NCHR and the
Media Cannibals

The latest press barrage
began on September 2 with the National
Coalition for Haitian Rights (NCHR) release of a story
equating elements in Haiti’s police force with Duvalier’s Ton
Ton Macoutes and the former death squads, known as attachés,
under the Cedras dictatorship that overthrew President Aristide
in 1991. Peppered with the purported actual names and ranks
of members of the Haitian police, the article sought to convince
the public that Aristide is just another dictator using time-honored
tactics of repression to stay in power. NCHR drove this point
home with its charge that, “The impunity that attachés enjoy
and the collusion between members of the special brigades and
officers of the Haitian National Police provide incontestable
proof that the phenomenon is part of a governmental strategy.”
asserted in the same piece, “Specialized
units called Special Brigades (BS), composed of armed civilians
in black t-shirts with the yellow inscription 'BS' on the back,
are being integrated into the police stations, at first in
the metropolitan zone and now increasingly on a national level.” In an effort to add drama and
weight to their assertions, NCHR included several photos of
gun-toting partygoers individually posing with weapons and
beer bottles. The photos were reportedly linked to Rene Civil,
the leader of Youth Political Power or JPP movement, allied
with President Aristide’s Lavalas party. Civil, whose protestant
student movement is a vocal critic of US foreign policy and
Haiti’s wealthy elite, remains a favorite target of campaigns
by the right to discredit his reputation, and by extension,
Lavalas. The easiest photos to prove their claim of the existence
of this “phenomenon” – namely “armed civilians dressed
in black t-shirts with the yellow inscription "BS" on
the back” – were conspicuously absent from the exposé. The
remaining “proof” could not be corroborated as authentic despite
a calculated effort to give the appearance it originated from
someone with access to internal Haitian police records.

usual in such media attacks, the US press took the allegations
at face value while largely ignoring the Haitian government’s
denial of the charges and demands that NCHR provide “verifiable
evidence” to back up their claims. As one highly placed
police official lamented in private, “This is another example
of a serious attempt to destroy the morale and undermine
the authority of the police who are already underpaid and
understaffed. By tarnishing all the hard working men and
women in our force with this, it makes our jobs even harder.
The opposition has been emboldened because now when we arrest
them, for violence or having weapons, they claim we are repressing
them while we are just doing our duty. The truth is we are
trying to be fair in applying the law and they will not help
us; we need resources, instead they tie our hands by forcing
us to prove our fairness by allowing the opposition to act
with impunity. This is very dangerous.” Others close to the
police were less kind and readily criticized NCHR for taking
up the cause of the opposition. They counter that NCHR completely
ignores acts of violence against members and officials of
Lavalas while exaggerating claims of political persecution
by the Democratic Convergence and the so-called civil society
organizations of the business community in Haiti known as
the “184.” They noted that NCHR has never called upon the
Dominican government to stop using its territories as a base
for regular armed killing sprees into Haiti committed by
former members of the disbanded military and the dreaded Front
for Advancement and Progress in Haiti (FRAPH), created
by the CIA in the last days of the Cedras dictatorship.
in the Haitian police have also stated that NCHR, which was
deeply engaged in Haiti at the time, never complained when
it was revealed in February 1999 that the police-training
program, offered by the US Justice Department’s International
Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program (ICITAP),
was being used by the CIA to secretly recruit from within
the ranks of the Haitian police. In an article published
in the respected Washington journal Legal Times and entitled “Separating
Cops, Spies”, author Sam Skolnik exposed the CIA’s hidden
agenda in Haiti’s new police training program. The article
takes us a long way towards explaining the less than enthusiastic
response of the Haitian government towards continuing the
program. Since then, Haiti’s cops have had to go it on their
own to build a credible force capable of maintaining law
and order while under constant attack from organizations
such as NCHR.
of NCHR’s favorite anvils, for hammering out the purported
links between the Haitian government and Lavalas attachés,
was Amiot Metayer and the so-called “Cannibal Army” in Gonaives. Never
mind that the name “Cannibal Army” was originally that of
a local gang Metayer had battled with in the past. Instead
the constant beat of the local and international press cast
everyone in the Raboteau neighborhood of Gonaives, including
Metayer, as a “Cannibal.” Friends tell of how he never stood
a chance in trying to convince the press of their error and
finally gave up in exasperation. Three weeks later, cannibal
or no cannibal, NCHR’s accusations of government reliance
upon attachés would serve
to pre-contextualize Metayer’s assassination.
the night of September 21 Amiot Metayer, one of the popular
heroes of the resistance against both the Duvalier and Cedras
dictatorships, was pumped full of bullets and thrown in a
ditch. His murder apparently served the interests of those
who would benefit from edging Haiti closer to the brink of
outright civil war. The murder further destabilized Haiti
as the opposition began spreading the rumor that Aristide
was behind the killing. Infiltrated, confused and demoralized,
the population of Gonaives was initially manipulated into
turning against the very movement they had sacrificed so
much blood and so many lives to build. As President Aristide
pointed out, to a near deaf international press predisposed
to print and repeat the rumor as a foregone conclusion, by
any objective standard there was nothing for the government
to gain from this killing. One Lavalas observer on the ground
concluded, “This is part of what has always been the strategy
of the CIA and the opposition, to separate the base of Lavalas
from its leadership. This was the real reason behind the
killing. The US wants Aristide out and a subservient government
in place before we celebrate our bicentennial on January
1, 2004. They believe this plan is the best way to achieve
that objective. They cannot win elections so they have decided
to create conditions for a civil war.”
Guarding the Chicken Coop
Metayer’s assassination and on the heels of NCHR’s revelations,
came yet another attempt to destroy the Haitian government’s
credibility. This time the information would originate from
an international corruption watchdog organization known as Transparency
International (TI) who would label Haiti the third most
corrupt nation in the world.

has been described by several British organizations on the
left as “a tool to destabilize Governments for corporate
interests under the guise of exposing corruption.” They point
to the fact that TI’s Chairman and Founder, Peter Eigen,
is a trustee of Crown
Agents Foundation which is currently involved in “reconstruction
and rehabilitation” in Iraq. The London-based Independent
reported on March 31: "Crown Agents, a privatized development
assistance firm, has become the first British company to
win a contract in the American programme to rebuild Iraq.
It will be a subcontractor to International Resources Group
(IRG), a US professional services firm providing technical
assistance for planning and management of the reconstruction
and rehabilitation activities in Iraq." According to
British activists writing about a recent protest against
Crown Agents' role in Iraq, “Privatised in March 1997, Crown
Agents lurks in that murky area between state and business
that has become so central in the new age of corporate government.
Its board boasts some notable links to the world of big business
and banking – and these are just the ones actually declared
on its own website! Its holding entity is The Crown Agents
Foundation, whose membership includes token 'worthy' organisations
such as Christian Aid and British Overseas NGOs for Development.
But the vast majority of names of both permanent and elected
members hail, once again, from the world of business.”
pieces of the puzzle really begin to fall into place when
Eigen also lists in his resume, “Under Ford Foundation sponsorship,
he provided legal and technical assistance to the governments
of Botswana and Namibia.” In an December 15, 2001 article entitled, The
Ford Foundation and the CIA: A documented case of philanthropic
collaboration with the Secret Police, James Petras of the
respected online journal Rebelión wrote, “A U.S. Congressional
investigation in 1976 revealed that nearly 50% of the 700
grants in the field of international activities by the principal
foundations were funded by the CIA (Who Paid the Piper? The CIA and the Cultural Cold War,
Frances Stonor Saunders, Granta Books, 1999, pp. 134-135).
The CIA considers foundations such as Ford "The best
and most plausible kind of funding cover" (Ibid,
p. 135). The collaboration of respectable and prestigious
foundations, according to one former CIA operative, allowed
the Agency to fund "a seemingly limitless range of covert
action programs affecting youth groups, labor unions, universities,
publishing houses and other private institutions" (p.
135). The latter included "human rights" groups
beginning in the 1950s to the present. One of the most important "private
foundations" collaborating with the CIA over a significant
span of time in major projects in the cultural Cold War is
the Ford Foundation.”

where is the Haiti connection in all this aside from Aristide
being labeled leader of the third most corrupt nation in the
world by Peter Eigen’s organization? If one goes to the website
of another organization named the Haitian
Resource Development Foundation, you will find they work
with a Belgium firm named Altech to build a purified water
system known as Hydopur in Haiti’s Artibonite valley. Altech’s
list of international projects is impressive and includes countries
such as Iraq, Nicaragua, South Africa, Burundi, Democratic
Republic of the Congo, and Vietnam. Among Altech’s references
is that they act as a non-exclusive representative of Crown
Agents sponsored projects. This is the same Crown Agents that
is involved in dividing up the spoils in Iraq and where Peter
Eigen of Transparency International acts as a trustee. And
who is listed as a legal consultant for Altech? None other
than Gerard Gourgue, the appointed provisional president of
the Washington-backed opposition, the Democratic Convergence
in Haiti! To recap in shorthand, Peter Eigen, the founder and
chairman of Transparency International, is a trustee of Crown
Agents, who is represented by Altech, whose legal consultant,
Gerard Gourgue, is the provisional president of the Democratic
Convergence in Haiti.
not a direct link, for they rarely are in such matters, this
is more than enough to call into question the objectivity of
Transparency International’s so-called Corruption Index when
it comes to Haiti. As if that weren’t enough, Bolaji Abdullah
of the Jamaican journal This Day Online filed this report last
July 24 from Kingston: “A founding member of Transparency International, and Secretary-General
Jamaica, Ms Beth Aub, has resigned her membership of the global
anti-corruption body with effect from January 31, alleging
corrupt practices, among others.”
a letter dated January 11, and addressed to Chairman of the
Board, Peter Eigen, Ms Aub said she was resigning in protest
against some "policies and practices being pursued by
the governing body of Transparency International" and
which she does not wish to be associated with. “
Week PART 2:
Ambulance Chasers – Or, How Many Journalists and Associated
Press Photographers Can Dance on the Head of a Pin?
after TI took its turn trying to beat the Haitian government’s
credibility senseless, the so-called independent voices of
the press in the US stepped in to deliver a few more uncritical
yet fatal blows…
Pina is a documentary filmmaker and freelance journalist
who has been working and living in Haiti for the past three
years. He has been covering events in Haiti for the past
decade and produced a documentary film entitled "Haiti:
Harvest of Hope".
Mr. Pina is also the Haiti Special Correspondent for the
Flashpoints radio program on the Pacifica Network's flagship
station KPFA in
Berkeley CA.