The Black Commentator: An independent weekly internet magazine dedicated to the movement for economic justice, social justice and peace - Providing commentary, analysis and investigations on issues affecting African Americans and the African world.
Aug 4, 2011 - Issue 438

The State of White Trash v. Obama
Point Blank
By Chris Stevenson Columnist



There is a behavioral epidemic going around the country today. Actually it's been around for a long time, but since the election of Barack Obama as President of the United States, it's gone full-blown to say the least. It was a few months ago that I heard a caller or guest on a talk show give it a name; "cheap white mentality" or if I can add one more word at the end, Cheap White Mentality Syndrome. Now just how serious is this? I feel it's dangerous enough for the experts who catalogue mental and psychological illness; the DSM or Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, to list it as an official mental illness. The following explains my reasons why.

Today outrage over the top single decision-maker in the country because of his skin color is making this a dangerous time to live in North America. Irrational behavior from violence, to threats of violence to threats of voting for white political candidates that would not have even been given a split-second consideration even during the Clinton-era, is now reality. No mind which even pretends to be even remotely sound, will even consider voting for Sarah Palin, or the latest conservative boob - Michelle Bachman. Yet there are those who will do just that. People who vote in any poll, primary, midterm election for Palin, or Bachman need to have their names put on some kind of straight-jacket-government-index. I mention Palin because she was just on a tour throughout the nation that on the surface seemed to be her effort to gauge public sentiment as to whether or not she should run. That is until Bachman became the flavor of the month.

What they are really doing is measuring your level of gullibility. Truth be told, there are those out there whom are the exact reason the final words on the ATM screen says "Please Take Your Cash." I mean I have to call a spade a spade in some cases. Dangerous times. Palin for instance is an attention-junkie whose symptoms are incurable. Were she blessed with average intelligence John McCain would be in the White House today. What makes some of you think she will be smart enough to put herself there? Like Donald Trump, it's quite possible she really has no intentions to run, but is really on an agenda to be a distraction for some covert interests.

Trump in my opinion was paid handsomely to go around questioning Obama's born-in country and then his Ivy League education, while telling people the lie that he was going to run against President Obama in 2012. Palin is said to have recently purchased a home in Arizona, Bristol shaking her fries on "Dance Fever" or whatever the hell that show is called, is simply not going to cover that. Sarah can see her mortgage lender from her backyard.

Launching her presidential campaign from the very state that blasted Obama into Air Force One orbit, Iowa's Michelle Bachman announced her candidacy to embarrass the GOP during the 2012 election on 6/27. Since then she has signed a completely air-headed pledge along with former Congressman Rick Santorum. This pledge comes from what seems to be a fast-rising right wing group of racial and politically delusional co-dependants called The Family Leader. The pledge "The Marriage Vow; a Declaration of Dependence upon Marriage and Family," 4 pages of first-grade-level trash authored by a Bob Vander Plaats. The preface attempts revisionism on American Slavery that even Palin's binoculars or Sputnik-satellite didn't spot: "Slavery had a disastrous impact on African American families (amazing that they now recognize this), yet sadly a child born in to slavery in 1860 was more likely to be raised by his mother and father in a two-parent household than was an African American baby born after the election of the USA's first Africa American President."

Talk about reaching, I was unaware the one-parent family exploded during the Obama Administration, or even that black "traditional" families during slavery were that safe or stable (considering they were split up so many times by... oh never mind). The rest of this context of this document is simply a reminder of the things the far right loves to have, which is a de facto Sharia Law in itself.

The main thing I wanted to continue making you aware of, is how the President seems to be just a typical black defendant in the court of public opinion, and his leading prosecutors, jurors, and judges are decision-makers basing their negotiations on primal race-based emotions and cheap white mentality. The Tea Party has lead the way in this MAO (Mad At Obama) syndrome and have made themselves disagreeable to a lot of programs they imagine are really benefiting blacks. In Detroit for instance the newly-appointed Emergency Financial Manager Roy Roberts went directly after a high school for pregnant black women; Catherine Ferguson Academy, as a target for closure. The school actually puts it's graduates into college. CFA would have been shut down (not that they're completely out of the woods, the Charter format will instill vast restrictions) were it not for local protesters and national attention that drew even celebrity/activist Danny Glover. It seems  simple petty spite is the lifeblood of these proponents.

The Tea Party candidates were voted in during the midterms because voters kept hearing them talk about increasing jobs, while cutting programs. Few people realized the two conditions don't go together, and it's virtually insane to believe so. Columnist Chris Stevenson is a syndicated columnist, his articles also appear on his blog; the Buffalo Bullet. Follow him on Twitter(pointblank009) and Facebook (pointblank009 ) Click here to contact Mr. Stevenson.