Pennsylvania Primary unveiled the stark realities of what
this Presidential election is about - in terms of the other
candidates, the media and, of course, the electorate. It’s
no secret I’m for Barack Obama, but I’m also for fair play.
I’m also for genuine processes. I have an aversion to disingenuous
processes and this national election is beginning to look
pretty disingenuous. Watching the media frame lies as “episodes”
and close races as “big victories” is overwhelming. It reminds
me of the disingenuous periods of American history where we
were told if we were hardworking and honest, got education
- we would be equal; then if we got political power (right
to vote), we would be equal, when neither were true in the
absolute sense since economics has always been the real equalizer.
Now Obama has the kind of money that no black political candidate
has ever amassed, by the most number of contributors ever
amassed, he still can’t get equal treatment. To act as if
race didn’t have an impact on Pennsylvania
(as Ed Rendell said it would) and that codified racial messages
haven’t become dominant themes in this election that both
Clinton and McCain are playing to (and benefiting from) is
simply disingenuous. Rendell knew what some white people would
sliding truth “goal posts” on the Democratic side and the
“selective amnesia” on the Republican side are going to undermine
America’s system and the lack of integrity that the country
has in the global community will evidence itself on the domestic
front. In the final analysis, this election is going to test
the moral compass of the dominate population (69%) in this
country as to whether or not they’ve moved past race and are
prepared to do what’s right AND just. To many of them, the
truth is relative. Part of the socio-political justice problem
in America is we (Black Americans, and everybody else) never
know what we’re dealing with when it comes to integrity of
white people on hidden racial biases. Like any other race,
there’s good, and there’s bad, then there’s mostly indifferent
who tolerate the bad and obliterate the good. Moral suasion
has never moved the majority of whites. That’s a historical
fact. It didn’t in the abolitionist of slavery, and it didn’t
in the abolishment of segregation. The next test will be if
they accept the moral candidacy of someone who has
as the people’s choice to lead. I don’t believe this query
is subjective. It’s based on the reaction of the largest number
of people to participate in the primary election - in the
history of this country. We all know, when voting day comes,
white voters - many who consider themselves “Christians” -
are going to determine Obama’s political fate. Popular culture
has a way of interjecting religious justice in our daily decisions
by wearing things labeled WWJD, subliminally asking ourselves
in times of challenge or trial, “What Would Jesus Do?” To
know how the Democratic nomination, and the subsequent general
election, is going to play out, we simply have to ask ourselves,
WWWPD (What would White People Do?). A clear decision has
become clouded. Everyone is nervous because we, of all people,
know white’s history on racial questions.
First, a disclaimer;
I’m not talking about all white people. We know Barack has
broad white support, particularly among Post-Civil Rights
Era whites who came of age after the race (civil rights [1950s/1960s],
affirmative action [1970s/early 1980s], white backlash [late
1980s/1990s]) movements in this country and whose prism isn’t
framed in racial context. And even if this campaign weren’t
as realized as it has become, who can claim all support from
old versus the young, conservative versus liberal, Christian
versus Agnostic? Whites are no more a monolith than Blacks
are. I’m just talking about the ones that are being disingenuous
about their hidden biases and their irrational choices. They’re
the ones that claim they want change, but not “that kind”
of change, or claim they want to do what’s in the best
of the country but look past the kind of politics that got
the country in the state it’s in. This election has become
exactly what those who have run this country (for two hundred
years, in various iterations) want it to be, an illusion of
change that reinforces the same political realities of this
nation and the status quo choices that lie therein. The rich
and powerful in this nation will morph themselves into anything
to retain power. They will paint any picture, and create any
scenario - true or not, to frame themselves into something
sympathetic to the masses. Finally and most critically (or
controversially), the status quo makes the truth a lie and
a lie the truth to where truth is a relative engagement in
how losers becomes winners and how some people are able to
disguise their biases (not very effectively) to justify irrational
political choices not in their political or cultural interests.
Voila! relativity!!!
false truths that continue to undermine a “change election”
are beginning to be pervasive. The thousands that Obama draws
in comparison to the hundreds the other two draw who are being
misrepresented by “stagers” who put young people behind candidates
and polls create false illusions of WWYPD (what would young
people do?) in the general election. Watching this relative
truth game is debilitating, as the Clintons continue to twist
truth the way they always have (starting with “I smoked, but
I didn’t inhale” in 1991) and McCain acts like he doesn’t
know what’s going on after labeling himself “the Straight
Talk Express” for much of his career. The reality of Hillary
Clinton’s political fate is rooted in a falseness that gives
her more “life chances” than a cat has lives, more false scenarios
than any practical political scientist would suggest is logical,
more false media forecasts than any ethical media would report
and more time to create false issues about the things that
don’t really matter. The reality of John McCain’s political
fate is rooted in being able to hold the lies that the Bush
Administration has told in order to get enough party support
to play the “alternative choice” to a woman and, of course,
the unspeakable - having to make a decision that most white
Americans (and truth be told - black Americans) never thought
they would have to face, the prospect of choosing a legitimate
black Presidential nominee. So the truth becomes a lie.
know (and acknowledge) that Hillary won’t win. Not that she
can’t, if she were the nominee, but she won’t be the nominee
- not if the Democrats’ nomination process has any integrity,
or if the truth becomes the lie. The Democratic Party created
the proportional delegate process. Now Clinton wants winner
take all or a big state consideration, or a “blue state” -
anything but what the rules say. The Florida/Michigan situation,
which the Democratic National Committee defined, is now being
manipulated just to make her seem as if she is equal to Obama.
The media effort to keep her in the race has resorted to the
Clintons lying and the media soft-soaping it, or the media
becoming complicit in the lie itself. Never, in recent history,
has a candidate who was caught in a bold-faced lie not lost
public confidence. The Clintons were caught
in two: Hillary on the Bosnia
crossfire, and Bill on the time she told it. Obviously, some
voters in Pennsylvania didn’t care what she said - they weren’t
going to vote for Obama anyway, and exits polls of nearly
30% of them said if he gets the nomination, they’re voting
for McCain. Very telling about what white people would do
if Obama wins the nomination, and it’s not exclusive to Pennsylvania voters. Before the Pennsylvania primary,
all the pundits stated that Clinton needed to win that primary
“large,” meaning by 20 points or more. In fact, they said
she had to win all the remaining primaries in the 60-65% range
just to pull close by the end of the primaries. If
Obama won just 40% of the remaining primaries, even with re-votes
in Florida and Michigan, she would never catch him. So the
bar became the “double digit” victory for Hilary not to bow
out. On election night, their claimed 10 point victory sufficed
as meeting the “double digit” bar she needed to stay in, when
in fact, the victory wasn’t a double digit. The final result
was 9.2% ( Yet, the media
still allows Clinton to lie about the double digit victory,
and no one wants to talk about what happened to the 25 point
lead. They would rather talk about why he hasn’t “put her
away.” Remember, he’s the underdog (even as the frontrunner).
The primaries were set up for her - she was supposed to put
him away. But truth about what was supposed to happen (a Clinton
nomination), has become a lie about what hasn’t happened (Obama
closing the nomination). The relative truth has us now guessing
what will happen next and expectation is, if Obama loses the
nomination (or has it stolen) - to Blacks, it’s viewed as
“white folk just being folk” when comes to the issue of race.
They’ll never tell that’s what it is, but it is. When nearly
one of three Hilary voters (28%) say they’ll vote for McCain
if she doesn’t get the nomination (when the norm in past elections
is 10%), what else could it be besides racism?
goal posts will continue to shift, and the game will change,
according to how one can pick at what Obama says, or a surrogate
says, or a preacher says, or some long ago associate once
said - none of which has anything to do with what Barack is
saying - in how to change the nation.
not convinced some people want change in this country. The
real question is how many whites want the change Barack represents.
Just as when slavery and segregation’s end came, some white
people will not be ready for it. Barack’s nomination/election
will depend on what fair white people will do. The rest will
continue to support the relative truth we’ve come to know
as America.
Columnist Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad is
a national columnist, managing director of the Urban Issues Forum
and author of the new book, Saving The Race: Empowerment Through Wisdom. His Website is
here to contact Dr. Samad.