the context of the criticisms that many of us have of the
Obama administration for what it has not accomplished, for
its advance of a corporate agenda and for the unacceptable
compromises it has made with the Republicans, there is something
that I have seen few progressives address. To
borrow from a comment offered by television commentator
Tavis Smiley, the 2012 elections are likely to be the most
racist that most of have seen in our life-times. Given this,
what are the implications?
has been striking that many progressives, particularly those
who have not only written off President Obama but also written
off all those who offered critical support to the Obama
campaign in 2008, have said so little about race, racism,
and the discourse of right-wing populism in the context
of the upcoming elections.
have witnessed the first Black president of the United States questioned about his citizenship
and birthplace, yet I have seen precious little from many
friends on the left side of the aisle (particularly those
so critical of Obama) responding to this. If you put your
ear to the ground, however, you hear the murmurings of Black
Americans furious that Obama was put in a place where he
had to file a petition in order to obtain his Hawaii birth certificate. The murmurings do not stop there. When Donald
Trump and other opportunists started asking questions about
how it was that Obama got into Columbia University and Harvard
Law School (i.e., was he REALLY qualified to have gotten
into those schools), for most of us enough was enough. Because
this was no longer about Obama and it had very little to
do with criticisms of Obama and his policies.
white nationalist backlash is using Obama as the target
but they are attempting to create a white united front to,
in their minds, take back the United States. Part of this
agenda means delegitimizing the democratically elected President,
but it also goes towards tampering with election laws and
voting processes in state after state.
case you have not noticed, in many states where there is
a Republican majority in control, efforts are underway to
restrict voting, whether by further limiting ex-felons from
voting, to eliminating same-day voter registration, to the
demand for picture identifications at the time of voting,
to the shortening of periods of early voting. The objective
is to reduce the potential anti-Republican electorate. This
is being done by demagogically and inaccurately crowing
about alleged voter fraud. But this happens through the
Right racializing alleged voter fraud. In other words, as
opposed to a discussion about real voter theft, e.g., the
Republican theft of the 2000 election, the right-wing uses
black and brown characters as the way of convincing segments
of the white populace that something needs to be done, otherwise
these colored peoples will be taking over.
racist attacks on Obama, then, fuse with the larger right-wing
narrative: the United States of America is
being lost to white people. This has been the core of the
Birther message, but it has also been the core of the attacks
that contributed to the collapse of ACORN, as well as the
blitzkrieg effort of the Right to overturn voting rights.
In its more extreme version it is the core of the message
that comes out of the fascist and semi-fascist movements
among white nationalists such as the Sovereign Citizens
(the subject of a segment of the May 15th episode of 60
we are witnessing is disturbingly similar to the period
of the overthrow of Reconstruction and the building of the
Jim Crow segregationist system in the South. Appealing to
fears among whites, and in a frantic effort to destabilize
any efforts at unity between the black and white poor in
the South at the end of the 19th century, white Southern
elites moved an agenda of voter disenfranchisement, hiding
behind various coded concerns, such as the literacy of the
electorate. African Americans were completely disenfranchised,
and quite ironically, so were many poor whites.
our knowledge of history and awareness of the antics of
white right-wing populism, few progressives are discussing
the implications of any of this for the 2012 elections.
The implications, it would seem to me, are quite profound,
and range from what does this mean about HOW to criticize
the Obama administration, to how to ensure that the elections
are not outright stolen by the white Right.

to be clear before some of my critics start yelling that
��Fletcher is covering for Obama�,� this column is about
racial politics in the USA. The particular flashpoint happens to be Obama
but what is at stake, as I have attempted to elaborate,
is far more than the political future of a corporate liberal
president. Silence on the part of progressives in the face
of this situation, despite our own legitimate criticisms
of Obama, misses the larger picture. Yes, we must criticize
Obama; yes, we must push this administration; yes, we must
protest any retrograde domestic or foreign policies. But
in the end, we need to be discussing how this is done in
the context of fighting a white, right-wing populism that
is arguing that Obama is an alien and that he [and the changing
demographics of the USA]
represents the end of the white �American Dream.� We should
have no illusions that the Republican candidate for the
Presidency, irrespective of who gets it, will center their
campaign on anything but this one, critical message.
think it is time to talk about strategy and tactics in the
fight for power and against the Right, and not only about
matters of policy. Politics is dirty, but it is also very
complicated, that is, if one exists in the real world rather
than in one�s own playpen. Editorial Board member, Bill Fletcher, Jr., is a Senior Scholar with
the Institute for
Policy Studies, the immediate past president of TransAfricaForum and co-author of Solidarity Divided: The Crisis in Organized Labor and a New Path
toward Social Justice (University of California Press), which examines
the crisis of organized labor in the USA. Click here to contact Mr. Fletcher.
