While collating information related to BHM Heritage I was often
asked by borough councils, "Black History Month? What is
that"? Yet the event listings mainly come from an office
just upstairs. Heritage threw out the questions of BHM, its origins,
the idea behind it, who it is for and where it might be going,
and why it is not celebrated mainstream as other festivals are.
We received some interesting responses. The word "Debate"
comes to mind!
Black History Month (BHM) is held every October in Britain. The
aims are to:
- Promote knowledge of Black History and experience
- Disseminate information on positive Black contributions to
British Society and
- Heighten the confidence and awareness of Black people in their
cultural history
Ever since the 1970's, African history, art and culture has been
celebrated by African Britons in the Diaspora. Whether the vehicle
was Berry Edwards or Eric and Jessica Huntley 'Caribbean week'
or Alex Pascall's 'Black Londoners' programme on the BBC, our
story was finally being told.
Akyaaba Addai-Sebo, a special projects officer for the former
Greater London Council, after speaking to Black teenagers, discovered
that they were reluctant to have anything to do with or identify
with Africa. Akyaaba felt this was due to the negative representation
of Africans in the media, and the many and distorted images about
In 1986 and 1987, Akyaaba with the backing of several other people,
organised key events that established the trend for African History
Month. These included serious debates about the African contribution
to civilisation with leading U.S. historians. In 1987, the race
unit was moved to the London Strategic Policy Unit. Symbolically
this year also marked 150 years of the end of slavery.
Prior to the demise of the GLC, and in a drive to improve racial
harmony in London, councillors passed a declaration that put Black
History Month in October. As a result, the UK's first Black History
Month event took place as part of the African Jubilee Year 1987-88
celebrations organised by the former London Strategic Policy Unit.
The event was a success. In response, the then Association
of London Authorities later endorsed BHM as an annual event leading
to its official recognition on the cultural calendars of all London
boroughs and several Metropolitan and City Councils around the
country; providing financial support every year.

The late Len Garrison, one of the founder members of the Black
Cultural Archives (BCA), then historically went on to say "Remember,
what we inherit today has been won with bloodshed and sacrifice
by others, yesterday".
Current History books still serve particular imperialist purposes
as elements of world history distorted by authors’ myopic
views centred around global interaction with Europe and Europeans.
African American historian John Henrik Clarke commented that,
"'to control a people you must first control what they think
about themselves and how they regard their history and culture.
And when your conqueror makes you ashamed of your culture and
your history, he needs no prison walls and no chains to hold you."
The majority of Africans in the Diaspora still suffer a lack
of knowledge of self and our past and as a result suffer from
cultural disinheritance. Historically this has lead to the internalisation
and feelings of an inferiority complex, which are a direct result
of becoming caricatures and an inferior subset of the human race
in the body of Western thought.
BHM seeks to restore an integral element of British History,
which has been ignored and denied in the creation of racist mythologies.
The need to continuously educate, enrich and challenge the content
and construction of conventional history is essential in the drive
to eradicate inaccurate views of world history.

Nowhere else in the world does Black History include the celebration
of other cultures’ history that is not of African (and Caribbean)
Origin. The British approach to Black History Month may be seen
as inclusive to many, but to me it effectively challenges and
undermines the reason why Black History Month was initially conceived.
This urbanisation of Black History Month represents the watering
down and marginalisation of our history and significant contribution
to British society post and pre the Windrush.
In the USA, Black means anybody that is of African heritage;
usually referring to Africans, African-Americans, Caribbean and
African South Americans and those who identify with the Black
experience but may be of dual heritage. No one else! Blacks in
Britain have to accept footnote politics in that the definition
of Black has to be explained on most public documents aimed at
the so called target group. It's laughable, but a fact of British
politics. It's no wonder African-Americans don't take us seriously
as a community. It's no wonder they are confused when the come
to UK Black History events only to find that the History being
discussed has nothing to do with the African Diaspora experience.
It's easy to blame the local authorities and national government,
and mainstream for this state of affairs. But in reality, misguided
Black politicians of the late 1970's with strong socialist tendencies
created a situation where Black political and socio-historical
contributions to the United Kingdom have been marginalised, recast
and re-labelled as an urban contribution to the delight of organisations
and policy makers who have no interest in accepting the term Black,
let alone the contribution of Blacks in the United Kingdom before
the arrival of the Windrush and after!

Despite the image of a multi-cultural Britain, most non-African
or African ethnic groups continue to show antipathy to Blacks
in Britain when their political interests are not part of the
agenda. In fact, the label Black is losing its political currency
and is gradually regaining its pariah status, describing people
of African descent who have been defrocked, disempowered and cast
aside. It is frowned upon when not used to describe other people
who are not traditionally considered Black.
The term Black has been exchanged for Urban, and no longer can
Blacks in Britain call themselves Black in a positive context,
or even talk about Black music - Urban music is preferred. Blacks
in Britain can just about call themselves Black. But make no mistake,
if we mess up, we are gladly reminded we are Black by the very
communities that call themselves Black, but are essentially from
other ethnic and cultural origins that are very removed from the
African Diasporic experience. Just like the Notting Hill Carnival,
the unconscious, the ill informed and the misguided and other
ethnic minority groups have hijacked Black History Month. This
suits the powers that be because rather than accepting that each
minority group has a different experience they would rather adopt
a blanket approach to celebrating Black History Month as opposed
to issues that uniquely affect the African and African-Caribbean
communities in Britain.
The consequences are clear, the concept and reasoning behind
Black history has shifted so that Black in Britain means any one
that experiences oppression, including the Irish, Greeks, Turks,
Kurds, Arabs. That's all very well, but in reality it is Africans
and African Caribbean that are at the bottom of the social and
economical pile, as other communities and local and National government
agencies are quick to remind us.
In essence, perhaps Black History Month should be called African
History Month and be seen as a daily experience as opposed to
some state handout that Blacks in Britain should be grateful to
accept. Sadly, It has taken no less than 18 years for the application
of Dr. Carter G. Woodson’s concept in Britain to move from
African History, to Black History Month; it's only a matter of
time before it becomes Multicultural History Month before being
called Urban History Month, to no celebrations at all.

In 1926, nearly eighty years after the inception and celebration
of Black History celebrations in North America and the Caribbean,
the original target group Africans in the Diaspora as defined
by Dr. Carter G. Woodson is clear and hasn't changed. Neither
is there any confusion about who is Black and why these celebrations
exist. In Britain however, the political and social resistance
to a strictly African Diasporia by other ethnic minority groups
and the wider community has meant that it has taken less than
twenty years for other ethnic minority groups to encroach, reshape
and redefine the event. African related history as part of the
Black History Month celebration is becoming increasingly marginalised
by these groups, eager to assert their historical agenda. However,
they must not be allowed to assert their socio-political history
agenda under the Black history banner.
Black history should remain Black; anything else is nonsense.
The question we need to ask is this: Would Asians, Jews, Hindus
or other minority groups allow Africans to intrude on their cultural
celebrations? No way! When Blacks in Britain try and celebrate
anything that is specific to the Black community, they have the
nerve to call it reverse racism. Yet if Blacks wanted to get involved
in a Diwali, Mela, Hanukah or St. Patrick's Day event there is
often serious opposition from these so called non-African communities’
religious and political leaders.
Social groups that are far removed from the Black experience
have hijacked the British version of Black History Month. That
hasn't happened in the USA where there is no confusion about race
or cultural identity. The USA really does allow you to celebrate
who you are in a very undiluted manner. It's a situation that
is clearly understood and respected. Besides African Americans
would never allow anyone who is not Black to call themselves Black.
People of colour maybe! Black? I really don't think so.

There is no way that would ever happen in the USA; the boundaries
are too clearly defined. No one has a monopoly on history. Other
groups can celebrate Black History Month, but they should not
be allowed to slip their cultural nuances into the equation, to
the point that the only thing Black about Black History Month
is the title!
We must regain ideological control of African History. Blacks
in Britain must prevail in Black History Month celebrations. If
Blacks in Britain are not careful, they will have nothing left
to celebrate! I put it to the readers in no uncertain terms that
if the current state of affairs continues, that is, allowing other
groups to determine how Black history is celebrated, Blacks in
Britain will have a greater affinity with Kebabs, Somosas and
Saris than Reggae, Rice and Peas and Steel Bands!
Over to YOU!
British Born Jamaican, Delroy
Constantine-Simms is a qualified
Industrial Psychologist,Psychometrician, NLP practioner and
Coach. Constantine-Simms completed several organisational development
and diversity related assignments for T-Mobile, Orange, Barclays
Bank, Marks and Spencers, Transport For London, The British
Service, Barclays Bank. His client list also includes many local
authorities. Contact Mr. Constantine-Simms at [email protected]. |