December 3, 2009 - Issue 353
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Cover Story: What Is Your Take On Obama's Afghan Buildup? - 9 BC Writers Answer our Question of the Week
BC Question of the week: What Is Your Take On Obama's Afghan Buildup? (Please Participate)
Art/Cartoon: Immigration Reform By Shepard Fairey
The Surge We Need At Home - Color of Law By David A. Love, JD
Sarah Palin and the Cynicism in US Politics - The African World - By Bill Fletcher, Jr
Wal-Mart’s Successful Community Organizing - Represent Our Resistance - By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels, PhD
Weekend Mysteries Scandals and Speculations - Left Margin - By Carl Bloice
Please Remember My Sisters This Month! - Inclusion - By The Reverend Irene Monroe
Silence: The Fifth Column of Complicity - Keeping It Real - By Larry Pinkney
Why Just CBC Members Charged with Ethics Violations? - African American Leadership By Dr. Ron Walters, PhD
Art: World for Palestine Calendar - Black History Month - February 2010 By Carlos Latuff for Resistance Art
Denouncing Environmentalists As Villains Is Sport On The Political Right - Solidarity America By John Funiciello
The White House Party Crashers: The Conspiracy Begins… Between The Lines By Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad, PhD
Black Nationalism and Power - Worrill’s World - By Dr. Conrad Worrill, PhD
Art: Hugo "Yogi Bear" Pinell, Mumia Abu-Jamal, and Albert "Nuh" Washington By Kiilu Nyasha
America’S Supermax Prisons Do Torture By Kiilu Nyasha
Going Rogue: Sarah Palin and the American Class War - By Dr. John Hayakawa Torok, JD, PhD
Placebos of Black Political Power - By Ezrah Aharone
Quote to Ponder: "What difference does it make to the dead..." Gandhi