“slow-witted beast” is a phrase borrowed from a recent
lecture given by Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart, in which he
sat down a few corporate journalists and told the brutal and honest
truth to their faces. Calling the mainstream press a “brutish,
slow-witted beast,” Stewart chastised them for the “false
sense of urgency they create, the sense that everything is breaking
news.” The Comedy Central host also seemed to be displeased
with the level of adulteration that has become normative within
the cable news beltway. He said, “The 24-hour networks are
now driving the narratives and everyone else is playing catch-up.”
No doubt this cry from the hyper-wealthy, White-Jewish comedian
is but a mere reflection of the dissatisfaction and discontent
most Black, Brown, Red and Yellow peoples around the world have
expressed for decades. Peoples of culture/color around the globe
have suffered the sting of unfiltered dishonesty, distortion and
deformation by the affluent media empires. At the crossroad of
a black man rising to the highest pedestal in political platform,
journalists of culture/color still remain underrepresented in
Washington. It is as though the corporate press has neither the intellect,
nor the moral fortitude, to see how grossly illogical it is to
host panels of White men/women over the age of fifty, whose attempt
– rather pathetic – to “understand” Barack Obama never exceeds
the thinking capacity of a fifth grader.
2008 Presidential race, particularly with the emergence of Barack
Obama, has exposed many, otherwise hidden, insightful details
about the media’s laziness and self-obsession. NPR co-host, Brooke
Gladstone, affirmed this notion in a recent
appearance on PBS’ Bill Moyers Journal. “This is
about celebrity,” she said. “This is about putting your
finger in the air and following the public mood. Is it news? No.”
A media which prides itself in being “dependable,” “trusted,”
and “powerful,” sure has some explaining to do - if those slogans
are to be taken seriously. It is of little doubt that the corporate
news empires have always had challenges when it comes to
race, and Barack Obama’s presence at the balcony of political
stardom helped reinforce this reality. It was the white-controlled
media stations who first asked the question – with such unbelievable
gull and effrontery – “Is Barack Obama Black enough?” In an unsuccessful
effort to look self-interrogatory, the corporate press would,
from time to time, feature all-white panels
to confront the issue of race in the campaign. As a noted scholar
once quipped,
“That’s like Hugh Hefner getting a stripper to come on the
show and tell him that he's not a sexist.”

2005, when Rev.
Jesse Jackson challenged the National Association of Black
Journalist for failing in its responsibility to confront the corporate
media structures, many thought such provoked outrage would yield
substantive results, but three years later, just like the disaster
of Hurricane Katrina, not much has changed. Rev. Jackson, noting
that “Not one black (person) leads a show on CNN, or Fox News
or MSNBC,” asked the NABJ-packed room a simple question. “Doesn't
that offend you?” It is remarkable to acknowledge that a Black
Man might attain the seat of the presidency, and the task of reporting,
translating and transcribing the implication of the moment would
float upon a sea of unenlightened white journalists. In 2008,
three White females host highly-watched newscasts on the cable
news networks, but not one individual of color has, at the very
least, been subjected to consideration. With such a precedent,
the “manipulating representations,” of which bell hooks spoke,
can only yield more credence. In a race where a black man is faced
with the daunting task of opposing a White man, without coming
off as threatening, “uppity,”
or “disrespectful,”
the mainstream press has operated as the third leg of the McCain

media has played “enabler,” as “Master John” and “Mistress Sarah”
have lived out their fantasy of cracking the whips of invective-laden
insults on the back of their disobedient slave (Obama), who, as
McCain put it, should have done what he “asked Sen. Obama
to do.” John McCain unabashedly proclaiming that he is punishing
Sen. Obama for being defiant seems to have not made a difference
in the mainstream media's malnourished coverage of this historic
race. The 24-Hour News Networks have neither budged nor subsided
in their hyper-vigilance on Obama. Barack Obama is not a unique
case, as Black men throughout history have had to deal with the
grim reality of being rendered “invisible,”
while simultaneously functioning under the scope of societies’
omnipresent judgmental lenses.
Black Athletes in the media are the greatest example of the corporate
media’s hyper-vigilance on Black bodies. Philadelphia Eagles’
quarterback, Donovan McNabb once, in an interview on HBO, infuriated
the White-supremacist press for his courageous
admission that Black Athletes are inordinately scrutinized,
antagonized and microscopically examined by fans, coaches, owners,
managers and teammates alike – especially in contrast to their
White counterparts. “There’s not that many African-American
quarterbacks, so we have to do a little bit extra,” McNabb
said. Using his Black-Quarterback status as a case-study, he declared,
“Because the percentage of us playing this position, which
people didn’t want us to play, is low, so we do a little extra.”
tennis players, Venus and Serena Williams, are also specimens
in the laboratories of White public opinion. Award-Winning Sportswriter,
Dave Zirin, once
remarked that Serena Williams and Venus Williams still remain
alien-like figures – in spite of their enormous gift and talent
– in the world of professional Tennis, because the administrators,
referees, fans and coaches “don't know what to do in Tennis with
people like the William Sisters. The announcers don't know how
to report on them, they don't know how to talk about them.” In
a recent episode of the popular NBC comedy talk-show, Late
Night with Conan O'Brien, Zirin’s theory and proposal was
unambiguously confirmed. The host, an Irish Comedian, struggled
to characterize the combativeness of U.S. Open champion,
Serena Williams.
up with “Intimidating” and “fierce,” O’Brien spent a substantial
slice of the interview, examining the No. 1 seed’s on-court outfits
- which he called “sexy,” drilling a hole into her personal life,
and making random comments – probably meant as compliments – concerning
her temperament. One can only envision the Gloria Steinems
of the world, holding press conferences and rallies to deliberate
what to do next, if Ms. Williams happened to be non-black. Serena
Williams’ dad, Richard Williams, is no doubt a believer of this
gospel, as he once
observed, much to the shock and feigned ignorance of White
Tennis players/fans/coaches/sportscasters, that his daughters
are “never accepted” because “people are prejudiced in tennis.”
slow-witted Beast, which has abdicated its responsibility and
duty should not be depended upon to make amends any time soon.
As the old saying goes, “A leopard cannot change it spots.” Columnist, Tolu Olorunda, is an 18-year-old local activist/writer
and a Nigerian immigrant. Click here
to reach Mr. Olorunda.