Is it mere happenstance that once again, and
seemingly unbeknownst to the Obama campaign, another anti-gay
African American minister has endorsed the presidential hopeful?
But with an Obama endorsement coming from the
Rev. Kirbyjon Caldwell, longtime spiritual adviser to President
George W. Bush and senior pastor of one of Houston’s
black mega-churches, Windsor
Village United
Methodist Church,
this isn’t deja vu all over again.

Why is Obama, a supposed a healer and consensus
builder, continuing to do this? One answer: Perhaps Obama
was unaware of Rev. Caldwell's background and views regarding
LGBTQ folks? The real answer: how many sides are there to
a politician's mouth?
Obama’s cavorting in a highly competitive field
for black evangelical votes and is as calculated as when he
had gospel mega-star, Pastor Donnie McClukin, poster boy for
African-American ex-gay ministries, as part of his “Embrace
the Change!” Gospel Series in October 2007.
has always been a player in Obama’s campaign, and he played
a vital behind-the-scenes of Obama’s S.C. gospel tour that
featured McClurkin. And Caldwell
does a lot of the behind-the-scenes stuff. His church ran
an ex-gay ministry, “Metanoia Ministry,”supposedly unbeknownst
to him. The ex-gay ministry's welcoming words stated the following
until the website was recently taken down:
If the truth be told, Obama plays the LGBTQ
community as a political pawn. He dangles a carrot our way
every once in a while, like his mentioning of us in his MLK
speech, but Obama has no accountability to us. Obama will
talk the talk but he won’t walk the walk. Case in point:
his campaign’s refuses, at the continued request of the African
American LGBTQ community and our straight black cleric allies,
to speak out against the black church’s homophobia.
will advocate for us as long as it doesn’t run afoul with
his run for the White House. But when Obama gets called on
the carpet for his homophobic dalliances with anti-gay ministers
like the McClurkin incident, he gets defensive. Obama haughtily
told a reporter from the Advocate, "If there's somebody
out there who's been more consistent in including LGBT Americans
in his or her vision of what America should be, then I would be interested
in knowing who that person is." Well – duh - the answer,
of course, is Dennis Kucinich.
Obama knows the political power the black bible-thumping
church plays in every major election, which is why he has
gotten into this triangulation with LGBTQ voters and black
Christian conservatives. H. Alexander Robinson, CEO of National
Black Justice Coalition, said that Obama is “too inexperienced
at playing at his level. He’s stubborn and he refuses to back
off because he wants it both ways.”
And because Obama wants it both ways he speaks
from both sides of his mouth.

You may think Obama’s charismatic Orwellian
call for justice only creates a triangulation for LGBTQ voters
but truth be told, Obama’s playing us all. “It's a piece of
rhetorical wizardry, this conjuring of hope from the grounds
of despair, the oldest trick in the preacher's book, but Wright
[Obama’s pastor] carries it off with exhilarating command,
and one sees immediately how much Obama has learned from him,”
writer Jonathan Raban for "The Stranger" wrote in
“The Church of Obama: How He Recast the Language of Black
Liberation Theology into a Winning Creed for Middle-of-the-Road
White Voters”
“While Wright works his magic on enormous congregations,
with the basic message of liberation theology, that we are
everywhere in chains, but assured of deliverance by the living
Christ, Obama, when on form, can entrance largely white audiences
with the same essential story, told in secular terms and stripped
of its references to specifically black experience. When Wright
says "white racists," Obama says "corporate
lobbyists"; when Wright speaks of blacks, Obama says
"hard-working Americans," or "Americans without
health care"; when Wright speaks in folksy Ebonics, of
"hos" and "mojo," Obama speaks in refined
Ivy League.”
Obama is too intelligent to be stuck on stupid
on the gay issue. His “homophobic mishaps” are calculated
moves to win an important voting bloc - black churchgoing
homophobic Christians. One would think, with one of Obama’s
top LGBTQ advisors being black and well as his campaign’s
religious affairs director, that someone is asleep at the
But, truth be told, Obama’s campaign isn’t
We are! Editorial Board member, the Rev. Irene Monroe is
a religion columnist, theologian, and public speaker. A native
of Brooklyn, Rev. Monroe is a graduate from Wellesley College
and Union Theological Seminary at Columbia University, and
served as a pastor at an African-American church before coming
to Harvard Divinity School for her doctorate as a Ford Fellow.
Reverend Monroe’s “Let Your Light Shine Like a
Rainbow 365 Days a Year - Meditations on Bible Prayers"
will be out in June, 2008. As an African American feminist
theologian, she speaks for a sector of society that is frequently
invisible. Her website is Click
here to contact the Rev. Monroe.