In Part I of this essay ( April
7, 2005), my discussion reached back to the pre-Emancipation
Era communities of Free Negroes in order to portray the historical
depth of what I call the outreach-to-Black-masses-leadership
pattern among the embryonic elite element among African-Americans.
I also analyzed the historical growth – from the Emancipation
Era through the early 20th century decades – of the embryonic
elite sector into a more viable Black elite that fashioned linkages
with the lives of the Black masses. The main analytical issue now is to discuss
today’s Black elite’s
outreach-to-Black-masses-leadership profile in regard to what I
call the crisis-development fault line facing 40% of African-American
households in the post-Civil Rights Movement period. We must first
describe the general features of class patterns among African-Americans
Blacks’ Crisis-Development Fault Line in
the 21st Century
We can classify today’s African-American social
system into a
two-tier African-American class system. Accordingly, I
would categorize the upper-tier as a “mobile-stratum”, made up
of middle-class, professional class, and capitalist class African-American
households. And I would categorize the lower-tier as a “static-stratum”,
made up of weak working-class and poor African-American households.
Today, the upper-tier or “mobile-stratum” constitutes 60% of all
African-American households. On the other hand, the lower-tier
or “static-stratum” constitutes 40% of all African-American households.
This “mobile-stratum”/”static-stratum” classification of today’s
early 21st century African-American class system corresponds to
an analysis by Andrew Billingsley of Black America’s social class
pattern for the National Urban League’s 1990 annual volume – State
of Black America 1990 ( 1990).
TABLE V presents Billingsley’s data.
Table V

to view larger and printer friendly table
Source: Andrew Billingsley, “Understanding African American
Family Diversity,” in Lee A. Daniels, ed., State of Black
America 1990 (National Urban League,1990)

Billingsley’s top-three class categories: upper class (9%),
middle class (27%), and working-class non-poor (34%) – approximate
what I call today’s “mobile-stratum” among African-American households.
His bottom-two categories – a combination of working-class poor
and underclass (28%) – approximate what I call today’s “static-stratum” among
African-American households. Accordingly, in overall terms I
would classify 40% of today’s African-American households belonging
to the “static-stratum,” and 60% of African-American households
belonging to the “mobile-stratum.”
We should mention, however, that the important
advances during the post-Civil Rights Movement era in new middle-class
and professional
jobs for African-Americans have resulted in checkered advances
in the Black/White income and wealth gap. As a major analyst
of African-Americans’ income and wealth patterns, Professor Thomas
Shapiro of Brandeis University, informs us in his important study The
Hidden Cost of Being African American (2004):
”The black-white earnings gap narrowed considerably
throughout the 1960s and 1970s. The earnings gap has [however]
remained relatively stable since then, with inequality rising
again in the 1980s and closing once more during tight labor markets
in the 1990s. The average black family earned 55 cents for every
dollar earned by the average white family in 1989; by 2000 it
reached an all-time high of 64 cents on the dollar. For black
men working full-time, the gains are more impressive, as their
wages reached 67 percent of those of fully employed white men,
up from 62 percent in 1989 and only 50 percent in 1960.” (p.7)
Furthermore, Thomas Shapiro’s research found that job-market
advancement for middle-class and professional African-Americans
has produced only marginal changes in the overall Black/White
wealth gap. This is the gap in overall assets held by Black families
and White families. At the dawn of the 21st century, Shapiro’s
research found that:
”The average African American family holds
10 cents of wealth for every dollar that whites possess. Black
and white professionals in the same occupation earning the same
salary typically move through life with significantly unequal
housing, residential, and educational prospects, which means
that their children are not really on the same playing field. …Connecting
the thorny dots of racial inequality means no less than confronting
our historical legacy of vast material inequality, massive residential
segregation, and wide gaps in education conditions.” (pp. x,
Thus, it is clear that it has been the new “mobile-stratum” African-American
households that have benefited most from the overall advances
for Blacks in the post-Civil Rights Movement era. This means,
in turn, that numerous problems continue to shackle the life
conditions of “static-stratum” African-American families.
Problem-Spheres Facing Poor African-Americans
We can identify three main problem-spheres
that make up the substance of the crisis-development fault
line among 40% of
African-American households today:
l) Family Structure/Poverty Problem-Sphere
Fundamental to the family structure/poverty
problem-sphere faced by African-Americans in the “static-stratum” is the weak and
sometimes non-existent job-market available to them. That’s been
proved again and again – most recently in 1999-2000 when, as
White unemployment fell to 4.2%, its lowest level in three decades,
the Black unemployment rate sank to an historic low of 7%. It
reached that level because poor Blacks, and especially poor Black
males, had rushed to take the low-wage service sector jobs which,
thanks to the powerful dynamic of job-creation during the Clinton
Administrations of the 1990s, had opened up to them.

That was confirmed by a national study of
more than 300 metropolitan areas by the National Bureau of
Economic Research, a Massachusetts-based think
tank. It found that because the nation’s long period of prosperity
had opened up jobs at the bottom of the occupational ladder,
Black males age 16 to 24 with a high school education or less,
were working in greater numbers and earning bigger paychecks
than ever before.
We must note, however, that the tragedy for
Black America’s “static-stratum” is
that such “good times” – let’s call them – are an anomaly. But
for the 1999-2000 period, the overall unemployment rate for African-Americans
since the 1960s has continually fluctuated between 8% and 12%
- twice the national rate. Moreover, Black youth faced unemployment levels
at least twice as high. Today, the overall Black unemployment rate
is back in double digits – hovering between 10% and 11%. These
high levels of unemployment have inevitably led to sizable rates
of poverty, and a grinding pressure on African-Americans at the
bottom of the social ladder.
The Black poverty rate was nothing short
of massive as the Civil Rights Movement reached its height
in the late 1960s – nearly
42% in 1966, compared to a national rate of 14.7%. Such “Great
Society” policies of the Johnson Administration as job-training
and affirmative action slowly helped mitigate Black poverty in
the succeeding decade until the rate leveled off at 32% for much
of the 1980s. The long period of a booming economy during the
1990s brought it down even further, and today the poverty rate
stands at 24.4% of African-American households, compared to 29%
Latino-American households and a national rate of 12.5%.
A U.S. Census Bureau occupation survey in
2002 reported that low-paying jobs at the bottom of the American
occupational ladder
(with the exception of “farming, forestry, fishing”) accounted
for 4,163,000 Black workers or 28.2% of all employed African-Americans.
The overarching disability faced by such “static-stratum” African-Americans
is that of weak family patterns. Professor Andrew Billingsley’s
study for the National Urban League’s State of Black America
1990 provided data showing that working-class poor Black
households had a 67% single-parent rate and underclass Black
households had 75% single-parent rate. This fragile family pattern
means, moreover, that over 60% of African-American children are
being raised in economically distressed single-parent households.
These weak family patterns among the 40% “static-stratum” African-American
households appear even worse when they are contrasted with family
patterns among “mobile-stratum” African-Americans. For instance,
in the upper-class category in Billingsley’s study for
the National Urban League, the 624,000 African-American families
he placed in this category (9% of all Black families) had 96%
husband/wife pattern. And the 2,000,000 African-American families
Billingsley placed in the middle-class category (27% of
all black families) had 83% husband/wife pattern.
Thus, there is no doubt about the burden
of the family structure/poverty problem-sphere for the 40% “static-stratum” among
African-Americans. Should anyone have any doubt, just note
that according to a study
released in June 2004 by Family
USA, some 40% of African-Americans are without health insurance
(60% for Latino-Americans) and most of these African-Americans
inhabit the “static-stratum.” This predicament, by the way, exacerbates
the dreadful health and medical circumstances the poorest African-Americans
endure, such as the fact that African-American babies are likely
to die at three-times the rate of White babies, and African-American
and Latino children under five are hospitalized for asthma at
more than three times the rate for White children under five.
A graphic view of the social deficiencies faced by poverty-level
African American families was presented by the African-American
columnist Eugene Robinson in the Washington Post (March
4, 2005), where he critiques the cynical use by President
George W. Bush of death rates among Black males to defend the
Republican party’s reactionary attack on Social Security. As
Eugene Robinson observed:
”Black men in America, statistically, do die six years sooner
than white men. [But] that’s irrelevant to the Social Security
discussion, because most of those excess [black] deaths occur
earlier in life, but its still a fact – white men live to 75
on average, black men to 69.
”So let’s fix it, Mr. President. According to health statistics
your administration published last year, one big factor is
that infant and neonatal mortality rates for black Americans
nearly three times those for whites. A lot of black baby boys
never make it out of the hospital. Let’s start with that.
”Why would infant mortality in black America be nearly twice
as high as in impoverished, repressed Cuba, to cite one comparison?
For one thing, the mothers of those doomed black baby boys
are twice as likely to be teenagers as the mothers of white
baby boys, and too-young black mothers are twice as likely
to have had no prenatal care. Blacks are less likely to have
health insurance….
”Please, no lectures [from Bush] about personal responsibility
and choice. …I agree we’re all responsible for our decisions,
but nobody gets to choose his parents. Nor do black boys choose,
in much larger numbers than whites, to grow up in single-mother
households, often in desperate, violent, drug-ridden neighborhoods. …That’s
the real reason we black men go to our reward so soon, Mr.
Bush – poverty. According to your figures, 24.1 percent of
black Americans live in poverty vs. 8 percent of whites.”
2) Racist Criminal Justice Problem-Sphere

If we can say that the weak job-market and
unemployment dynamics over the past 30-odd years have stymied
stable social patterns
among African-Americans in the “static-stratum,” we must also
say that the American racist criminal justice system has ravaged
the lives of “static-stratum” African-Americans. Without a doubt, the
past four decades of a corrosive high unemployment rate among
African-Americans – especially young males – created an extremely
destructive dynamic whereby African-American society was beset
by an abnormal number of crime-committers, many pushed into crime
by their condition of social-economic-personal desperation.
This criminal dynamic in Black communities,
in turn, provided a pretext for racist-inspired criminal justice
elements to fashion
a unique post-Civil Rights era American “crime-control system”. Namely,
one whose overwhelming concern has been to use America’s massive
prison system – the largest in any democratic country – to harness
working-class and poor African-American males (working-class
and poor Latino-Americans as well), to render them quiescent
or docile. After three decades existence, this racist-inspired “crime-control
system” has been reinforced by a massive prison-construction
Inevitably, the everyday operation of the post-Civil Rights
era America “crime-control system” has ravaged the lives of working-class
and poor African-Americans through widespread police brutality
and the execution of draconian drug laws, the latter involving
fraudulent arrests and convictions. A survey of the attributes
comprising the racist application of criminal justice to African-Americans
by Professor Manning Marable of Columbia University reported
that at the end of the 1990s there was an astronomical prison-incarceration
for African-Americans. This meant that nearly 50% of prisoners
in federal prisons were African-Americans. Marable observed that
this incarceration rate “even surpassed that experienced by blacks
who still lived under the apartheid regime in South Africa [by
Moreover, the federal-level prison incarceration
rate for African-Americans was replicated at the state level,
especially in states with
large Black populations. Marable used data on New York state,
showing that “In New York, a state in which African Americans
and Latinos comprise 25 percent of the total population, they
represented 83 percent of all state prisoners by 1999….” Marable
especially identified the role of draconian drug laws as part
of the explanation of the high incarceration rate for Blacks
and Latinos in New York, noting that “94 percent of all individuals
[were] convicted on drug offences.”

Marable concluded his discussion by relating
the stark racist dynamics surrounding New York’s incarceration rate for African-Americans
in particular. As Professor Marable put it: “The pattern of racial
bias in these statistics is confirmed by the research of the
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, which found that while African
Americans today [2000] constitute only 14 percent of all drug
users nationally, they are 35 percent of all drug arrests, 55
percent of all convictions, and 75% of all prison admissions
for drug offences.” Thus, it is patently clear, I think, that
the U.S. criminal justice system’s so-called “drug war” facets
alone render it a racist system. How else can the massively race-skewed
arrest, conviction, and incarceration rates be explained? African-American
opposition to the racist features of the criminal justice system
must be raised to the level of a moral imperative. This means
that a major African-American social movement challenge of today’s
racist criminal justice system must be a political imperative
of the 21st century Black elite.
3) Education Opportunity/Performance Problem-Sphere
There are two different sets of data that
provide a stark outline of the education crisis confronting
African-American children
and youth in general, and those of weak-working class and poor
African-American children in particular. One set of data I have
in mind – developed by the NAACP’s education researchers – shows
that in typical public schools attended heavily by Black children
around the country, disproportionate numbers of African-American
children are herded into special education classes and denied
access to gifted or talented classes. Adding insult-to-injury,
as it were, in typical public schools attended heavily by Black
children, disproportionate numbers of these children are also
slapped with suspensions.
Data in TABLE VI – developed by the NAACP
State Data Sheets—Public
Schools (2004) – show a typical instance of these barriers
to adequate education opportunity faced massively by African-American
children around the country, highlighting the situation in Alabama.
Table VI

to view larger and printer friendly table
NAACP Researchers’ Commentary:
"As the chart [Table] shows, 1 in 3
public school students in the state is African American. Yet
according to the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for
Civil Rights, almost 1 in 2 students in special education and
almost 2 in 3 students suspended is African American. When
it comes to high-level courses, white students are far more
likely than African-American students to be placed in gifted
and talented programs. These disparities block too many African
American youth from the rigorous curriculum and high quality
instruction that will close the achievement gap."
Source: NAACP State Data Sheets—Public
Schools (Baltimore:
NAACP National Office, 2004) p. 1.
It should be noted, however, that the education
opportunity-gap situation for African-American children in
Alabama as of 2004
was not the worst. The Alabama situation is actually average
in comparison with other states, with Mississippi holding up
the hind-post. And, of course, in virtually no school system
attended heavily by African-American children are adequate
public funds provided, this being a core problem underlying
the broader education-opportunity gap facing millions of African-American
In regard to the education-performance
problem-sphere facing African-American children, another
set of data can enlighten
us on this issue. An overall national view of the education-performance
problem-sphere was provided by data on nationwide proficiency
tests released by the National Center for Education Statistics
in November 2003 – the so-called Nation’s Report Card. It showed
that while 41% of White public school pupils in the fourth
and fifth grades were proficient in reading (up from 35% a
decade earlier) only 13% of Black public school pupils in fourth
and fifth grades were proficient in reading (up from 8% a decade
earlier). As for Latino fourth and fifth graders, about 15%
were proficient in reading, up from 13% in 1992.
Bad as the education-performance problem facing African-American
children is, keep in mind that the education-performance problem
is bad nationally and requires a major national-level policy
and resources response, as the education expert Diane Ravitch
observed recently in The New York Times (March 15, 2005):
”…American student performance is appalling.
Only a minority of students – whether in 4th, 8th or 12th grade – reach
proficiency as measured by the Education Department’s National
Assessment of Educational Progress. On a scale that has three
levels – basic, proficient and advanced – most students score
at the basic level or even below basic in every subject. American
students also perform poorly when compared with their peers
in other developed countries on tests of mathematics and science,
and many other nations now have a higher proportion of their
students completing high school.”
While solutions to the combined education-opportunity/education-performance
problem-sphere facing African-American children do not lie
around the corner, so to speak, guidelines for solutions to
the education-performance problems are, I think, available. Indeed,
I suggest that potential guidelines in this regard are crying-out
to be seized upon and fashioned as blueprints for nationwide
application to schools heavily attended by African-American
children. These guidelines are suggested by selected instances
of expanding viable education achievement for working-class
and poor African-American children presented in the valuable NAACP
State Data Sheets—Public Schools (2004). I summarize these
selected instances in TABLE VII which shows data relating to
seven elementary schools with all-Black or majority Black students,
the vast majority of whom are from low-income families.
Table VII

to view larger and printer friendly table
In five of these elementary
schools, the Black students’ performance was – on the lowest side (Leland Elementary
in Chicago) – better than 73% of all elementary schools throughout
Illinois, and – on the highest side (Horace Norton Elementary
in Gary) – better then 96% of elementary schools in Indiana. And
in six of the elementary schools listed in TABLE VII, the Black
students’ performance in reading tests was 80%-plus better
than performance in reading tests throughout their respective
Black Children’s Achievement Breakthroughs:
A Boston Example

Guidelines for solutions to the education-performance
problem-sphere are also suggested by data on academic achievement
in 2004
by African-American youth of low-income backgrounds who attend
the Roxbury Preparatory Charter School in Boston, Massachusetts. Shown
in TABLE VIII, these data – reported in Boston’s weekly African-American
newspaper, Bay State Banner – relate to a middle-school
of 190 mainly African-American children, some 66% of whom qualify
federal free and reduced price lunch program.
Table VIII
IN BOSTON, 2004*

to view larger and printer friendly table
Perhaps what was most
spectacular about
this mainly African-American middle-school students’ 2004
tests achievements was the
three-sided comparative victory over (1) middle-school
students in affluent suburbs (Belmont, Andover, Brookline,
etc.), (2) the vast majority of middle-school students
statewide, and (3) Boston public middle-school students.
As the Bay State Banner report on this three-sided comparative
victory in test scores by Roxbury Preparatory Charter School
students observed:
Roxbury Prep students scored [overall] advanced or proficient
than students in[upper
middle-class] Belmont (72%), Andover (71%), and Brookline
(67%). Roxbury Prep outperformed 414 of the 447 schools
in the state on the 8th grade math test. On
8th grade science test, Roxbury Prep had the
highest percentage of students scoring advanced or proficient
(45%)…of any public school in Boston with the exception
of the [exam-based] Boston Latin School."
The foregoing spectacular
data on the academic achievement in reading, math, and
science by mainly African-American
students of low-income background at Roxbury Preparatory
School in Boston’s African-American community suggest,
I think, a fundamental lesson for solutions to the education-opportunity
and education-performance problem-sphere facing African-American
children. Namely, that the pedagogical and education-regime
processes that function successfully in Roxbury Preparatory
School, along with those pedagogical and education-regime
processes functioning in elementary schools reported in
TABLE VII, should be translated into guideposts or blueprints
for a nationwide academic-performance breakthrough in
public schools attended by African-American children. I
might also add schools attended by Latino-American children
and some working-class White children, too.
Translating the outstanding pedagogical and education-regime
processes associated with successful schools like Central
Park Elementary in Birmingham and Roxbury Preparatory Charter
School in Boston requires that their processes be closely
studied and then codified. In so doing, these schools’ outstanding
pedagogical and education-regime processes can become guideposts
or blueprints for thousands of schools nationwide attended
by African-American children. To this end, leading civil
rights and education advocacy organizations (e.g., NAACP,
National Urban League, National Council of Negro Women,
Children’s Defense Fund) along with scholars at graduate
teachers or education schools could launch studies to codify
the successful pedagogical and education-regimes that function
successfully in schools like Roxbury Preparatory School. The
scholars I have in mind who could undertake studies to
codify these schools’ successful education-regimes include
Linda Hammonds at Stanford University, Sara Lightfoot and
Charles Willie at Harvard School of Education, and Vincent
P. Franklin and George C. Bond at Columbia University’s
Teachers College.
Concluding Note
We must note, however,
that in order to find solutions to the education-opportunity
and education-performance
problem-sphere confronting African-American children, a
major liberal reformation in the systemic interface between
today’s American society and the African-American working-class
and poor sector is necessary. The systemic transformation
I have in mind will entail, in fact, a progressive reformation
of today’s cynical plutocratic corporatist American economic
processes, on the one hand, and the Republican-party dominated
oligarchic federal governance, on the other hand.
No doubt some facet of
the Democratic party – with African-Americans
functioning as its most consistent liberal voter constituency – must
initiate this liberal reformation. An idea of how important
a liberal systemic reformation is to education-opportunity
and education-performance advancement for African-American
children is suggested in a recent observation by Michael
Males – a sociologist who studies American youth – that
responded to Bill Cosby’s tirade against working-class
African-American youth. As quoted in The New York Times (July
11, 2004), Michael Males observed that:
”Younger black America today is struggling
admirably against massive disinvestments in schools, terrible
unemployment, harsh policing and degrading prejudices….
They deserve respect, not grown-up tantrums.”
Dr. Martin Kilson is
Frank G. Thomson Research Professor at Harvard University.
Part Three of this three-part series will appear on
April 21, 2005.