Barack Obama’s speech on
race in Philadelphia, March 18, 2008 was noteworthy. What
follows is the commentary and analysis of 10 members of the Editorial Board.
Fletcher, Jr.

Obama offered a brilliant and inspiring address which was, nevertheless,
a bit problematic. On the one hand, he spoke to the people of
the United States about race in a manner that has only occasionally
taken place (such as during the Jesse Jackson campaigns). He
spoke as someone from both inside and outside the African American
experience and was completely unapologetic about the rage that
we feel, as a people, for the injustices that we have suffered
over the centuries.
Senator Obama, at one and the same time, attributes much of
the anger of Rev. Wright to the past, as if Rev. Wright is stuck
in a time warp, rather than the fact that Rev. Wright's anger
about the domestic and foreign policies of the USA are well
rooted--and documented--in the current reality of the USA.
Obama's address offers the vision of hope and change, which
are critical for all those engaged in the struggle for social
justice. He correctly identifies that this is not the same country
that it was 50 or 100 years ago. He also correctly identifies
that race still matters in the conditions of African Americans.
He also insists that the issues facing African Americans must
be joined with the issues facing other oppressed people, including
but not limited to white working people, and not reserved for
us alone. In that sense he suggests the importance of the links
among those who have found themselves under the heal of this
a mainstream politician running for the Presidency, and particularly
for an African American running for the Presidency, this was
a critical speech to give. It was essential that he not walk
away from, or disown Rev. Wright. At the same time, when we
live in a society that is so much in denial of the actual conditions
of the oppressed both inside and outside our borders; that has
come to accept torture; that often cannot comprehend the tragedy
facing the Palestinians; that was angry about, yet threw up
its hands in the face of the Katrina disaster (and the government's
lack of response); that witnesses major banks and corporations
disembowel communities and face few consequences, the anger
that was displayed by Rev. Wright should not have surprised
anyone. It is both anger AND hope that are critical for a genuine
movement that wishes to transform this country. The anger of
a Rev. Wright is not a throw-back, but is a reality check.
Editorial Board Member Bill Fletcher, Jr. is Executive
Editor of The Black Commentator. He is also a Senior Scholar
with the Institute
for Policy Studies and the immediate past president of TransAfrica
Forum. Click
here to contact Mr. Fletcher.
William L. (Bill) Strickland

My first reaction
to the smear campaign against Barack Obama kicked off by Fox News’s
guilt-by-association tarring of Obama’s pastor, Rev. Jeremiah
Wright, was smugly racial. After all, they had attacked Reverend
Wright for being “unpatriotic” and “un-American”, but they had
not dared to say that what Wright had said was untrue, that America
is run by rich white people, that Hillary Clinton didn't know
what it meant to be black and that America was founded on racism.
But after reading
Obama’s speech, two time-distant recollections triggered another
thought about America’s problem which goes far deeper than right-wing
The first recollection
was of Jack Nicholson in the movie “A Few Good Men” where prosecuting
attorney, Tom Cruise makes a demand saying: “I want the truth!”
and Jack thunders back: “You can't handle the truth!”
The second memory was of a question posed in the post WW II era
either by the French philosopher Jean Paul Sartre or the Algerian
writer Albert Camus. One of them asked: “Can a system condemn
That is, I think
the real issue: Can America face the truth about itself and its
History? Reverend Wright is doubtful and Obama is hopeful, but
forty years ago another truth-telling black man, also speaking
in a church, called America the greatest purveyor of violence
in the world today.” His name was Martin Luther King, Jr. and
he too, like Reverend Wright and Obama, was pilloried for telling
the truth about his country.
But if the truth
is un-American, one may rightly ask: Can America be changed. Obama
hopes so.
We shall see…
Editorial Board Member Willian L.
(Bill) Strickland - Teaches
political science in the W.E.B.
Du Bois Department of Afro-American Studies at the University
of Massachusetts Amherst, where he is also the Director of the
Du Bois Papers Collection. The Du Bois Papers are housed at the
University of Massachusetts library, which is named in honor of
this prominent African American intellectual and Massachusetts
native. Professor Strickland is a founding member of the independent
black think tank in Atlanta the Institute of the Black World (IBW),
headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. Strickland was a consultant
to both series of the prize-winning documentary on the civil rights
movement, Eyes
on the Prize (PBS Mini Series Boxed Set) , and the senior consultant on the PBS documentary,
American Experience: Malcolm X: Make It Plain .
He also wrote the companion book Malcolm
X: Make It Plain .
Most recently, Professor Strickland was a consultant on the Louis
Massiah film on W.E.B. Du Bois - W.E.B. Du Bois: A Biography in Four Voices.
here to contact Mr.
- It’s in the Details

The speech
on race in America that Barack Obama gave in Philadelphia on
March 18, 2008 was moving and sounded wonderful, as full of
hope and the possibility of change as most of his speeches.
But it did nothing to unravel the central contradiction of Mr.
Obama’s candidacy. That contradiction is rooted in the fact
that America has always needed a class of workers who are kept
downtrodden and in poverty to make its economy work. That is
a fact that has not changed, and none of the remaining presidential
candidates are dealing with it.
In the beginning
it was slavery that provided that group of second class workers,
who toiled away at vital jobs in unspeakably inhumane conditions
for no pay at all. Later, when the nation’s hardest, least desirable
but still essential jobs were being done by newly arrived immigrants
– of all colors – racism still locked most African Americans
into virtual slavery even after the institution of slavery was
officially ended.
Today the fundamentally
inhumane contradiction of the American economy is that it doesn’t
need American workers anymore – of any color. Companies move
jobs to wherever in the world labor is cheapest – or replace
human workers entirely with computerized control systems. A
handful of big, privately owned global corporations control
the economy and get our country to make policies that support
their profits by making lavish campaign contributions to both
the Democrats and the Republicans.
As a result
America, like much of the world, faces a growing polarization
of wealth and poverty. In that reality of harsh global capitalism,
the new racism is poverty. A new class of dispossessed is growing
in America, people of all colors pushed out of the opportunities
for good educations, good jobs, good health, good housing. We
are becoming more of a police state as this impoverished low-wage
and no-wage class is seen as potentially explosive and must
be held in check.
As poverty
has spread to broader and broader sections of our society, there
has been a steady push to put in place a system of laws to contain
not African Americans, but the impoverished. Managing and controlling
the new class of dispossessed is the new paradigm of policing
and incarceration. The main agenda for global corporations is
to continue to automate production, eliminate jobs, lower wages
and cut benefits, so poverty and homelessness will continue
to grow. This has already made our nation the world’s leading
prison nation. This travesty is driven by the market economy
and global capitalism more than racism.
Mr. Obama’s
address failed to address any of this, just as his campaign
speeches fail to address it. But his former pastor, The Rev.
Jeremiah Wright, was trying to raise some of these issues as
he advised his congregation not to get so lost in their “middleclassness”
they failed to reach out to those in poverty. Mr. Obama said,
“The profound mistake of Reverend Wright's sermons is not that
he spoke about racism in our society. It's that he spoke as
if our society was static; as if no progress has been made;
as if this country – a country that has made it possible for
one of his own members to run for the highest office in the
land and build a coalition of white and black; Latino and Asian,
rich and poor, young and old -- is still irrevocably bound to
a tragic past. But what we know -- what we have seen – is that
America can change.”
And America
certainly has changed, in that it has allowed a certain number
of African Americans, like our present secretary of state, and
our former secretary of state, and Mr. Obama, among others,
to join the privileged class. But the profound mistake of Mr.
Obama’s speeches is that he speaks as if our economic system
isn’t static in its irrepressible need to push a high proportion
of its people to the economic bottom, where they can be exploited
cheaply for whatever contributions they can make, and pushed
out of the economic system entirely – discarded, thrown away
– if they cannot be exploited further.
While it is
clear that a disproportionate number of African Americans are
tortured by inadequate health care; poor housing, inadequate
educations, abusive criminal justice, unemployment and high
crime, much of this today is because they live in poverty. And
in the global capitalism of today these conditions now exist
for countless numbers of other Americans, white, Asian, Latino
and others.
In Mr. Obama’s
Democratic Party, the last two candidates standing represent
the longings of historically oppressed groups. Early in the
election season both major political parties faced a decline
in interest in politics. Both desperately needed new faces in
order to enthuse new voters and siphon off some of the discontent
with the increasingly corporate direction of our country. Many
workers believe that the Democratic Party is going to protect
them from escalating job loss and home loss, growing denial
of health care and escalating poverty. Nothing Mr. Obama has
said so far indicates that he has a program to do that.
Mr. Obama’s
speech on race discussed at length the personal impact of historical
racism. American workers, whether employed or unemployed, don’t
have an organization to protect them from the personal impact
of being pushed toward poverty by corporate actions and national
economic policy. The major political parties have shown that
their main interest is in following the money, and in staying
away from where the money isn’t. The new class of poor and working
people desperately need an independent politics dedicated to
improving their lives. For instance the vast productive power
of this largely automated economy could end poverty and homelessness
tomorrow, if only the “we the people” controlled it. But that
of course would not serve the upper class agenda he now represents.
While he was once a community organizer in poor neighborhoods,
powerful forces have rallied around him as a presidential candidate.
Besides the
unprecedented millions that both the Democratic Candidates have
garnered in this election plenty have documented who are the
global leaders that serve as part of Obama's top advisors and
they include, Zbigniew Brzezinsk, Dennis Ross who advised Clinton
and both Bushes, Anthony Lake, a big proponent and supporter
of World Bank and IMF roles as well as generals. We can conclude
that while major party politicians can talk about change, they
are not likely to fight for the kinds of changes that would
really end poverty. To do that, we the people must organize
with new ideas and a new vision of justice. In the face of the
growing encroachment on rights and democracy we, the people
must gain the political power to direct society's resources
so we can end the problems of poverty, national & women’s
oppression, and this outrageous war. A new society is not only
possible, but necessary.
Editorial Board Member Ethel Long-Scott - Executive
Director of the Women's Economic Agenda Project, (WEAP).
She is known nationally and internationally for devoting her
life to the education and leadership of people at the losing
end of society, especially women of color. She is dedicated
to economic security and justice and believes that the US is
engaged in a relentless war against workers and the poor. Click
here to contact Ms. Long-Scott.


I welcome
Obama's principled and eloquent response to the "Rev.
Wright" controversy. This provided an unprecedented teaching
moment for the country, an opportunity for him to address
directly the issues of racism in the American polity, and,
more subtley, the polarizing tactics of the corporate media.
While I do not share his opinion that Rev. Wright's views
are "distorted", I think he handled the question
of their relationship - and by extension his relationship
with the Black community - with integrity. It is unfortunate
that, as Blackness is apparently equated with lack of patriotism,
he felt it necessary to reaffirm his committment to the fight
against "radical Islam." On the whole, however,
it was a brilliant exercise of statesmanship.
Editorial Board Member Jeanne Woods, JD
- Visiting professor at the University of Maryland School
of Law from the College of Law at Loyola University, New Orleans.
here to contact Ms. Woods.

speech was timely, to say the least. I see it as a
defining moment for Obama as a candidate, where he had to
'come clean' regarding race in U.S. society. It elevates
his statesmanship above the other candidates. Whether
or not this makes him more electable...well, we shall see.
raised the issue about the 'elephant in the room' that the
mainstream media has not really raised, except in silly,
ahistorical, and ultimately, meaningless ways. His
speech is important on several fronts. First, it shows
a candidate (finally....)who is not afraid to talk about
race - and class - in U.S. society in an open, and substantive,
speech is important (and historical) because it helps to
neutralize right wing propaganda aimed at exploiting
race as a divisivie mechanism to obfuscate discussions about
class issues in U.S. society. And, the speech is also
important because it challenges right wing media and its
propaganda machine in utilizing its definition of 'patriotism'
as a litmus test for support.
patriotism does not allow communication and debate about
the various racial and ethinic experiences in this nation,
then it is an incomplete patriotrism. After this speech,
patriotism should be viewed as a space for debate about
racial, class, and historical issues, rather than simplistically,
a space to pledge blind allegiance to a preconceived notion
of America, - no questions asked...
limitation of the speech is that class issues are raised
as important, but little discourse about how we can discuss
such, within a context of the nation's racial history, and
racial alienation among many in this society. Alas,
raising this issue as natinonal, indeed international, may
be the first step in responding to the latter.
this nation is true to its values, then this one speech
should move us forward in talking with, and mobilizing,
each other. Of course, talk is always cheap...from
talk, we need to move towards substantive programs and policies
that ensure that every person in U.S. society can have access
to, and enjoy, a decent standard of living for him/her,
and his/her family, as well as the neighbors in our neighborhood,
and other neighborhoods.
Editorial Board Member James Jennings,
PhD - Professor of urban and environmental policy and planning
at Tufts University. Click
here to contact Dr. Jennings.
J. Daniels

the Republican candidate John McCain have to deliver a speech
of explanation and apology for the endorsement he sought
from Rev. John Hegee, who has made a career denouncing certain
groups of Americans?
Sen. Obama have had to distance himself from his pastor
of 20 years, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright if he were not
an African American running for the presidency?
Wright’s views have not “denigrated both the greatness and
goodness of our nation.” Look at the U.S. domestic
and foreign policies of the last 40 years. These policies
have not benefited the masses of Black, Brown, Red, and
poor whites nor have they benefited the Caribbean, Latin
American, African, and Middle-Eastern nations.
all of our stories are to be heard, then Rev. Wright’s story
needs hearing too. Racism is “endemic” in this country. It
rests at the foundation of this nation. Ask the Native
of Black Americans who have asked for reparations and have
been mocked. What of the “incendiary” language and
“distorted” Americans hold toward other nations of color
- other nations with material resources that Americans feel
it is their right to take? I am afraid that any of
us who speak on these issues will be equally vilified and
silenced (as we have been the last forty years).
we speak on the issues of gentrification, poverty, failed
schools, and out sourced jobs. Would Rev. Martin Luther
King have to apologize for his “Beyond Vietnam,” Riverside
speech if he were alive today?
Editorial Board Member Lenore
Jean Daniels, PhD - A writer, for over thirty years, of
commentary, resistance criticism and cultural theory, and
short stories with a Marxist sensibility to the impact of
cultural narrative violence and its antithesis, resistance
narratives. With entrenched dedication to justice and equality,
she has served as a coordinator of student and community
resistance projects that encourage the Black Feminist idea
of an equalitarian community and facilitator of student-teacher
communities behind the walls of academia for the last twenty
years. Dr. Daniels holds a PhD in Modern American Literatures,
with a specialty in Cultural Theory (race, gender, class
narratives) from Loyola University, Chicago. Click
here to contact Dr. Daniels.
David A. Love
Spoke The Truth

his Philadelphia address, Senator Barack Obama spoke the
truth. And he has taken us where no major political figure
has dared to take us in decades. Obama had a clear choice:
either respond to the attacks against him, out of cold
political cynicism, desperation and blind ambition - and
throw his pastor and mentor Rev. Jeremiah Wright off the
cliff (not to mention the African American community,
in the process) - or speak from the heart and make it
plain. He chose the latter.
he provided what this campaign season had been lacking
- a sense of context on the issue of race. Members of
the conservative punditoracy, the talking heads who are
dependent upon the 24-hour news cycle, the 30-second sound
byte and the sensationalism of reality-show faux-journalism,
never have visited a Black church. Rather than sensitize
themselves to the inconvenient realities of racism, they,
in their discomfort and false outrage, demanded Dr. Wright’s
head on a platter. The senator refused to participate
in the Willie Hortonization of Rev. Wright, or the demonization
of a rich legacy of political expression in the Black
more importantly, Obama redirected the current discussion
away from the unhelpful distractions, the scapegoating
and the smokescreens, and towards the larger fundamentals
of inequality and power in America. He addressed the
legacy of oppression that people of color face, and the
economic deprivation that many whites experience, all
against the backdrop of corporate greed and a devotion
to business as usual among the political elites. This
is just the beginning of a conversation that is needed
in this country. Obama is challenging the people to take
advantage of a window of opportunity, and to try a refreshingly
new and different approach to this American experiment.
Editorial Board Member David
A. Love - A lawyer and prisoners’ rights advocate based in Philadelphia, and a contributor
to the Progressive
Media Project, McClatchy-Tribune
News Service and In These Times.
Additionally, he contributed to the book, States
of Confinement: Policing, Detention, and Prisons
(St. Martin's Press, 2000). Love, a former Amnesty International
UK spokesperson, organized the first national police brutality
conference as a staff member with the Center for Constitutional
Rights, and served as a law clerk to two Black federal
judges. His blog is
here to contact Mr. Love.

black folks are attracted to—even if superficially—anyone
who speaks truth to power, who can “tell the truth
and shame the devil.” I have yet to find a black
person to wholly condemn the sermons by Rev. Jeremiah
Wright. Our lives, our voices are muted or silenced every
day in so many ways. Even our joys and successes are eclipsed
by louder voices and more powerful images that propel
the perceived worst of a people into the public domain.
This often results in our blanket condemnation of one
another without looking at the historical roots of our
oppression. Or working harder to prove we are worthy of
being US citizens and the rights that come with such a
privilege originally conceived only for white men.
The presidential race has become a metaphor for race relations
in this country: women (Hillary Clinton) and people of
color (Barack Obama) duking it out while white men (John
McCain) continuing their game plan. The issues I want
to hear about are still going on with no response from
the presidential candidates. I want to know about my $30
billion given to bail out Bear Stearns. I want to know
about my $500 billions being pumped into the illegal Iraqi
War. I want to know when I’m gonna get affordable
health care. I want to know…
I’m still waiting for wholesale public condemnations
of pedophile Catholic priests, of racist segregationists
like Strom Thurmond, of US policy to prop up South Africa’s
P. W. Botha and apartheid, of drug head Rush Limbaugh,
of drugs and guns runner Ollie North, of co-conspirator
burglar Richard Nixon, and on and on. White men’s
actions, which have destroyed lives both literally and
figuratively, can also guarantee them a coveted place
in history.
Dr. Rev. Floyd Flake likened Obama’s speech on race
to Dr. Martin Luther King’s famous “I have
a dream” speech. Its eloquence and insights are
undeniable even if it failed to tackle the role of profit
as a motivating reason for the ruling class to maintain
racial divisions. The question that remains is whether
Obama’s goal of opening up space for substantive
dialogue about race will end up in America’s graveyard
of missed opportunities.
Editorial Board Member Jamala
Rogers - Leader of the Organization
for Black Struggle in St. Louis and the Black
Radical Congress National Organizer. Click
here to contact Ms. Rogers.

I first heard of the criticisms of Pastor Wright and
the pressure on Obama to denounce Wright, I was angry…Angry
at the subconscious (and from some, very conscious)
attack on Black America…Angry that yet another Black
man in the public eye would be forced to don “the Mask”
and deny the legitimacy of his community in order to
placate the mainstream. Obama’s speech was masterful…not
perfect, but masterful. He stood his ground and defended
the Black community’s sensibilities in ways which have
rarely been done by mainstream politicians. But he
went beyond that and empathized with the white working
class, rooted their anger in their insecurity, and placed
blame for racial divisions on cynical politicians and
the power of a speech lies not its words nor its deliverer.
The power of a speech lies in the strength of the movement
that inspires the speech and is inspired by the speech.
Without such a movement, the spoken words are like the
sound of a tree falling in a forest when no one is around.
The challenge for Black progressives (and all progressives)
has been to use this moment and the incredible energy
unleashed by the Obama candidacy to build a movement
for social change that will make a lasting mark on U.S.
Editorial Board Member Steven
Pitts, PhD - Labor Policy Specialist at the UC Berkeley
Center for Labor Research and Education. Click
here to contact Dr. Pitts.

A friend wrote to me right after the speech: "What
if we actually end up with a president who is capable
of drawing lessons from history and conveying them to
the nation he leads?" In that sense Barack Obama's
address was unprecedented; as a document is will be
studied and debated long after this election is over,
regardless of who ends up in the White House.
does not have to agree with everything he said –
or have his world outlook - to recognize that the oration
is a thoughtful, eloquent and perceptive exploration
of the subject of race in U.S. society today. It is
an expression of his faith and a plea against the cynicism
and divisiveness that has become so ingrained in the
nation's politics.
am not a member of his political party and no not share
its positions on many critical issues facing us but
I would be more than surprised and pleased if the other
prominent politicians exhibited such responsible thinking
and understanding.
are some gaps in the content of the speech and a couple
of unfortunate formulations. However, I am certain that
many people, across the racial spectrum, will be moved
and encouraged by his social optimism, especially among
the younger generations. And if the young man's outlook
furthers a wide and meaningful discussion of the issues
it will be all to the good.
face a serious crisis in this country. One can only
hope that in the coming months the political campaigns
take up seriously the problems weighing down on the
insecure and the angry, the people who are being left
out and victimized that Obama describes and speak out
forthrightly in their interest and against those who
seek power through foreign and domestic policies that
serve only to secure wealth and privilege. That is my
Editorial Board Member Carl
Bloice - A writer in San Francisco, a member of the
National Coordinating Committee of the Committees of
Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism and formerly
worked for a healthcare union. Click
here to contact Mr. Bloice.

response to Barack Obama's March 18, 2008,
so-called "Race Speech" is best
summed up in the statement by former U.S.
Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney ('A
Discussion Of Race Worth Having'). It
addresses the root causes and systemic nature
of racism in the United States. Cynthia McKinney,
as a well honed and highly experienced Black
American woman from the deep south who was
born and raised in this nation, is eminently
qualified to address this matter from and
at its very core. Specifically with regard
to the Obama speech, Mckinney said the following:
am glad that candidate Obama mentioned the
existing racial disparities in education,
income, wealth, jobs, government services,
imprisonment, and opportunity. Now it is time
to address the public policies necessary to
resolve these disparities. Now it is time
to have the discussion on how we are going
to come together and put policies in effect
that will provide real hope and real opportunity
to all in this country.
To narrow the gap between
the ideals of our founding fathers and the
realities faced by too many in our country
today: That must be the role of public policy
at this critical moment in our country today.
I welcome a real discussion
of race in this country and a resolve to
end the long-standing disparities that continue
to spoil the greatness of our country.
I welcome a real discussion
of all the issues that face our country
today and the real public policy options
that exist to resolve them. That must be
the measure of this campaign season. For
many voters, this important discussion has
been too vague or completely non-existent.
Now is the time to talk about the concrete
measures that will move our country forward:
on race, war, climate change, the economy,
health care, and education. Our votes and
our political engagement must be about ensuring
that fairness truly for all is embodied
in "liberty and justice for all."
Editorial Board Member
Larry Pinkney - A
veteran of the Black Panther Party, the former
Minister of Interior of the Republic of New
Africa, a former political prisoner and the
only American to have successfully self-authored
his civil/political rights case to the United
Nations under the International Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights. For more about Larry
Pinkney see the book, Saying
No to Power: Autobiography of a 20th Century
Activist and Thinker
by William Mandel [Introduction by Howard Zinn].
here to read excerpts from the book) Click
here to contact Mr. Pinkney.

Obama’s speech was both masterful and
courageous. It had the potential to open up
the “Conversation on Race” that
never happened during the Clinton administration.
Acknowledging the elephant in the room - that
the US state was built on the enslaved labor
of Africans and African Americans - Obama
anchored the conversation to the promise,
not the reality, of the U.S. Constitution,
framing his political campaign within the
context of the broader struggle to realize
democratic values. Though there were limitations,
particularly noteworthy was Obama’s
skillful weaving of issues of race and class.
that race is a relationship of power and privilege,
Obama asserted that racial scapegoating is
predicated on a zero sum game; that buying
into whiteness has prevented white Americans
from dealing with such critical issues such
as the need for universal health care and
the precipitously increasing disparities in
wealth, in which the top one percent owns
a greater net wealth than the bottom 90 percent
of all households.
correctly framed white supremacy and racism
not as static, but as dynamic and changing
over time. However, this did not happen on
its own, but was a result of a long freedom
struggle waged by millions of African Americans,
including Jeremiah Wright. Obama should have
been explicit about those difficult struggles
deep in our historical memories: the lynchings,
burnings, fire hoses and police dogs.
speech was courageous because, within the
limitations of U.S. electoral politics, Obama
made the uncommon decision to say what he
thinks, to speak truth to power and to let
the chips fall where they may. But will white
America hear? The right wing is desperately
looking for anything to trash this historic
speech. The measure of Obama’s success
will be determined by his ability to create,
build and galvanize a grassroots mass movement
that links anti-racism to the practical tasks
of governing. Such a movement will have to
bypass the media, pundits, and politicians
who manufacture consent that prevents the
majority of Euro-Americans from acting in
their own interests.
Editorial Board Member
Mullings, PhD - Presidential professor of
anthropology and Director of the program in
medical anthropology at the Graduate Center,
City University of New York. Click
here to contact Dr. Mullings.

I watched the excerpts of Senator Barack
Obama's “Speech on Race” on the PBS Television's
“News Hour” during early evening March 18,
2008, my first thought was that perhaps
only an African American historic leadership
personality could make such a speech. African
American historic leadership figures such
as Frederick Douglass, AME Bishop Henry
McNeal Turner, Sojourner Truth, W.E.B. DuBois,
James Weldon Johnson, Rev. Martin Luther
King, and Fanny Lou Hammer. Why did I think
this? Because Obama's “Speech on Race”
was a tale of America's most unique moral
moral-conundrum of a hopeful and buoyant
18th century experiment in democracy that
simultaneously strangled itself, as it were.
Strangled itself via the enslavement of
Black people , on the one hand, and via
the post-Civil War era century-long denial
of equal-rights to Black people, on the
other hand.
some deep existential sense, then, only
an African-American historic leadership
personality could relate this awful tale.
And relate it above all in the mode of
Christian social-gospel humanism, the finest
feature of Christian tradition that also
defined other African-American historic
leadership personalities like Frederick
Douglass, Sojourner Truth, and Rev. Martin
Luther King. A political leadership discourse-mode
that does not seek to condemn per se, and
does not seek cheap everyday American oneupmanship
political-edge purposes.
Obama's “Speech on Race” related the tale
of America's unique moral conundrum so
as to carry all Americans' spirits and
vision (White, Black, Latino, Native American,
Asian, Arab American, etc.) on to a higher,
superior level of national and human
possibilities. A level of national
and human possibilities that, somewhere
in the not-too-distant future, will enable
us Americans to flush-out the corporatist-greed
riddled, industrial-military complex driven,
and corrupt political-oligarchy features
thwarting our democracy here in 21st century
American life.
then, is what made Obama's “Speech on Race”
an awe-inspiring American event.
The speech was a masterwork thanks to its
moral candor, at the center of which was
and-had-to-be Obama's
condemnation of Rev. Jeremiah Wright's error
in letting his activist-Christian discourse
(liberation theology) run wild on certain
occasions, not tempering it with a greater
humanist-Christian ethos.
the same time, Obama faced the deep moral
and systemic rawness of our country's racial
legacy, what he called “the complexities
of race in this country that we've never
really worked through—a part of our union
that we have yet to perfect.” He continued
thus: “And if we walk away now, if we simply
retreat into our respective corners, we
will never be able to come together and
solve challenges like health care, or education,
or the need to find good jobs for every
this point Obama turned pithily to the words
of William Faulkner: “The past isn't dead
and buried. In fact, it isn't even past.”
Then, with incredible oratorical savvy,
Obama says both that “We do not need to
recite here the history of racial injustice
in this country” and informing
America's citizenry today how past-and-present
intertwine still, here in the 21st century,
shaping what we are and thereby telling
us where we must still travel. As he
put it:
do need to remind ourselves that so many
of the disparities that exist in the African-American
community today can be directly traced
to inequalities passed on from an earlier
generation that suffered under the brutal
legacy of slavery and Jim Crow. Segregated
schools were, and are, inferior schools;
we still haven't fixed then, fifty years
after Brown v. Board of Education, and
the inferior education they provided,
then and now, helps explain the pervasive
achievement gap between today's black
and white students. Legalized discrimination
- where blacks were prevented, often through
violence, from owning property...- meant
that black families could not amass any
meaningful wealth to bequeath to future
generations. That history helps explain
the wealth and income gap between black
and white and the concentrated pockets
of poverty that persists in so many of
today's urban and rural communities. ...This
is the reality in which Reverend Wright
and other African-Americans of his generation
grew up. They came of age in the late
fifties and early sixties, a time when
segregation was still the law of the land
and opportunity was ystematically constricted.
remarkable is not how many failed in the
face of discrimination, but rather how
many men and women overcame the odds;
how many were able to make a way out of
no way for those like me who would come
after them.
I said above, Obama's “Speech on Race” was
a masterwork of American leadership discourse.
It relates the tale of America's unique
moral conundrum, elevating all Americans'
spirits and vision on to a higher level
of national and human possibilities. I daresay
that nothing associated with the Hillary
Clinton campaign can give us such an awesome
event and experience as Barack Obama's “Speech
on Race” - a quintessential American literary
text that it will surely be recognized as,
along with Rev. Martin Luther King's 1963
March-on-Washington address.
Editorial Board Member
Martin Kilson, PhD - Was appointed in
1962 as the first African American to teach
in Harvard College and in 1969 he was the
first African American tenured at Harvard.
He retired in 2003 as Frank G. Thomson Professor
of Government, Emeritus. His publications
include: Political Change in a West
African State (Harvard University Press,
1966); Key Issues in the Afro-American
Experience (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,
1970); New States in the Modern World (Harvard
University Press, 1975); The African
Diaspora: Interpretive Essays (Harvard
University Press, 1976); The Making
of Black Intellectuals: Studies on the African
American Intelligentsia (Forthcoming.
University of MIssouri Press); and The
Transformation of the African American Intelligentsia,
1900-2008 (Forthcoming). Click
here to contact Dr. Kilson.

Obama speech is in a word, powerful! Obama
skillfully tackles what is in many ways
a "third rail" issue in U.S. politics
- race. In a country that a few short years
ago walked out of the U.N. Summit on racism,
and later failed miserably in the aftermath
of Hurricane Katrina, it seemed like race
and justice were too far from the mainstream
discourse to be addressed openly and honestly.
Like the high power third rail in the railway
track, politicians and co-workers alike
feared the consequences of touching issues
of race. Obama's speech changes all that.
He elevates this pivotal issue at a critical
moment. Obama gives a striking call to action,
encouraging this generation to do its part
- "on the streets and in the courts"
to "narrow the gap between the promise
of our ideals and the reality of our time."
Regardless of who wins in November, Obama's
speech forces people in red State, blue
States, and countries around the world to
critical examine personal, systemic, and
deeply entrenched racism and commit themselves
to live the change we all can believe in.
actually did a one-two punch in powerful
speeches this week. Tuesday's speech on
race was followed the next day by Obama's
most comprehensive speech on foreign policy
to date. Wednesday's speech, on the 5th
anniversary of the Iraq war, not only clearly
laid out a plan for getting troops out of
Iraq, but focused on the need for decreasing
militarism and increasing diplomacy and
development around the world. Obama also
made a clear call for the end to nuclear
proliferation, distinguishing himself from
the other candidates.
together, these speeches give great insight
into the vision and values of a possible
Obama presidency. The real test, however,
will be the power of a newly energized movement
of new, young, and more progressive voters
to demand that Obama's powerful rhetoric
is translated into actual policies that
can bring the better world we all believe
Editorial Board Member
Emira Woods - Co-director of Foreign Policy
in Focus at the Institute for Policy Studies
(Woods is from Liberia and brings an international
viewpoint). Click
here to contact Ms. Woods.