those of you who have been waiting to sell your souls to the devil
in the hope that you will be able to steer your boats over the current
economic tidal surge, here’s the latest 411. The bad news is that
you’ve got a very long wait but the good news is that you’re standing
in the wrong line.
you were waiting to get to the head of the line to plead your case
that just a little bit of help would tide you over the raging waters
of the current economic peril, a bunch of corporations jumped ahead
of you in the line. As a friend of mine recently found out, it is
not a crime if someone swoops ahead of you as you patiently wait
to get some of that $4.50 a gallon this-is-no-bargain gas. But it
IS a crime, as my friend explained during his one phone call from
the local jail, if you make threats or promises of harm to that
person who cut the line.
turns out that conservatives, neo-conservatives, free-market capitalists,
and their ilk toast the values of capitalism - no government interference
with the market, let the market regulate itself, etc. - as long
as it works for them. And when it doesn’t work for them, as is now
the case, with a wink of their eyes, they become corporate communitarians
marching under the banner “From the government according to its
ability to us according to our failures.” Theirs is the logic of
a modern Animal Farm: “Corporate capitalism profits good; failed
corporate capitalism profits better.”

truth, it is kind of a religion whose illogic must be taken as an
article of faith. “And on the fifth day, Manna made the banks and
the mortgage companies and all manner of financial instruments did
it make and it told them to go forth and multiply so that your progeny
may cover the earth and all the international markets as well. And
on the sixth day, Manna made capitalism and it saw that capitalism
was alone and from the rib of capitalism it made the government
to be a helpmate of the capitalist. And on the seventh day, Manna
bailed out.”
from that day to this and ever since, capitalists have celebrated
the “bailout.” In the “bailout”, capitalists give thanks to Manna
without having to acknowledge that they have perverted the institutions
that Manna created. The bailout is a ritual for anesthetizing failure
without resort to blame. It is the golden bull of hypocrisy worshiped
whenever capitalists fear that the gods of the true free market
may abandon them.
if you’re waiting to sell your souls to the devil, you have a long
wait ahead of you. Right now the multifarious souls of corporate
capitalists, neo-conservatives and other capitalist “true believers”
- now charlatans all - can be purchased for mere billions. And there
is no money leftover for those of you who are selling single souls.
Why buy the squeal when you can buy the pig?
much for the bad news. Now for the good news. You’re in the wrong
line. The line that you should be in is much shorter and moves much
faster. It’s called the accord and satisfaction line. Before your
next mortgage payment, go to a calculator and figure out your home’s
present market value and what a fair interest rate would be on a
60 year fixed mortgage. Get the number and send a payment for that
amount. You should include a copy of your worksheet so the mortgage
company can check your figures. In the note that accompanies your
payment, tell them that if they accept this new payment it will
be on the terms that you have just given them and you will consider
it an accord and satisfaction of your present contract with them.

if you don’t have access to a calculator or don’t trust your financial
acumen, you can write final payment on your next mortgage check
and tell them that since they are being bailed out by YOUR federal
government - of the people, for the people, by you the people -
you will not be sending another mortgage payment until the federal
government - your new mortgage guarantor - tells you the terms of
your new mortgage. This is how you can participate in the ritual
of the bailout.
should be no shame in doing this. Certainly, if the corporate captains,
sailing the new and improved Titanic, could not see this mother
of all economic storms coming, with all the various sophisticated
high-tech predictors and forecasters that they had at their disposal,
how can they blame you, in your little rowboat, for not fathoming
the rising tidal wave of the economic tsunami now collapsing on
you. After all, isn’t that the point of the ritual of the bailout
- no blame, no shame, just another chance at game.
you’ve done that, we can all sit down together and share in the
wondrous bounty our government has made. Just in time for the Thanksgiving
Holidays. Who’s
going to say “Grace”? Someone’s got to say “Grace.” “Bless us, O
Taxpayers, and these thy gifts which we are about to receive from
thy Government through Congress, our partner-in-schadenfreude.
Amen.” To which I might add: “Grace in the kitchen, grace in the
hall, pray you Wall Streeters don’t eat it all.” © 2008 Guest Commentator, Wesley Profit, is an LA-based writer and satirist.
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