During the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday celebration
at the Kennedy Center, President George W. Bush reiterated his call
to Congress to reauthorize those sections of the Voting Rights Act
that are set to expire in August 2007. This is, of course, no idle
gesture. The President should be applauded for his stand, and Congress
should heed his call. But African Americans would be wise to view
the President's support for reauthorization with a strong degree
of skepticism. How, after all, do we square the President's record
on voting rights with his stated support for the Voting Rights Act?

For the past five years, the Bush Administration has
used the Justice Department, Civil Rights Division - the institutional
guarantor of the Voting Rights Act - to legitimize a series of Republican
power grabs in the South. Central to these power grabs has been
violations of the Voting Rights Act - i.e. the suppression or dilution
of African American votes. For instance, in a series of recent
preclearance (Section 5) cases, Bush appointees in the Civil Rights
Division have overruled career lawyers when their decisions stood
in the way of white Republican political objectives. Although a
majority of career lawyers rejected Republican backed redistricting
plans in Mississippi and Texas, political appointees overruled them
and precleared the plans. The Texas and Mississippi redistricting
plans have since been implemented, to the tremendous benefit of
the GOP. (The Supreme Court has recently agreed to hear a series
of cases in which Democrats, blacks, and Latinos argue that the
Texas redistricting plan and the manner in which it was implemented
violate the Voting Rights Act.) Political appointees also overruled
career attorneys when they rejected the 2005 Georgia Voter ID law
- passed by the Republican majority in the state legislature - as
retrogressive. A federal appeals court later struck
down the law, arguing that it would reduce blacks' access to
the franchise. African Americans in Texas, Mississippi, and Georgia
vote overwhelmingly for the Democratic Party.

The Bush Justice Department's subversion of the preclearance
process has been paralleled by a steep decline in voting rights
enforcement. In the five years since Mr. Bush assumed office, the
Civil Rights Division has brought suit in only three
cases under Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act - the provision
that prohibits states and municipalities from enacting voting practices
or procedures that discriminate on the basis of race, color, or
membership in a covered language minority group - all of them in
2005. This drop in Section 2 enforcement comes at a time when Republican
"voter integrity" initiatives, aimed at purging African
Americans from the voter rolls and intimidating blacks at the polls,
are on the rise. In one of the three voting rights cases that the
Bush Justice Department has brought in the last five years, it has
inverted the voting rights universe by seeking to protect white
voters from blacks - in Mississippi no less. In February 2005,
the DOJ sued the black leadership of the Noxubee County, Mississippi
Democratic Party claiming that they had conspired to deprive white
county voters of their rights under the Voting Rights Act. Nearly
all of the whites in the county are Republicans and all of the blacks
Democrats. The case resulted in a consent degree between the black
Democratic leadership of the County and the Justice Department.
The Noxubee County case was the first in history in which the Justice
Department used the Voting Rights Act to protect white voters against
Dissatisfied with the turn in voting and civil rights
enforcement under President Bush, fully 20% of the career attorneys
in the Civil Rights Division - people who consider themselves non-partisan
stewards of the Voting Rights Act - have quit their jobs in the
past year.

What the Bush Administration is doing is not new.
Since 1981, the Republican Party has adopted a strategy of suppressing
the black vote in closely contested states in order to win elected
office. The political calculus is simple: For the past forty years,
blacks have voted overwhelmingly for Democrats in statewide and
presidential elections, and Democrats have required high black turnout
to win closely contested elections, particularly in the South.
One way to ensure Republican victories in closely contested states,
then, is to suppress the black vote. Thus, for the past twenty-five
years, Republican Party functionaries and Republican Departments
of Justice have administered "vote integrity" and "vote
security" initiatives aimed at purging
blacks from the rolls and intimidating those that come to the
polls. More recently, the Bush 2000 and 2004 campaigns have worked
with Republican Secretaries of State - Florida 2000 and Ohio 2004
are the most noteworthy examples - to create voting system crises
where large numbers of newly registered blacks are anticipated at
the polls. The results have been a lack of voting machines in high
turnout precincts resulting in long lines that act as a disincentive
to vote, understaffed election helplines that lead to busy signals
for voters and election workers, arbitrary election administration
rulings that disqualify prospective black voters, and a number of
other preventable problems that disproportionately effect new black
voters. Once in office, the Bush Administration simply enlisted
the Justice Department, Civil Rights Division in this ongoing campaign.
This and previous Administrations have been able to
systematically subvert and circumvent the Voting Rights Act in its
present form. It costs Mr. Bush little, then, to endorse reauthorization
without amendment. In fact, it makes an Administration that has
been consistently hostile to black voting rights appear supportive
of those rights.
African Americans should demand far more than simple
reauthorization. We need to look seriously at how the VRA can be
amended to prevent the voter suppression and dilution strategies
used by Republicans for the past twenty-five years. A number of
suggestions for amendment have been offered up and we would do well
to explore their worth. For instance, Heather Gerken of Harvard
University has suggested that Section 5 be amended to require judicial
of preclearance rulings by the Civil Rights Division. Mandatory
judicial review, she suggests, would place a check on any Administration's
attempts to use the preclearance process to further its own political
ends. The Sentencing Project has argued that Congress needs to amend
the VRA to outlaw felon disfranchisement. Currently, 13% of African
American males are prevented from voting by state laws denying the
vote to convicted felons who have served their time. Such an amendment
would be equally beneficial to white ex-felons, several million
of whom are denied the vote by state felon disfranchisement laws.
There is no dearth of information on how to plug the holes in voting
rights enforcement, only the will to do so.

African Americans, and indeed all Americans concerned
with the integrity of our democracy, must demand that our representatives
in Congress find a way to plug the gaping holes in current statute
and enforcement. Reauthorization without strengthening amendments
will only open the door to continued voter suppression and dilution.
Mr. Bush, no doubt, is keenly aware of this fact.
G. Derek Musgrove is a Ph.D. in twentieth century
history. His research focuses on state repression of black elected
officials and voters between 1965 and 2004. He lives and works
in Washington, DC. He can be contacted at [email protected]. |