Mandate for Leadership III in1989
and began to push more aggressively to privatize public
education---aligning himself with Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson,
who had signed the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (MPCP)
into law in 1990. This was the first voucher bill allowing public
dollars to flow to private schools since the 1956 Southern
Manifesto, put forth by the eleven southern states and Prince
Edward County, Virginia’s closing of its public schools from
1959 to 1964 in response to the 1954 Brown Decision.
After holding a White
House briefing with the leading Wisconsin African American voucher
advocates in 1990, State Representative Annette Polly Williams and
Michal Holt, editor of the Milwaukee Community Journal, the
state’s largest African American newspaper, President H.W. Bush
sent a federal voucher bill to Congress. It was derailed by
Democrats as the reality of the voucher threat became apparent to
teacher unions across the nation who went on high alert in
opposition. However, President H.W. Bush did appropriate funding to
distribute to local communities to push the school choice agenda,
primarily through charter schools, before he became embroiled in a
reelection campaign that he lost to Bill Clinton in 1992.
After the election,
President Clinton stayed away from vouchers and doubled-down on
funding for charter school development. He had observed the pushback
against vouchers during the Bush Administration. He won both his
terms with less than fifty percent of the national vote, by relying
on heavy support from the National Education Association and the
American Federation of Teachers who were fierce voucher opponents.
As a compromise with the Cartel, he set up the infrastructure for the
systematic expansion of charters nationwide. Meanwhile, the Cartel
gave generous campaign contributions to Democrats and Republicans,
alike, at every level of government to implement its ideas for the
private transformation of public education. In 2000, the Cartel was
instrumental in funding and encouraging Democratic Presidential
candidate, Al Gore, to select Sen. Joseph Lieberman (D-Connecticut),
a staunch Cartel ally and voucher supporter, as his Vice Presidential
running mate. Lieberman had previously endorsed the takeover of the
Hartford Public Schools by the now defunct Educational Alternatives,
Inc., a for-profit Educational Management Organization (EMO) based in
Minneapolis, Minnesota. At the 2000 Los Angeles National Democratic
Convention, Lieberman had to weather intense disapproval from
Congresswoman Maxine Waters and the Congressional Black Caucus for
his positions on vouchers and the privatization of public schools.
The assault on public
education was gaining traction. Upon the election of President
George W. Bush in 2000, the privatization agenda went on steroids.
Using legislation drafted by the American Legislative Exchange
Council (ALEC), President W. Bush quickly pushed through the No
Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act in 2001, with the full-throated
support of the liberal Democratic icon, Sen. Ted Kennedy. The Cartel
had broken the partisan divide on privatization. NCLB
mandated that all children read at grade level by 2014.
Additionally, it ushered in more testing, intense scrutiny of
teachers, and made it easier to close failing schools as measured by
annual test scores. Originally, NCLB was designed to allow
students in failing public schools to receive publicly-funded
vouchers that would let them attend private and sectarian schools.
But that component of the bill was deleted in conference committee
and replaced with the option to attend a higher-performing public
school. The Bush administration also provided grants to community
organizations to inform parents of this choice opportunity.
The success of NCLB
was followed up by the first federal voucher program established in
Washington, D.C. in 2004. The law was passed by one vote, that of
Tennessee black Congressman, Harold Ford, Jr., in the House of
Representatives, while other Congressional Black Caucus (CBC)
members, led by their Chair, Elijah Cummings (D-MD), a close friend
of Fox News CEO, Roger Ailes, were in Baltimore. The CBC was
co-sponsoring a 2004 Democratic presidential debate with the Fox News
Network on the campus of historically black Morgan State University,
the first time ever that African Americans had played such a role. A
year later, President W. Bush created a federal voucher program in
New Orleans in response to Hurricane Katrina. He also brought in
private-sector firms, Halliburton and Blackwater, who earned tens of
millions of dollars in disaster capitalism, while citizens were
drowning in their homes and stranded on rooftops.
January 29, 2009
represents a watershed date in the enhanced assault on public
education. Jon Schnur, a former member of the Clinton Administration
and then representing the Cartel, met with newly inaugurated
President Barack H. Obama and his chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, in
the Oval Office, a mere nine days after Obama’s inauguration.
He handed them the Cartel-developed legislation for Race to the
Top (RTTT), which he had already vetted with Rahm Emanuel.
Emanuel said, “We’ve got to do this. It’s a
great plan… This is our great opportunity. And I know
we can get a lot of Democrats to support it.” After
reviewing the document, President Obama stated, “Yes, let’s
do it. I always say this is supposed to be about the kids not the
adults. Just make sure… that we don’t poke unions in
the eye with this. Just do what you have to do.” (See
Steven Brill, Class Warfare, 2011, pp.6-7). Earlier, the
Cartel had handpicked Arne Duncan, with whom it had collaborated to
privatize 60 Chicago Public Schools while he served as
Superintendent, to be U.S. Secretary of Education. Duncan’s
primary qualifications were that he had played basketball with
President Obama for more than a decade and that he was a member of
the Chicago political machine. He possessed no meaningful
educational credentials or educational experience other than his
patronage appointment to be Superintendent of the Chicago Public
Schools, by Mayor Richard M. Daley, from June 2001 through December
The Cartel had informed
the Obama administration that under no circumstances would it accept
the appointment of Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond, an endowed professor,
former dean of the Stanford University School of Education, and a
nationally recognized expert on public education and the training of
teachers. President Obama had made her chair of the Department of
Education’s transition team with the expectation that she would
be named the first African American female U.S. Education Secretary.
This decision came as a shock to public school educators and
academics in higher education who had voted for President Obama
nearly unanimously. However, the Cartel had paid to play during the
2008 presidential campaign when it, and its allies, raised
approximately $450 million of the $650 million Obama campaign war
chest. Dr. Darling-Hammond remained silent and accepted this
professional slight from the first black president. Like most
African Americans, she was protective of President Obama and provided
him the space to pander to his white benefactors. This pattern of
his behavior has persisted prior to and throughout his presidency
(see Frederick Harris, The Price of the Ticket, 2012). Thus,
President Obama continued in the tradition of his four immediate
predecessors—Presidents Ronald W. Reagan, George H. W. Bush,
William J. Clinton, and George W. Bush, but he escalated the
dismantling of traditional public education by making privatization
much easier with his signing of the odious RTTT.
Race to the Top
and Common Core Standards (CCSS) have resulted in the
lay-offs/terminations of thousands of teachers, administrators, and
educational support personnel; urban, low-wealth districts have been
especially hard hit. Teachers of color in Washington, D.C., Newark
and Camden, NJ, New Orleans, LA, Cleveland, OH, Los Angeles, CA,
Miami-Dade, FL, Chicago, IL, and a host of other school districts
have been disproportionately fired. For example, in New Orleans, 71%
of the teachers were black in 2004 as compared to 49% in 2015. In
all of these cities, the minority middle class has been devastated as
public school employees made up the core of this group.
These displaced
minority educators have been largely replaced by Teach for America
(TFA) teachers (who are overwhelmingly white), are recent college
graduates with degrees in non-education disciplines, lack formal
teacher training and teacher certification, and generally sign on for
a two-year stint in exchange for loan forgiveness of their college
loans. TFA receives most of its funding from the Cartel. In order
for TFA teachers to get around having to earn certification
credentials in a particular subject, as do traditional teachers, to
be labeled highly qualified, Secretary Duncan persuaded Republican
Senate Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and senior Democratic Senator
Tom Harkins (D-IA) to co-sponsor an amendment that provided TFA
teachers a two-year waiver. They attached this rider to the 2013
budget bill that reopened the government after the shutdown, and it
received minimal attention from educators and the general public.
Since the overwhelming majority of TFA teachers only teach for two
years or less, they were/are, in effect, certified as highly
qualified during their two-year tenure with slight preparation in
education and the art of teaching. As noted by Mercedes Schneider in
A Chronicle of Echoes (2014, p.119), RTTT “…
was the whitewashed tomb of No Child Left Behind.”
RTTT also
promoted Common Core State Standards (CCSS), teacher
evaluation using student test scores, the removal of caps on charter
schools, turning around of low-performing schools (by closing them),
and emphasizing frequent testing of students. Common Core, a
controversial element of RTTT, was presented to the Obama
Administration by Bill Gates, a leader in the Cartel. Starting in
2008, Gates spent more than $200 million in 46 states to promote
Common Core and to have them endorsed by Democratic and
Republican Governors. Unknown to virtually everyone, Gates had
partnered with NCS Pearson (the world’s largest education and
testing publishing company) to load Pearson’s Common Core
classroom curriculum and testing materials on his Microsoft Tablet,
the Surface.
Common Core State
Standards (CCSS) were introduced without any field testing to assess
their effects. Strong opposition quickly emerged from parents,
teachers, and elected officials. Teachers were given little time to
develop lessons, receive professional development, get used to the
new tests, and offer feedback. Parents and their children
experienced difficulty in understanding the Common Core homework,
completing the assignments, and in taking the Common Core tests.
With persistent pushback against Common Core, Democratic and
Republican elected officials nationwide began to withdraw their
support. The Tea Party, agreeing with progressives on the left,
likewise expressed extreme vocal hostility against CCSS, viewing
them as excessive intrusion into local education by the federal
government. The $4 billion dollars in competitive grants that
RTTT appropriated for school districts across the nation were
used to coerce states and school districts into the acceptance of
RTTT and Common Core.
National and local
teacher unions and other public education stakeholders have been slow
to grasp and respond to the ongoing damage wrought by Race to the
Top and Common Core. Moreover, the Cartel succeeded in having
its political allies complete two additional tasks: the reduction of
state-level funding for public education in a majority of the 50
states, while increasing funding for vouchers and charter schools,
and the acceptance of the American Legislative Exchange Council’s
(ALEC’s) model legislation that required public school
personnel to make larger contributions to their pension and health
benefits, while severely limiting their salary increases. More than
half of state Democratic and Republican legislatures passed these
bills into law. Using the umbrella of RTTT and Common Core,
the Cartel has fostered the closing of even more schools, handing
them over to Charter Management Companies (CMOs) that mostly perform
no better than the public schools they take over.
Elsewhere, The Cartel
has been strategic in enlisting the support of the nation’s
largest minority civil rights and educational organizations via
robust contributions to their causes: African Americans (NAACP,
National Action Network, United Negro College Fund, and National
Urban League); Hispanics (National Council for La Raza and Latino
Elected and Appointed Officials); Native Americans (National Indian
Education Association); and Asian Americans (Asia Society) to support
RTTT and CCSS. The United Negro College Fund (UNCF)
received a $25 million dollar grant for student scholarships from the
Koch Bros. in majors designated by them in 2014, and the Koch Bros.
participate in the selection process for scholarship recipients. It
is ironic that their father, the late Fred Koch, Sr., offered
scholarships to black college students during the civil rights
movement, but only if they did not participate in civil rights
activities. The UNCF President, Michael Lomax, also sits on the
Board of the Arnold Foundation, a Cartel member and a key funder of
charter schools and charter organizations. In that role, Dr. Lomax
has been far more effective in establishing charter schools than in
raising money to sustain UNCF member institutions, his primary job
responsibility. The United Negro College Fund has lost two of its
members to financial insolvency in recent years.
What has been revealed
in this analysis is that a perfect storm appears to be emerging that
is systematically downsizing public education as we know it. RTTT
and Common Core are the main policies that many view as
contributing to an evolving crisis in K-12 education. They have been
fostered by the five most recent U.S. presidents with the most
significant contributor being the Obama Administration. The Cartel
has largely funded, along with the five U.S. presidential
administrations, these privatization efforts with the backing that it
has ostensibly purchased via campaign contributions and grants to
Democratic and Republican elected officials; teachers and teacher
union officials; school superintendents; minority, majority, and
religious organization leaders; grassroots activists; and hundreds of
think tanks and advocacy organizations. The outcome of this assault
on public education is far from certain, but it has brought with it
some strange bedfellows. They are privatizing prisons, reducing
union membership in both the public-and private sectors, promoting
economic inequality, intentionally constructing a society where they
will rule over every level of government, and an economy that
promotes their interests and from which they derive disproportionate