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Est. April 5, 2002
November 05, 2015 - Issue 628

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Black People
Forever Unwanted
And Unwelcome
In The US-of-A
Let's Leave


"I’ve been abroad, and I know plenty
of Black folks who traveled more than I,
so with that noted I can declare they're
other global locals where Black Americans
could find as much liberty, equality, justice
and freedom . . .  as we’ve here in the
land of Donald Trump."

Here’s the question we Black American parents ought be asking ourselves;  What country are we leaving them to live in? How much resentment, if not hatred will fill the hearts of a frustrated and bitter “minority” WASP population? How much disgruntlement and animosity will our Black children have to endure?

Why don’t Black Americans honestly, legitimately consider relocating to another country.

People are willing to relocate seeking a better life. Folks are always moving here and there. To emigrate and migrate, to roam and travel, to be nomadic and to go in-search-of . . . a better life is human. Trust me, I’ve been abroad, and I know plenty of Black folks who traveled more than I, so with that noted I can declare they're other global locals where Black Americans could find as much liberty, equality, justice and freedom . . .  as we’ve here in the land of Donald Trump.

What are we waiting on . . . rovering, hooded lynch mobs coming down your block?

Here’s the trouble; the entrenched, bigoted White establishment, that’s fastly becoming a numerical minority,  yes “minority“ - has convinced the nation . . . they don’t actually exist. They’re just a figment of Black folk’s vivid imaginations.

Blacks have considered “going back to Africa” throughout our stay here in the “New World.” Marcus Garvey’s “Back to Africa” efforts of the Harlem Renaissance era was the last major movement to “go home.” Since formal  ”Integration” has come to be, Black folks have been “comfortable” here in the good ol USofA, and talk of leaving has all but disappeared from the national conversation for Blacks.

I’d like to put it back on the cocktail-table conversation list.

It’s a big world, I’ve got a passport, and I think some of the problem is most Black folks don’t. For if they did, I think we’d seriously consider getting the hell out of Dodge.

I understand we’re staying because of the blood sweat n’ tears people have poured into this land, the “sweat equity” investment is huge. However I want people to consider the Black blood which would be shed if we continue to stay.

The dreams deferred . . .  the American “nightmares” lived-through. 

Unfortunately, but highly-likely the next President of these so-called United States-of-America will be Donald Trump . . . and his Presidency will usher-in  the “Good Ol’ Days” again, when America was virtually snow-white.  And to accomplish this - Trumps going to arm-wrestle the nation to the ground, force  tougher laws - tougher cops, even more prisons - even less pre-schools. Get this; these TEA Party Pilgrims are going to fight back, dig-in, and show-up on November 6 2016 to take back “their” country, in an election they’ve already stolen before, and have re-rigged to make all the Gerrymandering pay-off.

If Trumps’ Troops have their way . . . the police will be, dig this, defending themselves against Black folks on Main Street while a Trump-lead US Army will be at-war with . . . the world. Who’ll be “drafted” to go fight on the Arab street?  Black and Brown boys . . . and now girls.

They’ll get our numbers down one-way or another.

Good lord, someone please tell me when, if ever, will Black folks come-to-understand America, this alleged land-of-the-free, home-of-the-brave harbors little, if any empathy, sympathy or even unwanted pity for Black folks. They’re indifferent to the precarious position, the pitiful plight we, the descendants of the empire’s only “forced” immigrants are saddled-with.

What does it take to awake the Black mothers n’ fathers to the cold reality - your children are about-as unwanted and unwelcomed  by White America as you are, and as your parents were a century-ago?

The “Reservations” where 75% of Blacks are strategically housed . . . be it Birmingham, Detroit, Toledo, Ferguson, Compton, North Las Vegas . . . we've succumbed to the laws of the White man-made jungle, we’re killing each-other over the crumbs, going-along with the gutter-low blueprint; failing school, our babies are making fatherless babies, our kids are born into harm’s way - going to jail and dying young. Pimped and exploited in public education and in private prisons.  We got to get away from this  . . . lifestyle.

Back-to-Africa, or Belize, or Costa Rica, or Trinidad. I wouldn’t say  “Any place is better than here” but . . . .

Malcolm X; The field Negro was beaten from morning-to-night; he lived in a shack, in a hut; he wore old, castoff clothes. He hated his master. I say he hated his master. He was intelligent. That house Negro loved his master, but that field Negro — remember, they were in the majority, and they hated the master. When the house caught on fire, he didn't try to put it out; that field Negro prayed for a wind, for a breeze. When the master got sick, the field Negro prayed that he'd die. If someone came to the field Negro and said, "Let's separate, let's run," he didn't say, "Where we going?" He'd say, "Any place is better than here."

Everyday, every-single-day there’s a News headline which hammer’s home the harsh reality Black people are daily targets of White racism and discrimination. As I pen this column, the news is littered with stories of White people who’ve done something which warrants “making-the-news” because it harkens us all back to the past, sometimes 1967 or occasionally 1852.

If it’s not barbaric police executions of Black men . . . women and children,  it's Black folks hung-by lily-White juries which excluded Americans-of-Color, i.e., “Real Patriots” who condone crooked White folks and convict innocent Black and Brown folks. Black children receiving inferior medical care because . . .  they're Black. Financial institutions “economically sodomizing” Blacks
It’s White-male cops manhandling “uppity” Black teenage girls sitting in a desk at school or standing poolside in a bikini. Listen -  no law's gonna change that heartless-heart and witless-brain . . . sorry.

“Walking/talking/driving/eating while Black . . .” hell, it's just about “being Black” - nothing more.

The unlawful-act, the offense, the misdeed is merely to be Black. Since we mildly-educated Black folks only know and value what White folks want us to know and value . . .  we don’t “know” how loathed and despised we are by so-many Euro-Americans, and we don’t know how much this nation’s history proves it.

Unfortunately we, as a people hardly read, so we only know the stories and heroes Hollywood wants us to know.

Frederick Douglass:  “The few think, the many feel, “the few comprehend a principle, ... Ideas alone are not enough to galvanize the public into action. To do that, one needs to deploy art, to broadcast “the soul of truth.”

From Rodney King on, today’s video footage, has displayed the truth in vivid, highly defined glorious Technicolor . . . with surround-a-sound and Black folks still ain’t mad enough to leave. While White America, after seeing Black folks, even female kids abused . . .  they’ve no empathy, sympathy or pity. They’d just like to remove the cameras so they can “do their job.”.

I’d submit behind “suburban” and “rural” closed doors you’ll hear folks saying  “that hard-headed little nigger-bitch had it comin . . . .“

No law's gonna change that type heartless-heart and witless-brain. As Stokely Carmichael said, “Most White people have no conscience to appeal-to.. . .”

I try to put a little soul into my wordsmithing . . . I try to be as Broadway dramatic as James Brown at the Apollo theater - 1962 singing “Night Train” . . . because I’m trying to wake my people to the impending danger that will be life-in-America for our children, and their children.
The Angry White man’s “Last Colonial Stand”  just started. Columnist, Desi Cortez, was hatched in the heart of Dixie, circa 1961, at the dawning of the age of Aquarius, the by-product of four dynamic individuals, Raised in South-Central LA, the 213, at age 14 transplanted to the base of the Rockies, Denver. Still a Mile-Hi. Sat at the feet of scholars for many, many moons, emerging with a desire and direction… if not a sheep-skin. "Meandered thru life; gone a-lot places, done a-lot of things, raised a man-cub into a good, strong man, produced a beautiful baby-girl with my lover/woman/soul-mate… aired my mind on the airwaves and wrote some stuff along the way." Contact Mr. Cortez and BC.

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Executive Editor:
David A. Love, JD
Managing Editor:
Nancy Littlefield, MBA
Peter Gamble

Ferguson is America: Roots of Rebellion by Jamala Rogers