This cartoon can be found in the the following commentary:
Your e-Mail comments about this cartoon are welcome at [email protected]























Issue Number 41
May 8, 2003

Other commentaries in this issue:

Cover Story
Bush's Harvest of Shame - One Million Black Children in Extreme Poverty

Black Spinelessness in High Places: DC Mayor sells out on vouchers - for nothing!

The Issues
Lieberman seeks crossover GOP in SC... Ashcroft targets Haitians as threat... The quickest route to death row

The forbidden word, revealed... Enduring effects of "deep racism"... Can love bloom in the White House?

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Commentaries in Issue 40 May 1, 2003:

Cover Story
"How You Gonna Export Something You Ain’t Even Got At Home?" - By Paul Street

Shock and Awe USA

Treat Corporate Media Like the Enemy - and no free pass for Black radio

The Issues
Sharpton: Going the distance with low finance... JC Watts, in it for the money... Section 8 housing threatened... The doomed occupation

Run Black, or don’t run at all... Condoleezza cartoon insults women... Conspiracies of the many against the few... Peace of the Shaman

Guest Commentary
The Lena Baker Story: Execution in a small town - By Lela Bond Phillips

You can read any past issue of The Black Commentator in its entirety by going to the Past Issues page.