Perhaps the most insane aspect of America as
a nation is its propensity for constant denial of the obvious.
America has taken mythology and spun it into an unrivaled web
of internal and external deception and hypocrisy resulting in
unending and unparalleled bloodshed.
Thus, the President of the United States can, with a straight
face, declare that America invaded and is occupying Iraq in order
to bring about justice and democracy for the Iraqi people. Never
mind that America does not practice or have justice or democracy
for its own people, especially the majority of Black and other
people of color.
The Vice President of the United States can, with a straight
face, brazenly declare that his office is not a part of the executive
branch of government and thus not be bound by the legalities
prohibiting unlawful spying, etc., on US citizens. Never mind
that common law and common sense alone dictate that such actions
on the part of the Vice President and his office are ethically
 US political candidates from both the Democratic and Republican
parties, can with a straight face, declare to Americans and the
rest of the world that it is time to take America back to its
basics of justice, decency, and democracy. Never mind that the
basics upon which America is built are in fact not justice, decency,
and democracy, but hypocrisy, genocide, and slavery.
The above three examples are but a few, out of many, re a nation
and a people whose common thread, more often than not, appears
to be one of denial and concomitant insanity. It is a nation
that repeatedly demonstrates its preference for mythology over
facts, for embracing subterfuge and distortion over truth. As
such it is a nation that is constantly at war and always manufacturing
rationales thereto.
Thus, it should come as no surprise that
even as America sinks deeper into the self-created bloody quagmire
of Iraq, its President,
Vice President, the entire US Senate, and a sizable portion of
the US House of Representatives are selectively ignoring the
lies which led to the American invasion and occupation of Iraq
in the first place. Now these same elements are clamoring for
war with Iran while blaming that nation for the deaths of US
troops who were themselves taken into Iraq under the patent "weapons
of mass destruction" lie. This insanity will stop only when
the people of the United States bring it to an end. The politicians,
be they Democrats or Republicans will never end this insanity
as they and their corporate bosses are irretrievably intertwined
in this symbiotic cycle of insanity.
 There will be no real change in America unless its peoples bring
about serious systemic change, and such change calls for forthrightly
addressing the fundamental political, economic, and social contradictions
of the United States. US politicians, including Barack Obama
and Hillary Clinton, are in fact beholden to the maintenance
of this political, economic, and social system, not the scraping
of it. For example, the fact that millions of Americans are without
health coverage or adequate health care is not a coincidence.
To believe otherwise is akin to believing in the tooth fairy.
The fact that America incarcerates many millions more of its
people (some of whom it executes) and most of whom are Black
and other people of color is also no mere coincidence. These
things are part and parcel of an insane American system dedicated
to corporate profit for the few at the expense of the overwhelming
majority of Americans and people throughout the world. This is
nothing short of insanity. It is the kind of insanity that substantively
ignores and exacerbates the horrors of global climate change
at the expense of the entire planet, in the name of corporate
profits and waving the flag. It is that uniquely insane American
brand of denying the obvious.
Black Americans know that the US cannot
offer that which it does not possess. It cannot offer sanity,
justice, or democracy;
for as the old African proverb correctly states, "Beware
of the naked person who offers you clothes."
America's politicians who feed from the trough of its corporations
have chosen time and again to wave the flag of corporate greed
at the expense of humanity while waiving the human rights and
aspirations of the majority of its own citizens and people around
the world. Black America must resoundingly reject America's insanity,
seeking and creating a different path while there is yet time.
We must continue to collectively struggle, along side the vast
majority of the human family, to hold tightly to our sanity and
make our objectives a reality. We can do this. Indeed, there
is no other acceptable option. Columnist
Larry Pinkney is a veteran of the Black Panther Party, the
former Minister of Interior of the Republic of New Africa,
a former political prisoner and the only American to have
successfully self-authored his civil/political rights case
to the United Nations under the International Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights. Click
here to contact Mr. Pinkney.