Republicans had to do something to make Janice Rogers Brown appear
a sympathetic figure. The California state judge “has such an
atrocious civil rights record she makes Clarence Thomas look like
Thurgood Marshall," said Rep. Diane Watson (D-CA) at a Congressional
Black Caucus press conference, last week. "She's cut from
the same cloth as Clarence Thomas," declared Eleanor Holmes
Norton, the District of Columbia’s non-voting representative in
the House, and one of the caucus’s leading legal lights. George
Bush “hasn’t fooled us” with his nomination of Brown to become
the second Black woman on the DC Court of Appeals.
Janice Brown is “to the Right of Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia,”
according to a study by People for the American Way. “Her many
disturbing dissents, often not joined by a single other justice,
make it clear that she would use the power of an appeals court
seat to try to erect significant barriers for victims of discrimination
to seek justice in the courts, and to push an agenda that would
undermine privacy, equal protection under the law, environmental
protection, and much more.”

Janice Brown is frightening,
like Clarence Thomas. So we put a fright wig on Thomas and called
it Janice Brown.

Senate Judiciary Committee
Chairman Orrin Hatch stage-managed the Brown nomination hearing
opening act, Wednesday, brandishing the
like damning evidence of conservative-bashing by “the usual suspects.” Members
of the audience struggled to stifle laughter as the cartoon was
exhibited to the hearing room. “Despicable…shameful,” Hatch fumed.
(Days earlier, Hatch
had attempted to link the September
4 issue cartoon directly to People For The American Way and
the NAACP, figuring to thus “taint” the groups by association
with someone else’s drawing. There can be no doubt that Hatch
knew better; the cartoon bears the signature of the artist, and “www.BlackCommentator.com” is
prominently inked in the left-hand corner. Hatch of course made
no effort to contact
– that
might have spoiled his cynical display of indignation at the “usual
suspects,” his real targets: the NAACP and PFAW.)

Brown said
she became aware of Khalil Bendib’s cartoon, featuring the Thomas
character (with and without fright wig), Condoleezza Rice, Colin
Powell, and George Bush, when shown it by her husband. “At least
I’m in good company,” she told Hatch. Our point, entirely!
sought to create a pool of sympathy for poor Judge Brown, in
hopes of deflecting
pointed questions. However, there is nothing in Brown’s record
but reactionary rhetoric disguised as legal opinion, political
grandstanding in service of her patrons. In response to New York
Senator Charles Schumer’s terse interrogation, Brown could offer
little more than a halting, “The cases say what they say.” Schumer’s
conclusion: “She wants to turn back the clock, not just a few
years, but by a century or more.”
Janice Brown is a Jim
Crow-era judge, in natural blackface.
delivering the obligatory denunciation of
cartoon, Illinois Senator Dick Durbin (D) got down to the business
at hand: "You have described the year 1937, the year in
which President Roosevelt's New Deal legislation started taking
effect as 'the triumph of our socialist revolution.'" Brown
lamely responded that she had simply been trying to stimulate
thought among an audience of law students. Nevertheless, "The
speech speaks for itself," she said. Yes, it does.
Brown is scary. We could have suggested to cartoonist Bendib
that he put the
wig on another infamous Black character from the bootlicking
quarters of California. Janice Brown bears an uncanny political
resemblance to Ward Connerly, whose Proposition 54 initiative
to erase race from the public records of the state was defeated
in the recent recall election. Brown shares with Connerly the
belief that the constitution does not allow affirmative action,
but rather, “equality of individual opportunity."
Angeles Congresswoman Maxine Waters championed an array of
affirmative action programs
knocked down by Brown’s state court. “All the work that I did…was
undermined by that judge,” said Waters, last week.
Brown is mean, too – vicious, even. Angered that all of her court colleagues
disagreed with her opinion on a particular case, she raged that
high school students were capable of better legal research. Brown
makes a habit of lashing out at those who do not share her troglodyte
views. “Some of her dissenting opinions have been openly contemptuous
of her colleagues,” said the People for The American Way study. “Sources
on the court have reportedly stated that her fellow justices
have privately complained about her ‘poison pen’ and have called
Brown a ‘loose cannon when she has a typewriter in front of her.’
is the not fit for the job, by the standards of the profession.
The evaluation
committee of the California Bar Association rated Brown “unqualified” for
state judgeship, in 1996. Among Bush choices for the federal
bench, only Ninth Circuit nominee William Myers ranks lower in
the American Bar Association ratings. Brown, a legal advisor
to former California Governor Pete Wilson, is a purely political
creature of the state’s Republican Right. She’s their judge.

Brown’s nomination is
opposed by the universe of civil rights, labor, and environmental
opinion: including the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights,
the Alliance for Justice, AFL-CIO, Alliance for Retired Americans,
Americans for Democratic Action, Feminist Majority, NAACP Legal
Defense & Educational Fund, Inc., NARAL Pro-Choice America,
National Bar Association, National Council of Jewish Women, National
Organization for Women, National Senior Citizens Law Center,
National Women's Law Center, Natural Resources Defense Council,
Planned Parenthood, Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice,
and the Sierra Club, as listed by PFAW.
Senate Democrats have not said whether they will filibuster Brown,
the tactic they have used to hold up confirmation of three other
Bush nominees, all
them rated far higher than Brown by the ABA. Hispanic nominee Miguel Estrada
finally dropped out of contention. Democratic leadership should respect the
wishes of the Congressional Black Caucus, and filibuster Brown. Her nomination
is an insult, not a bow, to African American sentiments. Take it from Maxine
Waters: Brown’s race “does not mean that any of us would and will give a
pass to an unqualified nominee simply because she is a minority candidate."
her nomination fail, Janice Brown will henceforth be remembered
as Clarence
Thomas in a fright wig. She can thank Orrin Hatch for that.