Criticizing the Bush administration in a black church
on Martin Luther King Day is an easy way to get applause. The
crowd is in the palm of the speaker's hand, eager to be inspired
and filled with righteous indignation. New York's junior Senator,
Hillary Rodham Clinton, found herself in just such a situation.
She had an audience full of ardent supporters who feel a genuine
affection for her and for her husband.
At Canaan Baptist Church in Harlem she described
Republican one party rule as being akin to a plantation. Of course
the right wing went into outrage overdrive. If they could just
get over their Hillary hatred she would have little appeal, if
any. When Trent Lott mused that she might be struck by lightning,
Hillary's stock soared so much that she must have thanked God
for Trent when she said her prayers at night.
Of course she is right about the Republicans. They
love being the masters of this country and, they hope, of the
entire world. For decades they have nursed fantasies of reconquest,
waiting for the day when they could bring the nation back to the
good old days when everyone knew their place.

Democrats behave the way oppressed people usually
do. They cow and begin believing that their masters are not only
powerful but deserving of the position they hold. Too few dream
of waging war against the plantation system. Most just want a
seat at the table in the big house and are satisfied when the
master doesn't beat them too badly. If a few crumbs are thrown
their way they are in seventh heaven.
Hillary's speech was not very impressive and neither
is she, right wing blood lust not withstanding. She is just Mrs.
Slick Willie. When she supports legislation to ban flag burning,
legislation that she knows is unconstitutional, she insults the
people who always rush to her defense. She and her husband play
a tiresome game with Democrats. The right wing hate them so they
get credit they don't deserve. They have concluded that they can
get away with just about anything.

In the days after hurricane Katrina destroyed New
Orleans, Bill Clinton sucked up to the Bush family and declared
that we shouldn't be too critical of them. Hillary now criticizes
her yes vote on the war, sort of. Now she says she “takes responsibility"
for her vote and complains that troops who are in Iraq because
of her support don't have enough armor.
It is important to keep the triangulating, back pedaling
and pandering in mind when tempted to be impressed by Hillary's
King Day speechifying.
The week before King Day, Hillary showed her true
colors. She and Harry Belafonte were both guests at a Children's
Defense Fund luncheon. It is a gross understatement to say that
she avoided
Belafonte. If he were infected with leprosy and the first case
of contagious avian flu she could not have stayed further away
from him.

Belafonte had committed the unpardonable sin of
speaking ill of the white and powerful when he quite correctly
referred to Bush as a tyrant and a terrorist. The Senator went
nowhere near his table, stayed at the event for only fifteen minutes
and refused to comment on his presence or her failure to acknowledge
it. She saw nothing wrong with the plantation system on that
and Hillary are the masters of their own plantation. It is called
the Democratic Leadership Council. The DLC exists to make sure
that anyone who dares to break free realizes their error and runs
back to Tara before sundown.
The DLC has already turned the bright, charismatic
Barack Obama into an apologist
for the Bush administration:
Yes, that is what life on the plantation will do
to an otherwise intelligent mind. DLC talking points may make
Obama sound like an idiot, but he isn't one. He knows the rules.
Stick with the DLC, spew their bizarre mumbo jumbo, or give up
any hope of political aspirations.

The DLC plantation has already chosen the Democratic
presidential nominee for 2008 and it is none other than Hillary
Clinton. The plantation system is so secure that it isn't risky
to make a prediction two years ahead of time.
Just a few short weeks after hurricane Katrina destroyed
the Gulf Coast, Harry Belafonte had this
to say at the Congressional Black Caucus annual conference.
Both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were present: