It is not a startling claim, to state that black
folks are living in a society that is antithetical to their
independence. Nor is it strange news to assert that this repressive
society has successfully taken over the control-vault that drives
and directs the minds of black people. This diabolic mechanism
is not new to the Black experience in America. It drips the blood of slaves everywhere
it goes. For just as public lynching episodes were used to inject
fear, shame and horror into “would-be” runaway slaves, the modern-day
news outlets, and more culpable, the corporate media, has picked
up where their forefathers left off.

The senseless tirades of such “bonafide” journalism-constructs
as FOX News shreds all skepticism to validate the perceived
insignificance of black life in this western empire. While a
federal indictment against FOX is most apt, Rupert Murdoch is
sadly not alone in his mendacious brand of news-reporting. One
need only look back at the mainstream media’s unfortunate coverage
of Hurricane Katrina, and shutter at the “feed-the-children-like”
depiction of our dear brothers and sisters.
Our reality today is as tragic as that of yesterday.
Afrika Bambaataa, Hip-Hop’s Godfather and Founder, once said
that the media’s portrayal of us is used as a psychological
tool to devalue and operate on the consciousness of black people.
In Hip-Hop, there is an indisputable effect of co-operate control
over the airwaves of radio and TV stations. It is also widely
known that the “payola” system that destroyed radio stations
in the 90s, has been reawakened for a renewed license in the
new millennium. This methodology supplies the Big-Name executives,
with all the muscle they need, to imbued poison into the heads
of young black, brown and even white kids.
is altogether more saddening is that often, black deejays and
rappers are the axis of evil around which these corporate monsters
revolve. Such acquiescence and traitorship is what Professor
Griff, of the radical group Public Enemy, calls, “The Zombification
of Hip-Hop.” The Hip-Hop industry is inculcated with an inordinate
amount of Caucasian executives, who see their role as limitless,
in determining what gets played on the radio, shown on the television
and won at award shows. For most “industry-insiders”, the names,
Jimmy Iovine, David Geffen, Andrew Lack, Rick Cummings and Sumner
Redstone hold substantive weight. While it might be convenient
to accuse the “white-boys” of controlling the Hip-Hop stream,
their entry into the Hip-hop realm was arranged by such complacent
and obsequious black executives as L.A Reid, P. Diddy, Russell
Simmons and Bob Johnson.

At a Federal Communications Commission hearing
last year, Legendary Hip Hop star, “KRS One” spoke saying, “The
issue is not ownership; and we should be owning more, no doubt.
But what difference does it make if you own a station…If your
heart is not in the right place, it don’t matter who owns the
stations, you’re going to keep pushing that same nonsense.”
This executive presence within Hip-Hop has effectively silenced
the echoes of internal criticism, while making incoherent excuses
for the shame it produces.
Mogul, Russell Simmons has unrelentingly and quite pathetically
labeled all rappers as poets, doing nothing other than “reflecting
the conditions of their neighborhoods.” NYOIL, the New York rapper, caused a stir in late 2006, with a song titled “Y’all
should all get lynched”, calling for the lynching of certain
rappers he felt had elevated symbol over substance. He posted
in a video, pictures of those rappers he believed to have disgraced
Hip-Hop with their “coonery” and “minstrelism.” Hip-Hop Scholar
and Georgetown University professor, Michael Eric
Dyson, spoke about this phenomena in his latest book, writing,
“A tortured racial history feeds this learned behavior, sustained
now as a self-perpetuating cultural practice.”
Ever since the emergence of the rap group, N.W.A,
there has been the rehashed debate over what has come to be
known as “Gangsta Rap.” Many Hip-Hop scholars argue that a radical
distinction must be made to clarify the difference between “Reality
Rap” and “Gangsta Rap.” “Reality Rap,” they suggest, is a vocal
artistic-reflection of the poverty-stricken and crime-filled
conditions of many “chocolate-cities” across America, while “Gangsta-Rap”
is a scheme marketed by big-money industries to exploit and
commodify those conditions. Singer, Alicia Keys, recently made
a statement that astounded and shocked the majority of her fans.
She inferred that the U.S Government played a part in the creation
of “Gangsta rap” and that its primary objective was the mis-education
of young black males, and the proliferation of black on black
be sure, a surplus of entertainment blogs and news sites, paying
uncritical deference to her words; viciously attacked the singer,
berating her for being involved in such conspiracy-theorist
activity. What they failed to see, however, is that the “Reaganomics”
era laid the foundation for the aggressively-toned form of Hip-Hop
that has dominated the airwaves for the last 20 yrs. This couldn’t
possibly be a product of happenstance.
this reality into account for all that its worth, the inanimate
response to the Sean Bell verdict reveals a troubling truth.
It is apparent to me, that the mind of the average black male/female
has undergone a sort-of “Novacaining” process that renders the
soul numb and inactive. It is disconcerting to see such an inappropriate
reaction – such as the Rev. Al Sharpton’s “mock pray-in” last
Wednesday - to a fearless display of “police-megalomania.” With
a history replete of such go-getters and thoroughbreds as Harriet
Tubman, Nat Turner, Sojourner Truth and Marcus Garvey, our submissiveness
to the system of oppression is embarrassing. If it were convenient,
our people would have no problem being “professional waiters,”
“bus-boying” for the structure of exploitation. Through intimidation
and fear-mongering, radicalism has been savagely reduced to
lunacy, and the younger generation sees it unfit to actively
pursue a path of freedom-fighting. This precisely is what accounts
for the selective amnesia directed at historic-organizations
like the Black Panther Party and MOVE. The promised land has
stared us in the face all along, but our “corpse-mentality”
has steadfastly prevented us from entry into it. I’m hopeful
in the midst of melancholy, for as the Jamaican musician, Damian
Marley, recently sang, “I know we're gonna make it, it's not
too late, no we’re gonna make it!” Guest Student
Commentator, Tolu Olorunda, is an 18-year-old local activist/writer
and a Nigerian immigrant. Click here
to reach Tolu Olorunda.