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250 Issues of BC: And Going Strong With Your Help By Peter Gamble, BC Publisher

This is issue 250 of It is the largest issue we have ever published. This issue contains 16 commentaries, (not counting this little notice) one piece of art and three cartoons.

The subject matter and perspectives on issues affecting African Americans are more inclusive than ever with something for any reader who is part of the struggle for economic and social justice and peace.

We hope you will celebrate with us.

We still need your financial help. We are facing a $27,000 shortfall from now until the end of the year. With money getting tight for so many people, the number of new BC Paid Subscribers and BC Contributors is way down. Please become a BC Paid Subscriber, or send what you can as a BC Contributor. Already a BC Paid Subscriber? Login to see if it's time to renew or if you can contribute a little extra Click Here!

Thank you for your readership and helping to keep BlackCommentator online.

In solidarity,

Peter Gamble

Cover Story: Condi on the Ropes? - Left Margin By Carl Bloice, BC Editorial Board

Sports Statium As Housing
By Mark Hurwitt

Political Cartoon: Sports Statium As Housing By Mark Hurwitt

The Race Question and Building Labor Power In the Context of the Immigrant Upsurge By Dr. Steven Pitts, PhD, BC Editorial Board

I Met a Mercenary! - The African World By Bill Fletcher, Jr., BC Editorial Board

Which Way Black America? - Keeping It Real By Larry Pinkney, BC Columnist

Obama the Vote-Whore With ex-gay at His Side - Inclusion By the Reverend Irene Monroe, BC Columnist

Beyond America to Our Ancestors - Represent Our Resistance By Dr. Jean L. Daniels, BC Columnist

Dr Strange
By John Darkow, Columbia Daily Tribune, Missouri
Political Cartoon: Dr Strange By John Darkow, Columbia Daily Tribune, Missouri

While Congress Breaks for Holidays, 2,300 More Sick Americans Will Die - Single-Payer Healthcare - Part 32 By Donna Smith, American SiCKO. Founder of American Patients for Universal Health Care

Black (W)hole - A Poem - From The Fringe By K. Danielle Edwards, BC Columnist

Phillys 10,000 Men Must Join a Broader Movement for Social Justice - Color of Law By David A. Love, BC Columnist

Quote to Ponder: "The time has come for the primal history of modernity to be reconstructed from the slaves’ point of view" - Paul Gilroy, The Black Atlantic

On Lesbians and the Sagging Pants - Unapologetically Young, Black and Female...By Jasmyne A. Cannick, BC Columnist

CAMDEN New Jersey - Poetic Black Fusion By Poet Blackman Preach, BC Spoken Word Columnist

Garvey's Birthday And Lessons In Learning - Worrill's World By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD, BC Columnist

Peace, Mercy & Joy
By Alva

Art: Peace, Mercy & Joy By Alva

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa’s "Negro Problem":It’s Not In The Community - It’s In His Office - Between The Lines By Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad, PhD, BC Columnist

All-White Jury Fumbles Ball on Boot Camp Verdict By Chris Stevenson, Guest Commentator

Tyler Perry and Black Cyber-Activism in the 21st Century By Dr. Robin R. Means Coleman, PhD, Guest Commentator

Tyler Perry and Black Cyber-Activism in the 21st Century By Dr. Robin R. Means Coleman, PhD, Guest Commentator

Strange Fruit - Not a Meaningless Signal By The Rev. Douglas Demetrius Prather, Guest Commentator

Clear Connection
By RJ Matson, Roll Call
Political Cartoon: Clear Connection By RJ Matson, Roll Call

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Thank you very much for your readership.


October 25, 2007
Issue 250

is published every Thursday

Cedille Records Sale